blob: 68341229885d99c7307b1d2ca794a3601eba2f5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018, Sander van Harmelen
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cloudstack
import (
type AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["clusterid"]; found {
u.Set("clusterid", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["hostname"]; found {
u.Set("hostname", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["insideportprofile"]; found {
u.Set("insideportprofile", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["physicalnetworkid"]; found {
u.Set("physicalnetworkid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) SetClusterid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["clusterid"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) SetHostname(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["hostname"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) SetInsideportprofile(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["insideportprofile"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) SetPhysicalnetworkid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewAddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams(clusterid string, hostname string, insideportprofile string, physicalnetworkid string) *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams {
p := &AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["clusterid"] = clusterid
p.p["hostname"] = hostname
p.p["insideportprofile"] = insideportprofile
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = physicalnetworkid
return p
// Adds a Cisco Asa 1000v appliance
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) AddCiscoAsa1000vResource(p *AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) (*AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("addCiscoAsa1000vResource", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type AddCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse struct {
type AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["hostname"]; found {
u.Set("hostname", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["password"]; found {
u.Set("password", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["physicalnetworkid"]; found {
u.Set("physicalnetworkid", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["username"]; found {
u.Set("username", v.(string))
return u
func (p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) SetHostname(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["hostname"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) SetPassword(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["password"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) SetPhysicalnetworkid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = v
func (p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) SetUsername(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["username"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewAddCiscoVnmcResourceParams(hostname string, password string, physicalnetworkid string, username string) *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams {
p := &AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["hostname"] = hostname
p.p["password"] = password
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = physicalnetworkid
p.p["username"] = username
return p
// Adds a Cisco Vnmc Controller
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) AddCiscoVnmcResource(p *AddCiscoVnmcResourceParams) (*AddCiscoVnmcResourceResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("addCiscoVnmcResource", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r AddCiscoVnmcResourceResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type AddCiscoVnmcResourceResponse struct {
type DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["resourceid"]; found {
u.Set("resourceid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) SetResourceid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewDeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams(resourceid string) *DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams {
p := &DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = resourceid
return p
// Deletes a Cisco ASA 1000v appliance
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResource(p *DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceParams) (*DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("deleteCiscoAsa1000vResource", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type DeleteCiscoAsa1000vResourceResponse struct {
Displaytext string `json:"displaytext"`
Success string `json:"success"`
type DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["id"]; found {
u.Set("id", v.(string))
return u
func (p *DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams) SetId(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewDeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams(id string) *DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams {
p := &DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = id
return p
// delete a Cisco Nexus VSM device
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) DeleteCiscoNexusVSM(p *DeleteCiscoNexusVSMParams) (*DeleteCiscoNexusVSMResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("deleteCiscoNexusVSM", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r DeleteCiscoNexusVSMResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we have a async client, we need to wait for the async result
if s.cs.async {
b, err := s.cs.GetAsyncJobResult(r.JobID, s.cs.timeout)
if err != nil {
if err == AsyncTimeoutErr {
return &r, err
return nil, err
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type DeleteCiscoNexusVSMResponse struct {
JobID string `json:"jobid"`
Displaytext string `json:"displaytext"`
Success bool `json:"success"`
type DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["resourceid"]; found {
u.Set("resourceid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams) SetResourceid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewDeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams(resourceid string) *DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams {
p := &DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = resourceid
return p
// Deletes a Cisco Vnmc controller
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) DeleteCiscoVnmcResource(p *DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceParams) (*DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("deleteCiscoVnmcResource", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type DeleteCiscoVnmcResourceResponse struct {
Displaytext string `json:"displaytext"`
Success string `json:"success"`
type DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["id"]; found {
u.Set("id", v.(string))
return u
func (p *DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams) SetId(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewDisableCiscoNexusVSMParams(id string) *DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams {
p := &DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = id
return p
// disable a Cisco Nexus VSM device
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) DisableCiscoNexusVSM(p *DisableCiscoNexusVSMParams) (*DisableCiscoNexusVSMResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("disableCiscoNexusVSM", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r DisableCiscoNexusVSMResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we have a async client, we need to wait for the async result
if s.cs.async {
b, err := s.cs.GetAsyncJobResult(r.JobID, s.cs.timeout)
if err != nil {
if err == AsyncTimeoutErr {
return &r, err
return nil, err
b, err = getRawValue(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type DisableCiscoNexusVSMResponse struct {
JobID string `json:"jobid"`
Ipaddress string `json:"ipaddress"`
Vsmconfigmode string `json:"vsmconfigmode"`
Vsmconfigstate string `json:"vsmconfigstate"`
Vsmctrlvlanid int `json:"vsmctrlvlanid"`
Vsmdeviceid string `json:"vsmdeviceid"`
Vsmdevicename string `json:"vsmdevicename"`
Vsmdevicestate string `json:"vsmdevicestate"`
Vsmdomainid string `json:"vsmdomainid"`
Vsmmgmtvlanid string `json:"vsmmgmtvlanid"`
Vsmpktvlanid int `json:"vsmpktvlanid"`
Vsmstoragevlanid int `json:"vsmstoragevlanid"`
type EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["id"]; found {
u.Set("id", v.(string))
return u
func (p *EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams) SetId(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewEnableCiscoNexusVSMParams(id string) *EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams {
p := &EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["id"] = id
return p
// Enable a Cisco Nexus VSM device
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) EnableCiscoNexusVSM(p *EnableCiscoNexusVSMParams) (*EnableCiscoNexusVSMResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("enableCiscoNexusVSM", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r EnableCiscoNexusVSMResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we have a async client, we need to wait for the async result
if s.cs.async {
b, err := s.cs.GetAsyncJobResult(r.JobID, s.cs.timeout)
if err != nil {
if err == AsyncTimeoutErr {
return &r, err
return nil, err
b, err = getRawValue(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type EnableCiscoNexusVSMResponse struct {
JobID string `json:"jobid"`
Ipaddress string `json:"ipaddress"`
Vsmconfigmode string `json:"vsmconfigmode"`
Vsmconfigstate string `json:"vsmconfigstate"`
Vsmctrlvlanid int `json:"vsmctrlvlanid"`
Vsmdeviceid string `json:"vsmdeviceid"`
Vsmdevicename string `json:"vsmdevicename"`
Vsmdevicestate string `json:"vsmdevicestate"`
Vsmdomainid string `json:"vsmdomainid"`
Vsmmgmtvlanid string `json:"vsmmgmtvlanid"`
Vsmpktvlanid int `json:"vsmpktvlanid"`
Vsmstoragevlanid int `json:"vsmstoragevlanid"`
type ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["hostname"]; found {
u.Set("hostname", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["keyword"]; found {
u.Set("keyword", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["page"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("page", vv)
if v, found := p.p["pagesize"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("pagesize", vv)
if v, found := p.p["physicalnetworkid"]; found {
u.Set("physicalnetworkid", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["resourceid"]; found {
u.Set("resourceid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetHostname(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["hostname"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetKeyword(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["keyword"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetPage(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["page"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetPagesize(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["pagesize"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetPhysicalnetworkid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) SetResourceid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams() *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams {
p := &ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
return p
// Lists Cisco ASA 1000v appliances
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) ListCiscoAsa1000vResources(p *ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesParams) (*ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("listCiscoAsa1000vResources", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type ListCiscoAsa1000vResourcesResponse struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
CiscoAsa1000vResources []*CiscoAsa1000vResource `json:"ciscoasa1000vresource"`
type CiscoAsa1000vResource struct {
type ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["clusterid"]; found {
u.Set("clusterid", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["keyword"]; found {
u.Set("keyword", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["page"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("page", vv)
if v, found := p.p["pagesize"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("pagesize", vv)
if v, found := p.p["zoneid"]; found {
u.Set("zoneid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) SetClusterid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["clusterid"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) SetKeyword(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["keyword"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) SetPage(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["page"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) SetPagesize(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["pagesize"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) SetZoneid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["zoneid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewListCiscoNexusVSMsParams() *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams {
p := &ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
return p
// Retrieves a Cisco Nexus 1000v Virtual Switch Manager device associated with a Cluster
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) ListCiscoNexusVSMs(p *ListCiscoNexusVSMsParams) (*ListCiscoNexusVSMsResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("listCiscoNexusVSMs", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r ListCiscoNexusVSMsResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type ListCiscoNexusVSMsResponse struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
CiscoNexusVSMs []*CiscoNexusVSM `json:"cisconexusvsm"`
type CiscoNexusVSM struct {
Ipaddress string `json:"ipaddress"`
Vsmconfigmode string `json:"vsmconfigmode"`
Vsmconfigstate string `json:"vsmconfigstate"`
Vsmctrlvlanid int `json:"vsmctrlvlanid"`
Vsmdeviceid string `json:"vsmdeviceid"`
Vsmdevicename string `json:"vsmdevicename"`
Vsmdevicestate string `json:"vsmdevicestate"`
Vsmdomainid string `json:"vsmdomainid"`
Vsmmgmtvlanid string `json:"vsmmgmtvlanid"`
Vsmpktvlanid int `json:"vsmpktvlanid"`
Vsmstoragevlanid int `json:"vsmstoragevlanid"`
type ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams struct {
p map[string]interface{}
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) toURLValues() url.Values {
u := url.Values{}
if p.p == nil {
return u
if v, found := p.p["keyword"]; found {
u.Set("keyword", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["page"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("page", vv)
if v, found := p.p["pagesize"]; found {
vv := strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
u.Set("pagesize", vv)
if v, found := p.p["physicalnetworkid"]; found {
u.Set("physicalnetworkid", v.(string))
if v, found := p.p["resourceid"]; found {
u.Set("resourceid", v.(string))
return u
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) SetKeyword(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["keyword"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) SetPage(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["page"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) SetPagesize(v int) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["pagesize"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) SetPhysicalnetworkid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["physicalnetworkid"] = v
func (p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) SetResourceid(v string) {
if p.p == nil {
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
p.p["resourceid"] = v
// You should always use this function to get a new ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams instance,
// as then you are sure you have configured all required params
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) NewListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams() *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams {
p := &ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams{}
p.p = make(map[string]interface{})
return p
// Lists Cisco VNMC controllers
func (s *ExternalDeviceService) ListCiscoVnmcResources(p *ListCiscoVnmcResourcesParams) (*ListCiscoVnmcResourcesResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.cs.newRequest("listCiscoVnmcResources", p.toURLValues())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var r ListCiscoVnmcResourcesResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp, &r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
type ListCiscoVnmcResourcesResponse struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
CiscoVnmcResources []*CiscoVnmcResource `json:"ciscovnmcresource"`
type CiscoVnmcResource struct {