blob: 26d4774c39e99c6b4a9defe8d22492e644070e78 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package kubelet
import (
kubeadmapi ""
type fakeCmd struct {
b []byte
err error
func (f fakeCmd) Run() error { return f.err }
func (f fakeCmd) CombinedOutput() ([]byte, error) { return f.b, f.err }
func (f fakeCmd) Output() ([]byte, error) { return f.b, f.err }
func (f fakeCmd) SetDir(dir string) {}
func (f fakeCmd) SetStdin(in io.Reader) {}
func (f fakeCmd) SetStdout(out io.Writer) {}
func (f fakeCmd) SetStderr(out io.Writer) {}
func (f fakeCmd) Stop() {}
type fakeExecer struct {
ioMap map[string]fakeCmd
func (f fakeExecer) Command(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd {
cmds := []string{cmd}
cmds = append(cmds, args...)
return f.ioMap[strings.Join(cmds, " ")]
func (f fakeExecer) CommandContext(ctx context.Context, cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd {
return f.Command(cmd, args...)
func (f fakeExecer) LookPath(file string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New("unknown binary") }
var (
systemdCgroupExecer = fakeExecer{
ioMap: map[string]fakeCmd{
"docker info": {
b: []byte(`Cgroup Driver: systemd`),
cgroupfsCgroupExecer = fakeExecer{
ioMap: map[string]fakeCmd{
"docker info": {
b: []byte(`Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs`),
errCgroupExecer = fakeExecer{
ioMap: map[string]fakeCmd{
"docker info": {
err: errors.New("no such binary: docker"),
func binaryRunningPidOfFunc(_ string) ([]int, error) {
return []int{1, 2, 3}, nil
func binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc(_ string) ([]int, error) {
return []int{}, nil
func TestBuildKubeletArgMap(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
opts kubeletFlagsOpts
expected map[string]string
name: "the simplest case",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock",
Name: "foo",
Taints: []v1.Taint{ // This should be ignored as registerTaintsUsingFlags is false
Key: "foo",
Value: "bar",
Effect: "baz",
execer: errCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"network-plugin": "cni",
name: "nodeRegOpts.Name != default hostname",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock",
Name: "override-name",
execer: errCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "default",
expected: map[string]string{
"network-plugin": "cni",
"hostname-override": "override-name",
name: "systemd cgroup driver",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock",
Name: "foo",
execer: systemdCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"network-plugin": "cni",
"cgroup-driver": "systemd",
name: "cgroupfs cgroup driver",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock",
Name: "foo",
execer: cgroupfsCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"network-plugin": "cni",
"cgroup-driver": "cgroupfs",
name: "external CRI runtime",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/containerd.sock",
Name: "foo",
execer: cgroupfsCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"container-runtime": "remote",
"container-runtime-endpoint": "/var/run/containerd.sock",
name: "register with taints",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/containerd.sock",
Name: "foo",
Taints: []v1.Taint{
Key: "foo",
Value: "bar",
Effect: "baz",
Key: "key",
Value: "val",
Effect: "eff",
registerTaintsUsingFlags: true,
execer: cgroupfsCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"container-runtime": "remote",
"container-runtime-endpoint": "/var/run/containerd.sock",
"register-with-taints": "foo=bar:baz,key=val:eff",
name: "systemd-resolved running",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/containerd.sock",
Name: "foo",
execer: cgroupfsCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"container-runtime": "remote",
"container-runtime-endpoint": "/var/run/containerd.sock",
"resolv-conf": "/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf",
name: "pause image is set",
opts: kubeletFlagsOpts{
nodeRegOpts: &kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions{
CRISocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock",
Name: "foo",
pauseImage: "",
execer: cgroupfsCgroupExecer,
pidOfFunc: binaryNotRunningPidOfFunc,
defaultHostname: "foo",
expected: map[string]string{
"network-plugin": "cni",
"cgroup-driver": "cgroupfs",
"pod-infra-container-image": "",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
actual := buildKubeletArgMap(test.opts)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, test.expected) {
"failed buildKubeletArgMap:\n\texpected: %v\n\t actual: %v",