Adding docker instructions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3d35140..b143063 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@
     $ docker pull cloudstack/cloudstack-ec2stack
 Run an interactive container and configure ec2stack for your CloudStack endpoint.
-Be careful to use as the address for ec2stack server.
+Be careful to use as the bind address for ec2stack server.
-    $ docker run -t -i cloudstack/ec2stack ec2stack-configure
+    $ docker run -ti cloudstack/cloudstack-ec2stack ec2stack-configure
 Commit the configured container into a new image specific to your cloud.
@@ -53,9 +52,20 @@
 Register a user
     $ curl -d AWSSecretKey=yoursecretkey -d AWSAccessKeyId=yourapikey -d Action=RegisterSecretKey http://localhost:5000
+This should return an xml response with the message "Successfully Registered"
+On Ubuntu systems install _pip_ and _awscli_ like so:
+    $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
+    $ sudo pip install awscli
+Configure the AWS cli by entreing your CloudStack cloud API keys, and the name of the zone. Set the signature version to be _v2_:
+    $ aws configure
+    $ aws configure set default.ec2.signature_version v2
 You now just need to configure your aws cli and use the local ec2stack point:
     $ aws ec2 describe-images --endpoint=http://localhost:5000