blob: 68a41acb1b9624cbf038ccf9bc695e1cc9fc1dcf [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package stats
import (
cadvisorapiv2 ""
statsapi ""
cadvisortest ""
kubecontainer ""
containertest ""
serverstats ""
func TestRemoveTerminatedContainerInfo(t *testing.T) {
const (
seedPastPod0Infra = 1000
seedPastPod0Container0 = 2000
seedPod0Infra = 3000
seedPod0Container0 = 4000
const (
namespace = "test"
pName0 = "pod0"
cName00 = "c0"
infos := map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo{
// ContainerInfo with past creation time and no CPU/memory usage for
// simulating uncleaned cgroups of already terminated containers, which
// should not be shown in the results.
"/pod0-i-terminated-1": getTerminatedContainerInfo(seedPastPod0Infra, pName0, namespace, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0-terminated-1": getTerminatedContainerInfo(seedPastPod0Container0, pName0, namespace, cName00),
// Same as above but uses the same creation time as the latest
// containers. They are terminated containers, so they should not be in
// the results.
"/pod0-i-terminated-2": getTerminatedContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0-terminated-2": getTerminatedContainerInfo(seedPod0Container0, pName0, namespace, cName00),
// The latest containers, which should be in the results.
"/pod0-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container0, pName0, namespace, cName00),
// Duplicated containers with non-zero CPU and memory usage. This case
// shouldn't happen unless something goes wrong, but we want to test
// that the metrics reporting logic works in this scenario.
"/pod0-i-duplicated": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0-duplicated": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container0, pName0, namespace, cName00),
output := removeTerminatedContainerInfo(infos)
assert.Len(t, output, 4)
for _, c := range []string{"/pod0-i", "/pod0-c0", "/pod0-i-duplicated", "/pod0-c0-duplicated"} {
if _, found := output[c]; !found {
t.Errorf("%q is expected to be in the output\n", c)
func TestCadvisorListPodStats(t *testing.T) {
const (
namespace0 = "test0"
namespace2 = "test2"
const (
seedRoot = 0
seedRuntime = 100
seedKubelet = 200
seedMisc = 300
seedPod0Infra = 1000
seedPod0Container0 = 2000
seedPod0Container1 = 2001
seedPod1Infra = 3000
seedPod1Container = 4000
seedPod2Infra = 5000
seedPod2Container = 6000
seedEphemeralVolume1 = 10000
seedEphemeralVolume2 = 10001
seedPersistentVolume1 = 20000
seedPersistentVolume2 = 20001
const (
pName0 = "pod0"
pName1 = "pod1"
pName2 = "pod0" // ensure pName2 conflicts with pName0, but is in a different namespace
const (
cName00 = "c0"
cName01 = "c1"
cName10 = "c0" // ensure cName10 conflicts with cName02, but is in a different pod
cName20 = "c1" // ensure cName20 conflicts with cName01, but is in a different pod + namespace
const (
rootfsCapacity = uint64(10000000)
rootfsAvailable = uint64(5000000)
rootfsInodesFree = uint64(1000)
rootfsInodes = uint64(2000)
imagefsCapacity = uint64(20000000)
imagefsAvailable = uint64(8000000)
imagefsInodesFree = uint64(2000)
imagefsInodes = uint64(4000)
prf0 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName0, Namespace: namespace0, UID: "UID" + pName0}
prf1 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName1, Namespace: namespace0, UID: "UID" + pName1}
prf2 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName2, Namespace: namespace2, UID: "UID" + pName2}
infos := map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo{
"/": getTestContainerInfo(seedRoot, "", "", ""),
"/docker-daemon": getTestContainerInfo(seedRuntime, "", "", ""),
"/kubelet": getTestContainerInfo(seedKubelet, "", "", ""),
"/system": getTestContainerInfo(seedMisc, "", "", ""),
// Pod0 - Namespace0
"/pod0-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container0, pName0, namespace0, cName00),
"/pod0-c1": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container1, pName0, namespace0, cName01),
// Pod1 - Namespace0
"/pod1-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Infra, pName1, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod1-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Container, pName1, namespace0, cName10),
// Pod2 - Namespace2
"/pod2-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod2Infra, pName2, namespace2, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod2-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod2Container, pName2, namespace2, cName20),
"/kubepods/burstable/podUIDpod0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/kubepods/podUIDpod1": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Infra, pName1, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
freeRootfsInodes := rootfsInodesFree
totalRootfsInodes := rootfsInodes
rootfs := cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo{
Capacity: rootfsCapacity,
Available: rootfsAvailable,
InodesFree: &freeRootfsInodes,
Inodes: &totalRootfsInodes,
freeImagefsInodes := imagefsInodesFree
totalImagefsInodes := imagefsInodes
imagefs := cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo{
Capacity: imagefsCapacity,
Available: imagefsAvailable,
InodesFree: &freeImagefsInodes,
Inodes: &totalImagefsInodes,
// memory limit overrides for each container (used to test available bytes if a memory limit is known)
memoryLimitOverrides := map[string]uint64{
"/": uint64(1 << 30),
"/pod2-c0": uint64(1 << 15),
for name, memoryLimitOverride := range memoryLimitOverrides {
info, found := infos[name]
if !found {
t.Errorf("No container defined with name %v", name)
info.Spec.Memory.Limit = memoryLimitOverride
infos[name] = info
options := cadvisorapiv2.RequestOptions{
IdType: cadvisorapiv2.TypeName,
Count: 2,
Recursive: true,
mockCadvisor := new(cadvisortest.Mock)
On("ContainerInfoV2", "/", options).Return(infos, nil).
On("RootFsInfo").Return(rootfs, nil).
On("ImagesFsInfo").Return(imagefs, nil)
mockRuntime := new(containertest.Mock)
On("ImageStats").Return(&kubecontainer.ImageStats{TotalStorageBytes: 123}, nil)
ephemeralVolumes := []statsapi.VolumeStats{getPodVolumeStats(seedEphemeralVolume1, "ephemeralVolume1"),
getPodVolumeStats(seedEphemeralVolume2, "ephemeralVolume2")}
persistentVolumes := []statsapi.VolumeStats{getPodVolumeStats(seedPersistentVolume1, "persistentVolume1"),
getPodVolumeStats(seedPersistentVolume2, "persistentVolume2")}
volumeStats := serverstats.PodVolumeStats{
EphemeralVolumes: ephemeralVolumes,
PersistentVolumes: persistentVolumes,
resourceAnalyzer := &fakeResourceAnalyzer{podVolumeStats: volumeStats}
p := NewCadvisorStatsProvider(mockCadvisor, resourceAnalyzer, nil, nil, mockRuntime)
pods, err := p.ListPodStats()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(pods))
indexPods := make(map[statsapi.PodReference]statsapi.PodStats, len(pods))
for _, pod := range pods {
indexPods[pod.PodRef] = pod
// Validate Pod0 Results
ps, found := indexPods[prf0]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 2)
indexCon := make(map[string]statsapi.ContainerStats, len(ps.Containers))
for _, con := range ps.Containers {
indexCon[con.Name] = con
con := indexCon[cName00]
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Container0).Unix(), con.StartTime.Time.Unix())
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0Container0", seedPod0Container0, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0Conainer0", seedPod0Container0, infos["/pod0-c0"], con.Memory)
con = indexCon[cName01]
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Container1).Unix(), con.StartTime.Time.Unix())
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0Container1", seedPod0Container1, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0Container1", seedPod0Container1, infos["/pod0-c1"], con.Memory)
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Infra).Unix(), ps.StartTime.Time.Unix())
checkNetworkStats(t, "Pod0", seedPod0Infra, ps.Network)
checkEphemeralStats(t, "Pod0", []int{seedPod0Container0, seedPod0Container1}, []int{seedEphemeralVolume1, seedEphemeralVolume2}, ps.EphemeralStorage)
if ps.CPU != nil {
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0", seedPod0Infra, ps.CPU)
if ps.Memory != nil {
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0", seedPod0Infra, infos["/pod0-i"], ps.Memory)
// Validate Pod1 Results
ps, found = indexPods[prf1]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 1)
con = ps.Containers[0]
assert.Equal(t, cName10, con.Name)
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod1Container0", seedPod1Container, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod1Container0", seedPod1Container, infos["/pod1-c0"], con.Memory)
checkNetworkStats(t, "Pod1", seedPod1Infra, ps.Network)
// Validate Pod2 Results
ps, found = indexPods[prf2]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 1)
con = ps.Containers[0]
assert.Equal(t, cName20, con.Name)
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod2Container0", seedPod2Container, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod2Container0", seedPod2Container, infos["/pod2-c0"], con.Memory)
checkNetworkStats(t, "Pod2", seedPod2Infra, ps.Network)
func TestCadvisorListPodCPUAndMemoryStats(t *testing.T) {
const (
namespace0 = "test0"
namespace2 = "test2"
const (
seedRoot = 0
seedRuntime = 100
seedKubelet = 200
seedMisc = 300
seedPod0Infra = 1000
seedPod0Container0 = 2000
seedPod0Container1 = 2001
seedPod1Infra = 3000
seedPod1Container = 4000
seedPod2Infra = 5000
seedPod2Container = 6000
seedEphemeralVolume1 = 10000
seedEphemeralVolume2 = 10001
seedPersistentVolume1 = 20000
seedPersistentVolume2 = 20001
const (
pName0 = "pod0"
pName1 = "pod1"
pName2 = "pod0" // ensure pName2 conflicts with pName0, but is in a different namespace
const (
cName00 = "c0"
cName01 = "c1"
cName10 = "c0" // ensure cName10 conflicts with cName02, but is in a different pod
cName20 = "c1" // ensure cName20 conflicts with cName01, but is in a different pod + namespace
prf0 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName0, Namespace: namespace0, UID: "UID" + pName0}
prf1 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName1, Namespace: namespace0, UID: "UID" + pName1}
prf2 := statsapi.PodReference{Name: pName2, Namespace: namespace2, UID: "UID" + pName2}
infos := map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo{
"/": getTestContainerInfo(seedRoot, "", "", ""),
"/docker-daemon": getTestContainerInfo(seedRuntime, "", "", ""),
"/kubelet": getTestContainerInfo(seedKubelet, "", "", ""),
"/system": getTestContainerInfo(seedMisc, "", "", ""),
// Pod0 - Namespace0
"/pod0-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod0-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container0, pName0, namespace0, cName00),
"/pod0-c1": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Container1, pName0, namespace0, cName01),
// Pod1 - Namespace0
"/pod1-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Infra, pName1, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod1-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Container, pName1, namespace0, cName10),
// Pod2 - Namespace2
"/pod2-i": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod2Infra, pName2, namespace2, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/pod2-c0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod2Container, pName2, namespace2, cName20),
"/kubepods/burstable/podUIDpod0": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod0Infra, pName0, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
"/kubepods/podUIDpod1": getTestContainerInfo(seedPod1Infra, pName1, namespace0, leaky.PodInfraContainerName),
// memory limit overrides for each container (used to test available bytes if a memory limit is known)
memoryLimitOverrides := map[string]uint64{
"/": uint64(1 << 30),
"/pod2-c0": uint64(1 << 15),
for name, memoryLimitOverride := range memoryLimitOverrides {
info, found := infos[name]
if !found {
t.Errorf("No container defined with name %v", name)
info.Spec.Memory.Limit = memoryLimitOverride
infos[name] = info
options := cadvisorapiv2.RequestOptions{
IdType: cadvisorapiv2.TypeName,
Count: 2,
Recursive: true,
mockCadvisor := new(cadvisortest.Mock)
On("ContainerInfoV2", "/", options).Return(infos, nil)
ephemeralVolumes := []statsapi.VolumeStats{getPodVolumeStats(seedEphemeralVolume1, "ephemeralVolume1"),
getPodVolumeStats(seedEphemeralVolume2, "ephemeralVolume2")}
persistentVolumes := []statsapi.VolumeStats{getPodVolumeStats(seedPersistentVolume1, "persistentVolume1"),
getPodVolumeStats(seedPersistentVolume2, "persistentVolume2")}
volumeStats := serverstats.PodVolumeStats{
EphemeralVolumes: ephemeralVolumes,
PersistentVolumes: persistentVolumes,
resourceAnalyzer := &fakeResourceAnalyzer{podVolumeStats: volumeStats}
p := NewCadvisorStatsProvider(mockCadvisor, resourceAnalyzer, nil, nil, nil)
pods, err := p.ListPodCPUAndMemoryStats()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(pods))
indexPods := make(map[statsapi.PodReference]statsapi.PodStats, len(pods))
for _, pod := range pods {
indexPods[pod.PodRef] = pod
// Validate Pod0 Results
ps, found := indexPods[prf0]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 2)
indexCon := make(map[string]statsapi.ContainerStats, len(ps.Containers))
for _, con := range ps.Containers {
indexCon[con.Name] = con
con := indexCon[cName00]
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Container0).Unix(), con.StartTime.Time.Unix())
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0Container0", seedPod0Container0, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0Conainer0", seedPod0Container0, infos["/pod0-c0"], con.Memory)
assert.Nil(t, con.Rootfs)
assert.Nil(t, con.Logs)
assert.Nil(t, con.Accelerators)
assert.Nil(t, con.UserDefinedMetrics)
con = indexCon[cName01]
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Container1).Unix(), con.StartTime.Time.Unix())
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0Container1", seedPod0Container1, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0Container1", seedPod0Container1, infos["/pod0-c1"], con.Memory)
assert.Nil(t, con.Rootfs)
assert.Nil(t, con.Logs)
assert.Nil(t, con.Accelerators)
assert.Nil(t, con.UserDefinedMetrics)
assert.EqualValues(t, testTime(creationTime, seedPod0Infra).Unix(), ps.StartTime.Time.Unix())
assert.Nil(t, ps.EphemeralStorage)
assert.Nil(t, ps.VolumeStats)
assert.Nil(t, ps.Network)
if ps.CPU != nil {
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod0", seedPod0Infra, ps.CPU)
if ps.Memory != nil {
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod0", seedPod0Infra, infos["/pod0-i"], ps.Memory)
// Validate Pod1 Results
ps, found = indexPods[prf1]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 1)
con = ps.Containers[0]
assert.Equal(t, cName10, con.Name)
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod1Container0", seedPod1Container, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod1Container0", seedPod1Container, infos["/pod1-c0"], con.Memory)
assert.Nil(t, ps.EphemeralStorage)
assert.Nil(t, ps.VolumeStats)
assert.Nil(t, ps.Network)
// Validate Pod2 Results
ps, found = indexPods[prf2]
assert.True(t, found)
assert.Len(t, ps.Containers, 1)
con = ps.Containers[0]
assert.Equal(t, cName20, con.Name)
checkCPUStats(t, "Pod2Container0", seedPod2Container, con.CPU)
checkMemoryStats(t, "Pod2Container0", seedPod2Container, infos["/pod2-c0"], con.Memory)
assert.Nil(t, ps.EphemeralStorage)
assert.Nil(t, ps.VolumeStats)
assert.Nil(t, ps.Network)
func TestCadvisorImagesFsStats(t *testing.T) {
var (
assert = assert.New(t)
mockCadvisor = new(cadvisortest.Mock)
mockRuntime = new(containertest.Mock)
seed = 1000
imageFsInfo = getTestFsInfo(seed)
imageStats = &kubecontainer.ImageStats{TotalStorageBytes: 100}
mockCadvisor.On("ImagesFsInfo").Return(imageFsInfo, nil)
mockRuntime.On("ImageStats").Return(imageStats, nil)
provider := newCadvisorStatsProvider(mockCadvisor, &fakeResourceAnalyzer{}, mockRuntime)
stats, err := provider.ImageFsStats()
assert.Equal(imageFsInfo.Timestamp, stats.Time.Time)
assert.Equal(imageFsInfo.Available, *stats.AvailableBytes)
assert.Equal(imageFsInfo.Capacity, *stats.CapacityBytes)
assert.Equal(imageStats.TotalStorageBytes, *stats.UsedBytes)
assert.Equal(imageFsInfo.InodesFree, stats.InodesFree)
assert.Equal(imageFsInfo.Inodes, stats.Inodes)
assert.Equal(*imageFsInfo.Inodes-*imageFsInfo.InodesFree, *stats.InodesUsed)