blob: 81c8bc0380926dad414ff51796040b615f6279da [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/sbin/charm-env python3
# For a usage examples, see
# - make the action idempotent (i.e. if you run it multiple times, the first
# run will create/delete the registry, and the reset will be a no-op and won't
# error out)
# - take only a plain authentication file, and create the encrypted version in
# the action
# - validate the parameters (make sure tlscert is a certificate, that tlskey is a
# proper key, etc)
# - when is fixed, handle the
# base64 encoding the parameters in the action itself
import os
import sys
from base64 import b64encode
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_get
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_set
from charms.templating.jinja2 import render
from subprocess import call, check_output
os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join(os.sep, 'snap', 'bin')
deletion = action_get('delete')
context = {}
arch = check_output(['dpkg', '--print-architecture']).rstrip()
context['arch'] = arch.decode('utf-8')
# These config options must be defined in the case of a creation
param_error = False
for param in ('tlscert', 'tlskey', 'domain', 'htpasswd', 'htpasswd-plain'):
value = action_get(param)
if not value and not deletion:
key = "registry-create-parameter-{}".format(param)
error = "failure, parameter {} is required".format(param)
action_set({key: error})
param_error = True
context[param] = value
# Create the dockercfg template variable
dockercfg = '{"%s": {"auth": "%s", "email": "root@localhost"}}' % \
(context['domain'], context['htpasswd-plain'])
context['dockercfg'] = b64encode(dockercfg.encode()).decode('ASCII')
if param_error:
# This one is either true or false, no need to check if it has a "good" value.
context['ingress'] = action_get('ingress')
# Declare a kubectl template when invoking kubectl
kubectl = ['kubectl', '--kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config']
# Remove deployment if requested
if deletion:
resources = ['svc/kube-registry', 'rc/kube-registry-v0', 'secrets/registry-tls-data',
'secrets/registry-auth-data', 'secrets/registry-access']
if action_get('ingress'):
delete_command = kubectl + ['delete', '--ignore-not-found=true'] + resources
delete_response = call(delete_command)
if delete_response == 0:
action_set({'registry-delete': 'success'})
action_set({'registry-delete': 'failure'})
# Creation request
render('registry.yaml', '/root/cdk/addons/registry.yaml',
create_command = kubectl + ['create', '-f',
create_response = call(create_command)
if create_response == 0:
action_set({'registry-create': 'success'})
# Create a ConfigMap if it doesn't exist yet, else patch it.
# A ConfigMap is needed to change the default value for nginx' client_max_body_size.
# The default is 1MB, and this is the maximum size of images that can be
# pushed on the registry. 1MB images aren't useful, so we bump this value to 1024MB.
cm_name = 'nginx-load-balancer-conf'
check_cm_command = kubectl + ['get', 'cm', cm_name]
check_cm_response = call(check_cm_command)
if check_cm_response == 0:
# There is an existing ConfigMap, patch it
patch = '{"data":{"body-size":"1024m"}}'
patch_cm_command = kubectl + ['patch', 'cm', cm_name, '-p', patch]
patch_cm_response = call(patch_cm_command)
if patch_cm_response == 0:
action_set({'configmap-patch': 'success'})
action_set({'configmap-patch': 'failure'})
# No existing ConfigMap, create it
render('registry-configmap.yaml', '/root/cdk/addons/registry-configmap.yaml',
create_cm_command = kubectl + ['create', '-f', '/root/cdk/addons/registry-configmap.yaml']
create_cm_response = call(create_cm_command)
if create_cm_response == 0:
action_set({'configmap-create': 'success'})
action_set({'configmap-create': 'failure'})
# Patch the "default" serviceaccount with an imagePullSecret.
# This will allow the docker daemons to authenticate to our private
# registry automatically
patch = '{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name":"registry-access"}]}'
patch_sa_command = kubectl + ['patch', 'sa', 'default', '-p', patch]
patch_sa_response = call(patch_sa_command)
if patch_sa_response == 0:
action_set({'serviceaccount-patch': 'success'})
action_set({'serviceaccount-patch': 'failure'})
action_set({'registry-create': 'failure'})