blob: e710c97576c8bd381aa0e904597a47b387377596 [file] [log] [blame]
package command
import (
eventtypes ""
type eventProcessor func(eventtypes.Message, error) error
// EventHandler is abstract interface for user to customize
// own handle functions of each type of events
type EventHandler interface {
Handle(action string, h func(eventtypes.Message))
Watch(c <-chan eventtypes.Message)
// InitEventHandler initializes and returns an EventHandler
func InitEventHandler() EventHandler {
return &eventHandler{handlers: make(map[string]func(eventtypes.Message))}
type eventHandler struct {
handlers map[string]func(eventtypes.Message)
mu sync.Mutex
func (w *eventHandler) Handle(action string, h func(eventtypes.Message)) {
w.handlers[action] = h
// Watch ranges over the passed in event chan and processes the events based on the
// handlers created for a given action.
// To stop watching, close the event chan.
func (w *eventHandler) Watch(c <-chan eventtypes.Message) {
for e := range c {
h, exists := w.handlers[e.Action]
if !exists {
logrus.Debugf("event handler: received event: %v", e)
go h(e)