blob: b14ab341b0865a266a5ddfd97f72e1206b917bea [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package flowcontrol
import (
func TestSlowBackoff(t *testing.T) {
id := "_idSlow"
tc := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
step := time.Second
maxDuration := 50 * step
b := NewFakeBackOff(step, maxDuration, tc)
cases := []time.Duration{0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 50, 50, 50}
for ix, c := range cases {
w := b.Get(id)
if w != c*step {
t.Errorf("input: '%d': expected %s, got %s", ix, c*step, w)
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
//Now confirm that the Reset cancels backoff.
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
if b.Get(id) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Reset didn't clear the backoff.")
func TestBackoffReset(t *testing.T) {
id := "_idReset"
tc := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
step := time.Second
maxDuration := step * 5
b := NewFakeBackOff(step, maxDuration, tc)
startTime := tc.Now()
// get to backoff = maxDuration
for i := 0; i <= int(maxDuration/step); i++ {
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
// backoff should be capped at maxDuration
if !b.IsInBackOffSince(id, tc.Now()) {
t.Errorf("expected to be in Backoff got %s", b.Get(id))
lastUpdate := tc.Now()
tc.Step(2*maxDuration + step) // time += 11s, 11 > 2*maxDuration
if b.IsInBackOffSince(id, lastUpdate) {
t.Errorf("expected to not be in Backoff after reset (start=%s, now=%s, lastUpdate=%s), got %s", startTime, tc.Now(), lastUpdate, b.Get(id))
func TestBackoffHighWaterMark(t *testing.T) {
id := "_idHiWaterMark"
tc := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
step := time.Second
maxDuration := 5 * step
b := NewFakeBackOff(step, maxDuration, tc)
// get to backoff = maxDuration
for i := 0; i <= int(maxDuration/step); i++ {
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
// backoff high watermark expires after 2*maxDuration
tc.Step(maxDuration + step)
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
if b.Get(id) != maxDuration {
t.Errorf("expected Backoff to stay at high watermark %s got %s", maxDuration, b.Get(id))
func TestBackoffGC(t *testing.T) {
id := "_idGC"
tc := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
step := time.Second
maxDuration := 5 * step
b := NewFakeBackOff(step, maxDuration, tc)
for i := 0; i <= int(maxDuration/step); i++ {
b.Next(id, tc.Now())
lastUpdate := tc.Now()
tc.Step(maxDuration + step)
_, found := b.perItemBackoff[id]
if !found {
t.Errorf("expected GC to skip entry, elapsed time=%s maxDuration=%s", tc.Now().Sub(lastUpdate), maxDuration)
tc.Step(maxDuration + step)
r, found := b.perItemBackoff[id]
if found {
t.Errorf("expected GC of entry after %s got entry %v", tc.Now().Sub(lastUpdate), r)
func TestIsInBackOffSinceUpdate(t *testing.T) {
id := "_idIsInBackOffSinceUpdate"
tc := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
step := time.Second
maxDuration := 10 * step
b := NewFakeBackOff(step, maxDuration, tc)
startTime := tc.Now()
cases := []struct {
tick time.Duration
inBackOff bool
value int
{tick: 0, inBackOff: false, value: 0},
{tick: 1, inBackOff: false, value: 1},
{tick: 2, inBackOff: true, value: 2},
{tick: 3, inBackOff: false, value: 2},
{tick: 4, inBackOff: true, value: 4},
{tick: 5, inBackOff: true, value: 4},
{tick: 6, inBackOff: true, value: 4},
{tick: 7, inBackOff: false, value: 4},
{tick: 8, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 9, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 10, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 11, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 12, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 13, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 14, inBackOff: true, value: 8},
{tick: 15, inBackOff: false, value: 8},
{tick: 16, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 17, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 18, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 19, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 20, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 21, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 22, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 23, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 24, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 25, inBackOff: false, value: 10},
{tick: 26, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 27, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 28, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 29, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 30, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 31, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 32, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 33, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 34, inBackOff: true, value: 10},
{tick: 35, inBackOff: false, value: 10},
{tick: 56, inBackOff: false, value: 0},
{tick: 57, inBackOff: false, value: 1},
for _, c := range cases {
tc.SetTime(startTime.Add(c.tick * step))
if c.inBackOff != b.IsInBackOffSinceUpdate(id, tc.Now()) {
t.Errorf("expected IsInBackOffSinceUpdate %v got %v at tick %s", c.inBackOff, b.IsInBackOffSinceUpdate(id, tc.Now()), c.tick*step)
if c.inBackOff && (time.Duration(c.value)*step != b.Get(id)) {
t.Errorf("expected backoff value=%s got %s at tick %s", time.Duration(c.value)*step, b.Get(id), c.tick*step)
if !c.inBackOff {
b.Next(id, tc.Now())