blob: 8cb4a39e8ec99d9ff98f6fa2643ce2cebaf1b37b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package record
import (
metav1 ""
func makeObjectReference(kind, name, namespace string) v1.ObjectReference {
return v1.ObjectReference{
Kind: kind,
Name: name,
Namespace: namespace,
UID: "C934D34AFB20242",
APIVersion: "version",
FieldPath: "spec.containers{mycontainer}",
func makeEvent(reason, message string, involvedObject v1.ObjectReference) v1.Event {
eventTime := metav1.Now()
event := v1.Event{
Reason: reason,
Message: message,
InvolvedObject: involvedObject,
Source: v1.EventSource{
Component: "kubelet",
Host: "kublet.node1",
Count: 1,
FirstTimestamp: eventTime,
LastTimestamp: eventTime,
Type: v1.EventTypeNormal,
return event
func makeEvents(num int, template v1.Event) []v1.Event {
events := []v1.Event{}
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
events = append(events, template)
return events
func makeUniqueEvents(num int) []v1.Event {
events := []v1.Event{}
kind := "Pod"
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
reason := strings.Join([]string{"reason", string(i)}, "-")
message := strings.Join([]string{"message", string(i)}, "-")
name := strings.Join([]string{"pod", string(i)}, "-")
namespace := strings.Join([]string{"ns", string(i)}, "-")
involvedObject := makeObjectReference(kind, name, namespace)
events = append(events, makeEvent(reason, message, involvedObject))
return events
func makeSimilarEvents(num int, template v1.Event, messagePrefix string) []v1.Event {
events := makeEvents(num, template)
for i := range events {
events[i].Message = strings.Join([]string{messagePrefix, string(i), events[i].Message}, "-")
return events
func setCount(event v1.Event, count int) v1.Event {
event.Count = int32(count)
return event
func validateEvent(messagePrefix string, actualEvent *v1.Event, expectedEvent *v1.Event, t *testing.T) (*v1.Event, error) {
recvEvent := *actualEvent
expectCompression := expectedEvent.Count > 1
t.Logf("%v - expectedEvent.Count is %d\n", messagePrefix, expectedEvent.Count)
// Just check that the timestamp was set.
if recvEvent.FirstTimestamp.IsZero() || recvEvent.LastTimestamp.IsZero() {
t.Errorf("%v - timestamp wasn't set: %#v", messagePrefix, recvEvent)
actualFirstTimestamp := recvEvent.FirstTimestamp
actualLastTimestamp := recvEvent.LastTimestamp
if actualFirstTimestamp.Equal(&actualLastTimestamp) {
if expectCompression {
t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be different to indicate event compression happened, but were the same. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
} else {
if expectedEvent.Count == 1 {
t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be equal to indicate only one occurrence of the event, but were different. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
// Temp clear time stamps for comparison because actual values don't matter for comparison
recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = expectedEvent.FirstTimestamp
recvEvent.LastTimestamp = expectedEvent.LastTimestamp
// Check that name has the right prefix.
if n, en := recvEvent.Name, expectedEvent.Name; !strings.HasPrefix(n, en) {
t.Errorf("%v - Name '%v' does not contain prefix '%v'", messagePrefix, n, en)
recvEvent.Name = expectedEvent.Name
if e, a := expectedEvent, &recvEvent; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("%v - diff: %s", messagePrefix, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(e, a))
recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = actualFirstTimestamp
recvEvent.LastTimestamp = actualLastTimestamp
return actualEvent, nil
// TestEventAggregatorByReasonFunc ensures that two events are aggregated if they vary only by event.message
func TestEventAggregatorByReasonFunc(t *testing.T) {
event1 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was fun", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
event2 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was awful", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
event3 := makeEvent("nevermind", "it was a bug", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
aggKey1, localKey1 := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event1)
aggKey2, localKey2 := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event2)
aggKey3, _ := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event3)
if aggKey1 != aggKey2 {
t.Errorf("Expected %v equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey2)
if localKey1 == localKey2 {
t.Errorf("Expected %v to not equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey3)
if aggKey1 == aggKey3 {
t.Errorf("Expected %v to not equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey3)
// TestEventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc validates the proper output for an aggregate message
func TestEventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(t *testing.T) {
expectedPrefix := "(combined from similar events): "
event1 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was fun", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
actual := EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(&event1)
if !strings.HasPrefix(actual, expectedPrefix) {
t.Errorf("Expected %v to begin with prefix %v", actual, expectedPrefix)
// TestEventCorrelator validates proper counting, aggregation of events
func TestEventCorrelator(t *testing.T) {
firstEvent := makeEvent("first", "i am first", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
duplicateEvent := makeEvent("duplicate", "me again", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
uniqueEvent := makeEvent("unique", "snowflake", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
similarEvent := makeEvent("similar", "similar message", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
similarEvent.InvolvedObject.FieldPath = "spec.containers{container1}"
aggregateEvent := makeEvent(similarEvent.Reason, EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(&similarEvent), similarEvent.InvolvedObject)
similarButDifferentContainerEvent := similarEvent
similarButDifferentContainerEvent.InvolvedObject.FieldPath = "spec.containers{container2}"
scenario := map[string]struct {
previousEvents []v1.Event
newEvent v1.Event
expectedEvent v1.Event
intervalSeconds int
expectedSkip bool
"create-a-single-event": {
previousEvents: []v1.Event{},
newEvent: firstEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(firstEvent, 1),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"the-same-event-should-just-count": {
previousEvents: makeEvents(1, duplicateEvent),
newEvent: duplicateEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(duplicateEvent, 2),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"the-same-event-should-just-count-even-if-more-than-aggregate": {
previousEvents: makeEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, duplicateEvent),
newEvent: duplicateEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(duplicateEvent, defaultAggregateMaxEvents+1),
intervalSeconds: 30, // larger interval induces aggregation but not spam.
"the-same-event-is-spam-if-happens-too-frequently": {
previousEvents: makeEvents(defaultSpamBurst+1, duplicateEvent),
newEvent: duplicateEvent,
expectedSkip: true,
intervalSeconds: 1,
"create-many-unique-events": {
previousEvents: makeUniqueEvents(30),
newEvent: uniqueEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(uniqueEvent, 1),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"similar-events-should-aggregate-event": {
previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
newEvent: similarEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(aggregateEvent, 1),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"similar-events-many-times-should-count-the-aggregate": {
previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
newEvent: similarEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(aggregateEvent, 2),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"events-from-different-containers-do-not-aggregate": {
previousEvents: makeEvents(1, similarButDifferentContainerEvent),
newEvent: similarEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(similarEvent, 1),
intervalSeconds: 5,
"similar-events-whose-interval-is-greater-than-aggregate-interval-do-not-aggregate": {
previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
newEvent: similarEvent,
expectedEvent: setCount(similarEvent, 1),
intervalSeconds: defaultAggregateIntervalInSeconds,
for testScenario, testInput := range scenario {
eventInterval := time.Duration(testInput.intervalSeconds) * time.Second
clock := clock.IntervalClock{Time: time.Now(), Duration: eventInterval}
correlator := NewEventCorrelator(&clock)
for i := range testInput.previousEvents {
event := testInput.previousEvents[i]
now := metav1.NewTime(clock.Now())
event.FirstTimestamp = now
event.LastTimestamp = now
result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&event)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error playing back prevEvents %v", testScenario, err)
// if we are skipping the event, we can avoid updating state
if !result.Skip {
// update the input to current clock value
now := metav1.NewTime(clock.Now())
testInput.newEvent.FirstTimestamp = now
testInput.newEvent.LastTimestamp = now
result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&testInput.newEvent)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error correlating input event %v", testScenario, err)
// verify we did not get skip from filter function unexpectedly...
if result.Skip != testInput.expectedSkip {
t.Errorf("scenario %v: expected skip %v, but got %v", testScenario, testInput.expectedSkip, result.Skip)
// we wanted to actually skip, so no event is needed to validate
if testInput.expectedSkip {
// validate event
_, err = validateEvent(testScenario, result.Event, &testInput.expectedEvent, t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error validating result %v", testScenario, err)