blob: 1f3d03784331501aa2da77efc59ee8192cd5d94a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// schema-generator is a support tool that generates the OpenAPI v3 JSON schema.
// Yes, it's gross, but the OpenAPI 3.0 spec, which defines REST APIs with a
// rigorous JSON schema, is itself defined with a Markdown file. Ironic?
package main
import (
// convert the first character of a string to lower case
func lowerFirst(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToLower(r)) + s[n:]
// Section models a section of the OpenAPI specification text document.
type Section struct {
Level int
Text string
Title string
Children []*Section
// ReadSection reads a section of the OpenAPI Specification, recursively dividing it into subsections
func ReadSection(text string, level int) (section *Section) {
titlePattern := regexp.MustCompile("^" + strings.Repeat("#", level) + " .*$")
subtitlePattern := regexp.MustCompile("^" + strings.Repeat("#", level+1) + " .*$")
section = &Section{Level: level, Text: text}
lines := strings.Split(string(text), "\n")
subsection := ""
for i, line := range lines {
if i == 0 && titlePattern.Match([]byte(line)) {
section.Title = line
} else if subtitlePattern.Match([]byte(line)) {
// we've found a subsection title.
// if there's a subsection that we've already been reading, save it
if len(subsection) != 0 {
child := ReadSection(subsection, level+1)
section.Children = append(section.Children, child)
// start a new subsection
subsection = line + "\n"
} else {
// add to the subsection we've been reading
subsection += line + "\n"
// if this section has subsections, save the last one
if len(section.Children) > 0 {
child := ReadSection(subsection, level+1)
section.Children = append(section.Children, child)
// Display recursively displays a section of the specification.
func (s *Section) Display(section string) {
if len(s.Children) == 0 {
//fmt.Printf("%s\n", s.Text)
} else {
for i, child := range s.Children {
var subsection string
if section == "" {
subsection = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
} else {
subsection = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", section, i)
fmt.Printf("%-12s %s\n", subsection, child.NiceTitle())
// remove a link from a string, leaving only the text that follows it
// if there is no link, just return the string
func stripLink(input string) (output string) {
stringPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)$")
stringWithLinkPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^<a .*</a>(.*)$")
if matches := stringWithLinkPattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(input)); matches != nil {
return string(matches[1])
} else if matches := stringPattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(input)); matches != nil {
return string(matches[1])
} else {
return input
// NiceTitle returns a nice-to-display title for a section by removing the opening "###" and any links.
func (s *Section) NiceTitle() string {
titlePattern := regexp.MustCompile("^#+ (.*)$")
titleWithLinkPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^#+ <a .*</a>(.*)$")
if matches := titleWithLinkPattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(s.Title)); matches != nil {
return string(matches[1])
} else if matches := titlePattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(s.Title)); matches != nil {
return string(matches[1])
} else {
return ""
// replace markdown links with their link text (removing the URL part)
func removeMarkdownLinks(input string) (output string) {
markdownLink := regexp.MustCompile("\\[([^\\]\\[]*)\\]\\(([^\\)]*)\\)") // matches [link title](link url)
output = string(markdownLink.ReplaceAll([]byte(input), []byte("$1")))
// extract the fixed fields from a table in a section
func parseFixedFields(input string, schemaObject *SchemaObject) {
lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
// replace escaped bars with "OR", assuming these are used to describe union types
line = strings.Replace(line, " \\| ", " OR ", -1)
// split the table on the remaining bars
parts := strings.Split(line, "|")
if len(parts) > 1 {
fieldName := strings.Trim(stripLink(parts[0]), " ")
if fieldName != "Field Name" && fieldName != "---" {
if len(parts) == 3 || len(parts) == 4 {
// this is what we expect
} else {
log.Printf("ERROR: %+v", parts)
typeName := parts[1]
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "{expression}", "Expression", -1)
typeName = strings.Trim(typeName, " ")
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "`", "", -1)
typeName = removeMarkdownLinks(typeName)
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, " ", "", -1)
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "Object", "", -1)
isArray := false
if typeName[0] == '[' && typeName[len(typeName)-1] == ']' {
typeName = typeName[1 : len(typeName)-1]
isArray = true
isMap := false
mapPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^Mapstring,\\[(.*)\\]$")
if matches := mapPattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(typeName)); matches != nil {
typeName = string(matches[1])
isMap = true
} else {
// match map[string,<typename>]
mapPattern2 := regexp.MustCompile("^Map\\[string,(.+)\\]$")
if matches := mapPattern2.FindSubmatch([]byte(typeName)); matches != nil {
typeName = string(matches[1])
isMap = true
description := strings.Trim(parts[len(parts)-1], " ")
description = removeMarkdownLinks(description)
description = strings.Replace(description, "\n", " ", -1)
requiredLabel1 := "**Required.** "
requiredLabel2 := "**REQUIRED**."
if strings.Contains(description, requiredLabel1) ||
strings.Contains(description, requiredLabel2) {
// only include required values if their "Validity" is "Any" or if no validity is specified
valid := true
if len(parts) == 4 {
validity := parts[2]
if strings.Contains(validity, "Any") {
valid = true
} else {
valid = false
if valid {
schemaObject.RequiredFields = append(schemaObject.RequiredFields, fieldName)
description = strings.Replace(description, requiredLabel1, "", -1)
description = strings.Replace(description, requiredLabel2, "", -1)
schemaField := SchemaObjectField{
Name: fieldName,
Type: typeName,
IsArray: isArray,
IsMap: isMap,
Description: description,
schemaObject.FixedFields = append(schemaObject.FixedFields, schemaField)
// extract the patterned fields from a table in a section
func parsePatternedFields(input string, schemaObject *SchemaObject) {
lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.Replace(line, " \\| ", " OR ", -1)
parts := strings.Split(line, "|")
if len(parts) > 1 {
fieldName := strings.Trim(stripLink(parts[0]), " ")
fieldName = removeMarkdownLinks(fieldName)
if fieldName == "HTTP Status Code" {
fieldName = "^([0-9X]{3})$"
if fieldName != "Field Pattern" && fieldName != "---" {
typeName := parts[1]
typeName = strings.Trim(typeName, " ")
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "`", "", -1)
typeName = removeMarkdownLinks(typeName)
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, " ", "", -1)
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "Object", "", -1)
typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "{expression}", "Expression", -1)
isArray := false
if typeName[0] == '[' && typeName[len(typeName)-1] == ']' {
typeName = typeName[1 : len(typeName)-1]
isArray = true
isMap := false
mapPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^Mapstring,\\[(.*)\\]$")
if matches := mapPattern.FindSubmatch([]byte(typeName)); matches != nil {
typeName = string(matches[1])
isMap = true
description := strings.Trim(parts[len(parts)-1], " ")
description = removeMarkdownLinks(description)
description = strings.Replace(description, "\n", " ", -1)
schemaField := SchemaObjectField{
Name: fieldName,
Type: typeName,
IsArray: isArray,
IsMap: isMap,
Description: description,
schemaObject.PatternedFields = append(schemaObject.PatternedFields, schemaField)
// SchemaObjectField describes a field of a schema.
type SchemaObjectField struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
IsArray bool `json:"is_array"`
IsMap bool `json:"is_map"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// SchemaObject describes a schema.
type SchemaObject struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Extendable bool `json:"extendable"`
RequiredFields []string `json:"required"`
FixedFields []SchemaObjectField `json:"fixed"`
PatternedFields []SchemaObjectField `json:"patterned"`
// SchemaModel is a collection of schemas.
type SchemaModel struct {
Objects []SchemaObject
func (m *SchemaModel) objectWithID(id string) *SchemaObject {
for _, object := range m.Objects {
if object.ID == id {
return &object
return nil
// NewSchemaModel returns a new SchemaModel.
func NewSchemaModel(filename string) (schemaModel *SchemaModel, err error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// divide the specification into sections
document := ReadSection(string(b), 1)
// read object names and their details
specification := document.Children[4] // fragile! the section title is "Specification"
schema := specification.Children[7] // fragile! the section title is "Schema"
anchor := regexp.MustCompile("^#### <a name=\"(.*)Object\"")
schemaObjects := make([]SchemaObject, 0)
for _, section := range schema.Children {
if matches := anchor.FindSubmatch([]byte(section.Title)); matches != nil {
id := string(matches[1])
schemaObject := SchemaObject{
Name: section.NiceTitle(),
ID: id,
RequiredFields: nil,
if len(section.Children) > 0 {
description := section.Children[0].Text
description = removeMarkdownLinks(description)
description = strings.Trim(description, " \t\n")
description = strings.Replace(description, "\n", " ", -1)
schemaObject.Description = description
// is the object extendable?
if strings.Contains(section.Text, "Specification Extensions") {
schemaObject.Extendable = true
// look for fixed fields
for _, child := range section.Children {
if child.NiceTitle() == "Fixed Fields" {
parseFixedFields(child.Text, &schemaObject)
// look for patterned fields
for _, child := range section.Children {
if child.NiceTitle() == "Patterned Fields" {
parsePatternedFields(child.Text, &schemaObject)
schemaObjects = append(schemaObjects, schemaObject)
return &SchemaModel{Objects: schemaObjects}, nil
// UnionType represents a union of two types.
type UnionType struct {
Name string
ObjectType1 string
ObjectType2 string
var unionTypes map[string]*UnionType
func noteUnionType(typeName, objectType1, objectType2 string) {
if unionTypes == nil {
unionTypes = make(map[string]*UnionType, 0)
unionTypes[typeName] = &UnionType{
Name: typeName,
ObjectType1: objectType1,
ObjectType2: objectType2,
// MapType represents a map of a specified type (with string keys).
type MapType struct {
Name string
ObjectType string
var mapTypes map[string]*MapType
func noteMapType(typeName, objectType string) {
if mapTypes == nil {
mapTypes = make(map[string]*MapType, 0)
mapTypes[typeName] = &MapType{
Name: typeName,
ObjectType: objectType,
func definitionNameForType(typeName string) string {
name := typeName
switch typeName {
case "OAuthFlows":
name = "oauthFlows"
case "OAuthFlow":
name = "oauthFlow"
case "XML":
name = "xml"
case "ExternalDocumentation":
name = "externalDocs"
// does the name contain an "OR"
if parts := strings.Split(typeName, "OR"); len(parts) > 1 {
name = lowerFirst(parts[0]) + "Or" + parts[1]
noteUnionType(name, parts[0], parts[1])
} else {
name = lowerFirst(typeName)
return "#/definitions/" + name
func pluralize(name string) string {
if name == "any" {
return "anys"
switch name[len(name)-1] {
case 'y':
name = name[0:len(name)-1] + "ies"
case 's':
name = name + "Map"
name = name + "s"
return name
func definitionNameForMapOfType(typeName string) string {
// pluralize the type name to get the name of an object representing a map of them
var elementTypeName string
var mapTypeName string
if parts := strings.Split(typeName, "OR"); len(parts) > 1 {
elementTypeName = lowerFirst(parts[0]) + "Or" + parts[1]
noteUnionType(elementTypeName, parts[0], parts[1])
mapTypeName = pluralize(lowerFirst(parts[0])) + "Or" + pluralize(parts[1])
} else {
elementTypeName = lowerFirst(typeName)
mapTypeName = pluralize(elementTypeName)
noteMapType(mapTypeName, elementTypeName)
return "#/definitions/" + mapTypeName
func updateSchemaFieldWithModelField(schemaField *jsonschema.Schema, modelField *SchemaObjectField) {
// fmt.Printf("IN %s:%+v\n", name, schemaField)
// update the attributes of the schema field
if modelField.IsArray {
// is array
itemSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
switch modelField.Type {
case "string":
itemSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")
case "boolean":
itemSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")
case "primitive":
itemSchema.Ref = stringptr(definitionNameForType("Primitive"))
itemSchema.Ref = stringptr(definitionNameForType(modelField.Type))
schemaField.Items = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrSchemaArrayWithSchema(itemSchema)
schemaField.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("array")
boolValue := true // not sure about this
schemaField.UniqueItems = &boolValue
} else if modelField.IsMap {
schemaField.Ref = stringptr(definitionNameForMapOfType(modelField.Type))
} else {
// is scalar
switch modelField.Type {
case "string":
schemaField.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")
case "boolean":
schemaField.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")
case "primitive":
schemaField.Ref = stringptr(definitionNameForType("Primitive"))
schemaField.Ref = stringptr(definitionNameForType(modelField.Type))
func buildSchemaWithModel(modelObject *SchemaObject) (schema *jsonschema.Schema) {
schema = &jsonschema.Schema{}
schema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")
if modelObject.RequiredFields != nil && len(modelObject.RequiredFields) > 0 {
// copy array
arrayCopy := modelObject.RequiredFields
schema.Required = &arrayCopy
schema.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithBoolean(false)
schema.Description = stringptr(modelObject.Description)
// handle fixed fields
if modelObject.FixedFields != nil {
newNamedSchemas := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
for _, modelField := range modelObject.FixedFields {
schemaField := schema.PropertyWithName(modelField.Name)
if schemaField == nil {
// create and add the schema field
schemaField = &jsonschema.Schema{}
namedSchema := &jsonschema.NamedSchema{Name: modelField.Name, Value: schemaField}
newNamedSchemas = append(newNamedSchemas, namedSchema)
updateSchemaFieldWithModelField(schemaField, &modelField)
for _, pair := range newNamedSchemas {
if schema.Properties == nil {
properties := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
schema.Properties = &properties
*(schema.Properties) = append(*(schema.Properties), pair)
} else {
if schema.Properties != nil {
fmt.Printf("SCHEMA SHOULD NOT HAVE PROPERTIES %s\n", modelObject.ID)
// handle patterned fields
if modelObject.PatternedFields != nil {
newNamedSchemas := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
for _, modelField := range modelObject.PatternedFields {
schemaField := schema.PatternPropertyWithName(modelField.Name)
if schemaField == nil {
// create and add the schema field
schemaField = &jsonschema.Schema{}
// Component names should match "^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$"
// See
nameRegex := "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\\\.\\\\-_]+$"
if modelObject.Name == "Scopes Object" {
nameRegex = "^"
} else if modelObject.Name == "Headers Object" {
nameRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9!#\\-\\$%&'\\*\\+\\\\\\.\\^_`\\|~]+"
propertyName := strings.Replace(modelField.Name, "{name}", nameRegex, -1)
// The field name MUST begin with a slash, see
// JSON Schema for OpenAPI v2 uses "^/" as regex for paths, see
propertyName = strings.Replace(propertyName, "/{path}", "^/", -1)
// Replace human-friendly (and regex-confusing) description with a blank pattern
propertyName = strings.Replace(propertyName, "{expression}", "^", -1)
propertyName = strings.Replace(propertyName, "{property}", "^", -1)
namedSchema := &jsonschema.NamedSchema{Name: propertyName, Value: schemaField}
newNamedSchemas = append(newNamedSchemas, namedSchema)
updateSchemaFieldWithModelField(schemaField, &modelField)
for _, pair := range newNamedSchemas {
if schema.PatternProperties == nil {
properties := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
schema.PatternProperties = &properties
*(schema.PatternProperties) = append(*(schema.PatternProperties), pair)
} else {
if schema.PatternProperties != nil && !modelObject.Extendable {
if modelObject.Extendable {
schemaField := schema.PatternPropertyWithName("^x-")
if schemaField != nil {
schemaField.Ref = stringptr("#/definitions/specificationExtension")
} else {
schemaField = &jsonschema.Schema{}
schemaField.Ref = stringptr("#/definitions/specificationExtension")
namedSchema := &jsonschema.NamedSchema{Name: "^x-", Value: schemaField}
if schema.PatternProperties == nil {
properties := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
schema.PatternProperties = &properties
*(schema.PatternProperties) = append(*(schema.PatternProperties), namedSchema)
} else {
schemaField := schema.PatternPropertyWithName("^x-")
if schemaField != nil {
fmt.Printf("INVALID EXTENSION SUPPORT %s:%s\n", modelObject.ID, "^x-")
return schema
// return a pointer to a copy of a passed-in string
func stringptr(input string) (output *string) {
return &input
func int64ptr(input int64) (output *int64) {
return &input
func arrayOfSchema() *jsonschema.Schema {
return &jsonschema.Schema{
Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("array"),
MinItems: int64ptr(1),
Items: jsonschema.NewSchemaOrSchemaArrayWithSchema(&jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/schemaOrReference")}),
func main() {
// read and parse the text specification into a model structure
model, err := NewSchemaModel("")
if err != nil {
// write the model as JSON (for debugging)
modelJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(model, "", " ")
err = ioutil.WriteFile("model.json", modelJSON, 0644)
if err != nil {
// build the top-level schema using the "OAS" model
oasModel := model.objectWithID("oas")
if oasModel == nil {
log.Printf("Unable to find OAS model. Has the source document structure changed?")
schema := buildSchemaWithModel(oasModel)
// manually set a few fields
schema.Title = stringptr("A JSON Schema for OpenAPI 3.0.")
schema.ID = stringptr("")
schema.Schema = stringptr("")
// loop over all models and create the corresponding schema objects
definitions := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
schema.Definitions = &definitions
for _, modelObject := range model.Objects {
if modelObject.ID == "oas" {
definitionSchema := buildSchemaWithModel(&modelObject)
name := modelObject.ID
if name == "externalDocumentation" {
name = "externalDocs"
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema(name, definitionSchema))
// copy the properties of headerObject from parameterObject
headerObject := schema.DefinitionWithName("header")
parameterObject := schema.DefinitionWithName("parameter")
if parameterObject != nil {
newArray := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
for _, property := range *(parameterObject.Properties) {
// we need to remove a few properties...
if property.Name != "name" && property.Name != "in" {
newArray = append(newArray, property)
headerObject.Properties = &newArray
// "So a shorthand for copying array arr would be tmp := append([]int{}, arr...)"
ppArray := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
ppArray = append(ppArray, *(parameterObject.PatternProperties)...)
headerObject.PatternProperties = &ppArray
// generate implied union types
unionTypeKeys := make([]string, 0, len(unionTypes))
for key := range unionTypes {
unionTypeKeys = append(unionTypeKeys, key)
for _, unionTypeKey := range unionTypeKeys {
unionType := unionTypes[unionTypeKey]
objectSchema := schema.DefinitionWithName(unionType.Name)
if objectSchema == nil {
objectSchema = &jsonschema.Schema{}
oneOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/" + lowerFirst(unionType.ObjectType1))})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/" + lowerFirst(unionType.ObjectType2))})
objectSchema.OneOf = &oneOf
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema(unionType.Name, objectSchema))
// generate implied map types
mapTypeKeys := make([]string, 0, len(mapTypes))
for key := range mapTypes {
mapTypeKeys = append(mapTypeKeys, key)
for _, mapTypeKey := range mapTypeKeys {
mapType := mapTypes[mapTypeKey]
objectSchema := schema.DefinitionWithName(mapType.Name)
if objectSchema == nil {
objectSchema = &jsonschema.Schema{}
objectSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")
additionalPropertiesSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
if mapType.ObjectType == "string" {
additionalPropertiesSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")
} else {
additionalPropertiesSchema.Ref = stringptr("#/definitions/" + lowerFirst(mapType.ObjectType))
objectSchema.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithSchema(additionalPropertiesSchema)
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema(mapType.Name, objectSchema))
// add schema objects for "object", "any", and "expression"
if true {
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
objectSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")
objectSchema.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithBoolean(true)
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("object", objectSchema))
if true {
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
objectSchema.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithBoolean(true)
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("any", objectSchema))
if true {
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
objectSchema.Type = jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")
objectSchema.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithBoolean(true)
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("expression", objectSchema))
// add schema objects for "specificationExtension"
if true {
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
objectSchema.Description = stringptr("Any property starting with x- is valid.")
oneOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("null")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("number")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("array")})
objectSchema.OneOf = &oneOf
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("specificationExtension", objectSchema))
// add schema objects for "defaultType"
if true {
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
oneOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("null")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("array")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("number")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
objectSchema.OneOf = &oneOf
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("defaultType", objectSchema))
// add schema objects for "primitive"
if false { // we don't seem to need these for 3.0 RC2
objectSchema := &jsonschema.Schema{}
oneOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("number")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
objectSchema.OneOf = &oneOf
*schema.Definitions = append(*schema.Definitions, jsonschema.NewNamedSchema("primitive", objectSchema))
// force a few more things into the "schema" schema
schemaObject := schema.DefinitionWithName("schema")
schemaObject.AdditionalProperties = jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithBoolean(false)
schemaObject.AddProperty("type", &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
schemaObject.AddProperty("allOf", arrayOfSchema())
schemaObject.AddProperty("oneOf", arrayOfSchema())
schemaObject.AddProperty("anyOf", arrayOfSchema())
schemaObject.AddProperty("not", &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/schema")})
anyOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
anyOf = append(anyOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/schemaOrReference")})
anyOf = append(anyOf, arrayOfSchema())
&jsonschema.Schema{AnyOf: &anyOf})
schemaObject.AddProperty("properties", &jsonschema.Schema{
Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("object"),
AdditionalProperties: jsonschema.NewSchemaOrBooleanWithSchema(
&jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/schemaOrReference")})})
if true { // add additionalProperties schema object
oneOf := make([]*jsonschema.Schema, 0)
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/schemaOrReference")})
oneOf = append(oneOf, &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("boolean")})
schemaObject.AddProperty("additionalProperties", &jsonschema.Schema{OneOf: &oneOf})
schemaObject.AddProperty("default", &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/defaultType")})
schemaObject.AddProperty("description", &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
schemaObject.AddProperty("format", &jsonschema.Schema{Type: jsonschema.NewStringOrStringArrayWithString("string")})
// fix the content object
contentObject := schema.DefinitionWithName("content")
if contentObject != nil {
pairs := make([]*jsonschema.NamedSchema, 0)
contentObject.PatternProperties = &pairs
namedSchema := &jsonschema.NamedSchema{Name: "^", Value: &jsonschema.Schema{Ref: stringptr("#/definitions/mediaType")}}
*(contentObject.PatternProperties) = append(*(contentObject.PatternProperties), namedSchema)
// fix the contact object
contactObject := schema.DefinitionWithName("contact")
if contactObject != nil {
emailProperty := contactObject.PropertyWithName("email")
if emailProperty != nil {
emailProperty.Format = stringptr("email");
urlProperty := contactObject.PropertyWithName("url")
if urlProperty != nil {
urlProperty.Format = stringptr("uri");
// write the updated schema
output := schema.JSONString()
err = ioutil.WriteFile("schema.json", []byte(output), 0644)
if err != nil {