blob: f7e360f7440bc43b238cf8acb86840c89e8e83ba [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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// Package remote contains implementations of the TestSuite interface, which specify
// how to run various node test suites remotely.
package remote
import (
// TestSuite is the interface of a test suite, such as node e2e, node conformance,
// node soaking, cri validation etc.
type TestSuite interface {
// SetupTestPackage setup the test package in the given directory. TestSuite
// should put all necessary binaries and dependencies into the path. The caller
// will:
// * create a tarball with the directory.
// * deploy the tarball to the testing host.
// * untar the tarball to the testing workspace on the testing host.
SetupTestPackage(path, systemSpecName string) error
// RunTest runs test on the node in the given workspace and returns test output
// and test error if there is any.
// * host is the target node to run the test.
// * workspace is the directory on the testing host the test is running in. Note
// that the test package is unpacked in the workspace before running the test.
// * results is the directory the test should write result into. All logs should be
// saved as *.log, all junit file should start with junit*.
// * imageDesc is the description of the image the test is running on.
// It will be used for logging purpose only.
// * junitFilePrefix is the prefix of output junit file.
// * testArgs is the arguments passed to test.
// * ginkgoArgs is the arguments passed to ginkgo.
// * systemSpecName is the name of the system spec used for validating the
// image on which the test runs.
// * timeout is the test timeout.
RunTest(host, workspace, results, imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, testArgs, ginkgoArgs, systemSpecName string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error)