blob: 8caba94dbaf42ec1651d6e3f280d7145820d52a2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
package podsecuritypolicy
import (
policy ""
api ""
// Provider provides the implementation to generate a new security
// context based on constraints or validate an existing security context against constraints.
type Provider interface {
// DefaultPodSecurityContext sets the default values of the required but not filled fields.
// It modifies the SecurityContext and annotations of the provided pod.
DefaultPodSecurityContext(pod *api.Pod) error
// DefaultContainerSecurityContext sets the default values of the required but not filled fields.
// It modifies the SecurityContext of the container and annotations of the pod.
DefaultContainerSecurityContext(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container) error
// Ensure a pod is in compliance with the given constraints.
ValidatePod(pod *api.Pod) field.ErrorList
// Ensure a container's SecurityContext is in compliance with the given constraints.
ValidateContainer(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container, containerPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
// Get the name of the PSP that this provider was initialized with.
GetPSPName() string
// StrategyFactory abstracts how the strategies are created from the provider so that you may
// implement your own custom strategies that may pull information from other resources as necessary.
// For example, if you would like to populate the strategies with values from namespace annotations
// you may create a factory with a client that can pull the namespace and populate the appropriate
// values.
type StrategyFactory interface {
// CreateStrategies creates the strategies that a provider will use. The namespace argument
// should be the namespace of the object being checked (the pod's namespace).
CreateStrategies(psp *policy.PodSecurityPolicy, namespace string) (*ProviderStrategies, error)
// ProviderStrategies is a holder for all strategies that the provider requires to be populated.
type ProviderStrategies struct {
RunAsUserStrategy user.RunAsUserStrategy
RunAsGroupStrategy group.GroupStrategy
SELinuxStrategy selinux.SELinuxStrategy
AppArmorStrategy apparmor.Strategy
FSGroupStrategy group.GroupStrategy
SupplementalGroupStrategy group.GroupStrategy
CapabilitiesStrategy capabilities.Strategy
SysctlsStrategy sysctl.SysctlsStrategy
SeccompStrategy seccomp.Strategy