blob: 757b386861197ee0226cb6c10d1b978e5aa15233 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package node
import (
rbacv1 ""
utilfeature ""
csiv1alpha1 ""
coordapi ""
api ""
storageapi ""
// NodeAuthorizer authorizes requests from kubelets, with the following logic:
// 1. If a request is not from a node (NodeIdentity() returns isNode=false), reject
// 2. If a specific node cannot be identified (NodeIdentity() returns nodeName=""), reject
// 3. If a request is for a secret, configmap, persistent volume or persistent volume claim, reject unless the verb is get, and the requested object is related to the requesting node:
// node <- configmap
// node <- pod
// node <- pod <- secret
// node <- pod <- configmap
// node <- pod <- pvc
// node <- pod <- pvc <- pv
// node <- pod <- pvc <- pv <- secret
// 4. For other resources, authorize all nodes uniformly using statically defined rules
type NodeAuthorizer struct {
graph *Graph
identifier nodeidentifier.NodeIdentifier
nodeRules []rbacv1.PolicyRule
// allows overriding for testing
features utilfeature.FeatureGate
// NewAuthorizer returns a new node authorizer
func NewAuthorizer(graph *Graph, identifier nodeidentifier.NodeIdentifier, rules []rbacv1.PolicyRule) authorizer.Authorizer {
return &NodeAuthorizer{
graph: graph,
identifier: identifier,
nodeRules: rules,
features: utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate,
var (
configMapResource = api.Resource("configmaps")
secretResource = api.Resource("secrets")
pvcResource = api.Resource("persistentvolumeclaims")
pvResource = api.Resource("persistentvolumes")
vaResource = storageapi.Resource("volumeattachments")
svcAcctResource = api.Resource("serviceaccounts")
leaseResource = coordapi.Resource("leases")
csiNodeInfoResource = csiv1alpha1.Resource("csinodeinfos")
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) Authorize(attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
nodeName, isNode := r.identifier.NodeIdentity(attrs.GetUser())
if !isNode {
// reject requests from non-nodes
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "", nil
if len(nodeName) == 0 {
// reject requests from unidentifiable nodes
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: unknown node for user %q", attrs.GetUser().GetName())
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("unknown node for user %q", attrs.GetUser().GetName()), nil
// subdivide access to specific resources
if attrs.IsResourceRequest() {
requestResource := schema.GroupResource{Group: attrs.GetAPIGroup(), Resource: attrs.GetResource()}
switch requestResource {
case secretResource:
return r.authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName, secretVertexType, attrs)
case configMapResource:
return r.authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName, configMapVertexType, attrs)
case pvcResource:
if r.features.Enabled(features.ExpandPersistentVolumes) {
if attrs.GetSubresource() == "status" {
return r.authorizeStatusUpdate(nodeName, pvcVertexType, attrs)
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, pvcVertexType, attrs)
case pvResource:
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, pvVertexType, attrs)
case vaResource:
if r.features.Enabled(features.CSIPersistentVolume) {
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, vaVertexType, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("disabled by feature gate %s", features.CSIPersistentVolume), nil
case svcAcctResource:
if r.features.Enabled(features.TokenRequest) {
return r.authorizeCreateToken(nodeName, serviceAccountVertexType, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("disabled by feature gate %s", features.TokenRequest), nil
case leaseResource:
if r.features.Enabled(features.NodeLease) {
return r.authorizeLease(nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("disabled by feature gate %s", features.NodeLease), nil
case csiNodeInfoResource:
if r.features.Enabled(features.KubeletPluginsWatcher) && r.features.Enabled(features.CSINodeInfo) {
return r.authorizeCSINodeInfo(nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("disabled by feature gates %s and %s", features.KubeletPluginsWatcher, features.CSINodeInfo), nil
// Access to other resources is not subdivided, so just evaluate against the statically defined node rules
if rbac.RulesAllow(attrs, r.nodeRules...) {
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "", nil
// authorizeStatusUpdate authorizes get/update/patch requests to status subresources of the specified type if they are related to the specified node
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeStatusUpdate(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
switch attrs.GetVerb() {
case "update", "patch":
// ok
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only get/update/patch this type", nil
if attrs.GetSubresource() != "status" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only update status subresource", nil
return r.authorize(nodeName, startingType, attrs)
// authorizeGet authorizes "get" requests to objects of the specified type if they are related to the specified node
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeGet(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
if attrs.GetVerb() != "get" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only get individual resources of this type", nil
if len(attrs.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "cannot get subresource", nil
return r.authorize(nodeName, startingType, attrs)
// authorizeReadNamespacedObject authorizes "get", "list" and "watch" requests to single objects of a
// specified types if they are related to the specified node.
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
if attrs.GetVerb() != "get" && attrs.GetVerb() != "list" && attrs.GetVerb() != "watch" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only read resources of this type", nil
if len(attrs.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "cannot read subresource", nil
if len(attrs.GetNamespace()) == 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only read namespaced object of this type", nil
return r.authorize(nodeName, startingType, attrs)
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorize(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
if len(attrs.GetName()) == 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "No Object name found", nil
ok, err := r.hasPathFrom(nodeName, startingType, attrs.GetNamespace(), attrs.GetName())
if err != nil {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %v", err)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "no path found to object", nil
if !ok {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %q %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "no path found to object", nil
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
// authorizeCreateToken authorizes "create" requests to serviceaccounts 'token'
// subresource of pods running on a node
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeCreateToken(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
if attrs.GetVerb() != "create" || len(attrs.GetName()) == 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only create tokens for individual service accounts", nil
if attrs.GetSubresource() != "token" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only create token subresource of serviceaccount", nil
ok, err := r.hasPathFrom(nodeName, startingType, attrs.GetNamespace(), attrs.GetName())
if err != nil {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %v", err)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "no path found to object", nil
if !ok {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %q %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "no path found to object", nil
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
// authorizeLease authorizes node requests to
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeLease(nodeName string, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
// allowed verbs: get, create, update, patch, delete
verb := attrs.GetVerb()
if verb != "get" &&
verb != "create" &&
verb != "update" &&
verb != "patch" &&
verb != "delete" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only get, create, update, patch, or delete a node lease", nil
// the request must be against the system namespace reserved for node leases
if attrs.GetNamespace() != api.NamespaceNodeLease {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("can only access leases in the %q system namespace", api.NamespaceNodeLease), nil
// the request must come from a node with the same name as the lease
// note we skip this check for create, since the authorizer doesn't know the name on create
// the noderestriction admission plugin is capable of performing this check at create time
if verb != "create" && attrs.GetName() != nodeName {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only access node lease with the same name as the requesting node", nil
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
// authorizeCSINodeInfo authorizes node requests to CSINodeInfo
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeCSINodeInfo(nodeName string, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
// allowed verbs: get, create, update, patch, delete
verb := attrs.GetVerb()
if verb != "get" &&
verb != "create" &&
verb != "update" &&
verb != "patch" &&
verb != "delete" {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only get, create, update, patch, or delete a CSINodeInfo", nil
if len(attrs.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "cannot authorize CSINodeInfo subresources", nil
// the request must come from a node with the same name as the CSINodeInfo
// note we skip this check for create, since the authorizer doesn't know the name on create
// the noderestriction admission plugin is capable of performing this check at create time
if verb != "create" && attrs.GetName() != nodeName {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: %s %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only access CSINodeInfo with the same name as the requesting node", nil
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
// hasPathFrom returns true if there is a directed path from the specified type/namespace/name to the specified Node
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) hasPathFrom(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, startingNamespace, startingName string) (bool, error) {
defer r.graph.lock.RUnlock()
nodeVertex, exists := r.graph.getVertex_rlocked(nodeVertexType, "", nodeName)
if !exists {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown node %q cannot get %s %s/%s", nodeName, vertexTypes[startingType], startingNamespace, startingName)
startingVertex, exists := r.graph.getVertex_rlocked(startingType, startingNamespace, startingName)
if !exists {
return false, fmt.Errorf("node %q cannot get unknown %s %s/%s", nodeName, vertexTypes[startingType], startingNamespace, startingName)
// Fast check to see if we know of a destination edge
if r.graph.destinationEdgeIndex[startingVertex.ID()].has(nodeVertex.ID()) {
return true, nil
found := false
traversal := &traverse.VisitingDepthFirst{
EdgeFilter: func(edge graph.Edge) bool {
if destinationEdge, ok := edge.(*destinationEdge); ok {
if destinationEdge.DestinationID() != nodeVertex.ID() {
// Don't follow edges leading to other nodes
return false
// We found an edge leading to the node we want
found = true
// Visit this edge
return true
traversal.Walk(r.graph.graph, startingVertex, func(n graph.Node) bool {
if n.ID() == nodeVertex.ID() {
// We found the node we want
found = true
// Stop visiting if we've found the node we want
return found
if !found {
return false, fmt.Errorf("node %q cannot get %s %s/%s, no path was found", nodeName, vertexTypes[startingType], startingNamespace, startingName)
return true, nil