blob: c7d6874a37e28fc170ffb506bb7c23b797c11c55 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package framework
import (
metav1 ""
utilruntime ""
clientset ""
type ResourceConstraint struct {
CPUConstraint float64
MemoryConstraint uint64
type SingleContainerSummary struct {
Name string
Cpu float64
Mem uint64
// we can't have int here, as JSON does not accept integer keys.
type ResourceUsageSummary map[string][]SingleContainerSummary
const NoCPUConstraint = math.MaxFloat64
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) PrintHumanReadable() string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(buf, 1, 0, 1, ' ', 0)
for perc, summaries := range *s {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v percentile:\n", perc))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "container\tcpu(cores)\tmemory(MB)\n")
for _, summary := range summaries {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q\t%.3f\t%.2f\n", summary.Name, summary.Cpu, float64(summary.Mem)/(1024*1024))
return buf.String()
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) PrintJSON() string {
return PrettyPrintJSON(*s)
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) SummaryKind() string {
return "ResourceUsageSummary"
func computePercentiles(timeSeries []ResourceUsagePerContainer, percentilesToCompute []int) map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer {
if len(timeSeries) == 0 {
return make(map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer)
dataMap := make(map[string]*usageDataPerContainer)
for i := range timeSeries {
for name, data := range timeSeries[i] {
if dataMap[name] == nil {
dataMap[name] = &usageDataPerContainer{
cpuData: make([]float64, 0, len(timeSeries)),
memUseData: make([]uint64, 0, len(timeSeries)),
memWorkSetData: make([]uint64, 0, len(timeSeries)),
dataMap[name].cpuData = append(dataMap[name].cpuData, data.CPUUsageInCores)
dataMap[name].memUseData = append(dataMap[name].memUseData, data.MemoryUsageInBytes)
dataMap[name].memWorkSetData = append(dataMap[name].memWorkSetData, data.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes)
for _, v := range dataMap {
result := make(map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for _, perc := range percentilesToCompute {
data := make(ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for k, v := range dataMap {
percentileIndex := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(v.cpuData)*perc)/100)) - 1
data[k] = &ContainerResourceUsage{
Name: k,
CPUUsageInCores: v.cpuData[percentileIndex],
MemoryUsageInBytes: v.memUseData[percentileIndex],
MemoryWorkingSetInBytes: v.memWorkSetData[percentileIndex],
result[perc] = data
return result
func leftMergeData(left, right map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer) map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer {
result := make(map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for percentile, data := range left {
result[percentile] = data
if _, ok := right[percentile]; !ok {
for k, v := range right[percentile] {
result[percentile][k] = v
return result
type resourceGatherWorker struct {
c clientset.Interface
nodeName string
wg *sync.WaitGroup
containerIDs []string
stopCh chan struct{}
dataSeries []ResourceUsagePerContainer
finished bool
inKubemark bool
resourceDataGatheringPeriod time.Duration
probeDuration time.Duration
printVerboseLogs bool
func (w *resourceGatherWorker) singleProbe() {
data := make(ResourceUsagePerContainer)
if w.inKubemark {
kubemarkData := GetKubemarkMasterComponentsResourceUsage()
if data == nil {
for k, v := range kubemarkData {
data[k] = &ContainerResourceUsage{
Name: v.Name,
MemoryWorkingSetInBytes: v.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes,
CPUUsageInCores: v.CPUUsageInCores,
} else {
nodeUsage, err := getOneTimeResourceUsageOnNode(w.c, w.nodeName, w.probeDuration, func() []string { return w.containerIDs })
if err != nil {
Logf("Error while reading data from %v: %v", w.nodeName, err)
for k, v := range nodeUsage {
data[k] = v
if w.printVerboseLogs {
Logf("Get container %v usage on node %v. CPUUsageInCores: %v, MemoryUsageInBytes: %v, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes: %v", k, w.nodeName, v.CPUUsageInCores, v.MemoryUsageInBytes, v.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes)
w.dataSeries = append(w.dataSeries, data)
func (w *resourceGatherWorker) gather(initialSleep time.Duration) {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
defer w.wg.Done()
defer Logf("Closing worker for %v", w.nodeName)
defer func() { w.finished = true }()
select {
case <-time.After(initialSleep):
for {
select {
case <-time.After(w.resourceDataGatheringPeriod):
case <-w.stopCh:
case <-w.stopCh:
type ContainerResourceGatherer struct {
client clientset.Interface
stopCh chan struct{}
workers []resourceGatherWorker
workerWg sync.WaitGroup
containerIDs []string
options ResourceGathererOptions
type ResourceGathererOptions struct {
InKubemark bool
Nodes NodesSet
ResourceDataGatheringPeriod time.Duration
ProbeDuration time.Duration
PrintVerboseLogs bool
type NodesSet int
const (
AllNodes NodesSet = 0 // All containers on all nodes
MasterNodes NodesSet = 1 // All containers on Master nodes only
MasterAndDNSNodes NodesSet = 2 // All containers on Master nodes and DNS containers on other nodes
func NewResourceUsageGatherer(c clientset.Interface, options ResourceGathererOptions, pods *v1.PodList) (*ContainerResourceGatherer, error) {
g := ContainerResourceGatherer{
client: c,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
containerIDs: make([]string, 0),
options: options,
if options.InKubemark {
g.workers = append(g.workers, resourceGatherWorker{
inKubemark: true,
stopCh: g.stopCh,
wg: &g.workerWg,
finished: false,
resourceDataGatheringPeriod: options.ResourceDataGatheringPeriod,
probeDuration: options.ProbeDuration,
printVerboseLogs: options.PrintVerboseLogs,
} else {
// Tracks kube-system pods if no valid PodList is passed in.
var err error
if pods == nil {
pods, err = c.CoreV1().Pods("kube-system").List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
Logf("Error while listing Pods: %v", err)
return nil, err
dnsNodes := make(map[string]bool)
for _, pod := range pods.Items {
if (options.Nodes == MasterNodes) && !system.IsMasterNode(pod.Spec.NodeName) {
if (options.Nodes == MasterAndDNSNodes) && !system.IsMasterNode(pod.Spec.NodeName) && pod.Labels["k8s-app"] != "kube-dns" {
for _, container := range pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses {
g.containerIDs = append(g.containerIDs, container.Name)
for _, container := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
g.containerIDs = append(g.containerIDs, container.Name)
if options.Nodes == MasterAndDNSNodes {
dnsNodes[pod.Spec.NodeName] = true
nodeList, err := c.CoreV1().Nodes().List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
Logf("Error while listing Nodes: %v", err)
return nil, err
for _, node := range nodeList.Items {
if options.Nodes == AllNodes || system.IsMasterNode(node.Name) || dnsNodes[node.Name] {
g.workers = append(g.workers, resourceGatherWorker{
c: c,
nodeName: node.Name,
wg: &g.workerWg,
containerIDs: g.containerIDs,
stopCh: g.stopCh,
finished: false,
inKubemark: false,
resourceDataGatheringPeriod: options.ResourceDataGatheringPeriod,
probeDuration: options.ProbeDuration,
printVerboseLogs: options.PrintVerboseLogs,
if options.Nodes == MasterNodes {
return &g, nil
// StartGatheringData starts a stat gathering worker blocks for each node to track,
// and blocks until StopAndSummarize is called.
func (g *ContainerResourceGatherer) StartGatheringData() {
if len(g.workers) == 0 {
delayPeriod := g.options.ResourceDataGatheringPeriod / time.Duration(len(g.workers))
delay := time.Duration(0)
for i := range g.workers {
go g.workers[i].gather(delay)
delay += delayPeriod
// StopAndSummarize stops stat gathering workers, processes the collected stats,
// generates resource summary for the passed-in percentiles, and returns the summary.
// It returns an error if the resource usage at any percentile is beyond the
// specified resource constraints.
func (g *ContainerResourceGatherer) StopAndSummarize(percentiles []int, constraints map[string]ResourceConstraint) (*ResourceUsageSummary, error) {
Logf("Closed stop channel. Waiting for %v workers", len(g.workers))
finished := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
finished <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-finished:
Logf("Waitgroup finished.")
case <-time.After(2 * time.Minute):
unfinished := make([]string, 0)
for i := range g.workers {
if !g.workers[i].finished {
unfinished = append(unfinished, g.workers[i].nodeName)
Logf("Timed out while waiting for waitgroup, some workers failed to finish: %v", unfinished)
if len(percentiles) == 0 {
Logf("Warning! Empty percentile list for stopAndPrintData.")
return &ResourceUsageSummary{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get any resource usage data")
data := make(map[int]ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for i := range g.workers {
if g.workers[i].finished {
stats := computePercentiles(g.workers[i].dataSeries, percentiles)
data = leftMergeData(stats, data)
// Workers has been stopped. We need to gather data stored in them.
sortedKeys := []string{}
for name := range data[percentiles[0]] {
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, name)
violatedConstraints := make([]string, 0)
summary := make(ResourceUsageSummary)
for _, perc := range percentiles {
for _, name := range sortedKeys {
usage := data[perc][name]
summary[strconv.Itoa(perc)] = append(summary[strconv.Itoa(perc)], SingleContainerSummary{
Name: name,
Cpu: usage.CPUUsageInCores,
Mem: usage.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes,
// Verifying 99th percentile of resource usage
if perc == 99 {
// Name has a form: <pod_name>/<container_name>
containerName := strings.Split(name, "/")[1]
if constraint, ok := constraints[containerName]; ok {
if usage.CPUUsageInCores > constraint.CPUConstraint {
violatedConstraints = append(
fmt.Sprintf("Container %v is using %v/%v CPU",
if usage.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes > constraint.MemoryConstraint {
violatedConstraints = append(
fmt.Sprintf("Container %v is using %v/%v MB of memory",
if len(violatedConstraints) > 0 {
return &summary, fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(violatedConstraints, "\n"))
return &summary, nil