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<chapter id="gsoc-imduffy15">
<title>Ians's 2013 GSoC Proposal</title>
<para>This chapter describes Ians 2013 Google Summer of Code project within the &PRODUCT; ASF project. It is a copy paste of the submitted proposal.</para>
<section id="ldap-user-provisioning">
<title>LDAP user provisioning</title>
"Need to automate the way the LDAP users are provisioned into cloud stack. This will mean better
integration with a LDAP server, ability to import users and a way to define how the LDAP user
maps to the cloudstack users."
<section id="abstract">
The aim of this project is to provide an more effective mechanism to provision users from LDAP
into cloudstack. Currently cloudstack enables LDAP authentication. In this authentication users
must be first setup in cloudstack. Once the user is setup in cloudstack they can authenticate
using their LDAP username and password. This project will improve Cloudstack LDAP integration
by enabling users be setup automatically using their LDAP credential
<section id="deliverables">
<para>Service that retrieves a list of LDAP users from a configured group</para>
<para>Extension of the cloudstack UI "Add User" screen to offer user list from LDAP</para>
<para>Add service for saving new user it details from LDAP</para>
<para>BDD unit and acceptance automated testing</para>
<para>Document change details</para>
<section id="quantifiable-results">
<title>Quantifiable Results</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add new user to cloudstack and LDAP is setup in cloudstack</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen</entry>
<entry>A table of users appears for the current list of users (not already created on cloudstack) from the LDAP group displaying their usernames, given name and email address. The timezone dropdown will still be available beside each user</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add new user to cloudstack and LDAP is not setup in cloudstack</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen</entry>
<entry>The current add user screen and functionality is provided</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add new user to cloudstack and LDAP is setup in cloudstack</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen and mandatory information is missing</entry>
<entry>These fields will be editable to enable you to populate the name or email address</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add new user to cloudstack, LDAP is setup and the user being created is in the LDAP query group</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen</entry>
<entry>There is a list of LDAP users displayed but the user is present in the list</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add a new user to cloudstack, LDAP is setup and the user is not in the query group</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen</entry>
<entry>There is a list of LDAP users displayed but the user is not in the list</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator wants to add a group of new users to cloudstack</entry>
<entry>The administrator opens the "Add User" screen, selects the users and hits save</entry>
<entry>The list of new users are saved to the database</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An administrator has created a new LDAP user on cloudstack</entry>
<entry>The user authenticates against cloudstack with the right credentials</entry>
<entry>They are authorised in cloudstack</entry>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A user wants to edit an LDAP user</entry>
<entry>They open the "Edit User" screen</entry>
<entry>The password fields are disabled and cannot be changed</entry>
<section id="the-design-document">
<title>The Design Document</title>
<emphasis role="bold">
LDAP user list service
<emphasis role="bold">name:</emphasis> ldapUserList
<emphasis role="bold">responseObject:</emphasis> LDAPUserResponse {username,email,name}
<emphasis role="bold">parameter:</emphasis> listType:enum {NEW, EXISTING,ALL} (Default to ALL if no option provided)
Create a new API service call for retreiving the list of users from LDAP. This will call a new
ConfigurationService which will retrieve the list of users using the configured search base and the query
filter. The list may be filtered in the ConfigurationService based on listType parameter
<emphasis role="bold">
LDAP Available Service
<emphasis role="bold">name:</emphasis> ldapAvailable
<emphasis role="bold">responseObject</emphasis> LDAPAvailableResponse {available:boolean}
Create a new API service call veriying LDAP is setup correctly verifying the following configuration elements are all set:
<emphasis role="bold">
LDAP Save Users Service
<emphasis role="bold">name:</emphasis> ldapSaveUsers
<emphasis role="bold">responseObject:</emphasis> LDAPSaveUsersRssponse {list<![CDATA[<UserResponse>]]>}
<emphasis role="bold">parameter:</emphasis> list of users
Saves the list of objects instead. Following the functionality in CreateUserCmd it will
<para>Create the user via the account service</para>
<para>Handle the response</para>
It will be decided whether a transation should remain over whole save or only over individual users. A list of UserResponse will be returned.
<emphasis role="bold">
Extension of cloudstack UI "Add User" screen
Extend account.js enable the adding of a list of users with editable fields where required. The new "add user" screen for LDAP setup will:
<para>Make an ajax call to the ldapAvailable, ldapuserList and ldapSaveUsers services</para>
<para>Validate on username, email, firstname and lastname</para>
<emphasis role="bold">
Extension of cloudstack UI "Edit User" screen
Extend account.js to disable the password fields on the edit user screen if LDAP available, specifically:
<para>Make an ajax call to the ldapAvailable, ldapuserList and ldapSaveUsers services</para>
<para>Validate on username, email, firstname and lastname. Additional server validation will nsure the password has not changed</para>
<section id="approach">
To get started a development cloudstack environment will be created with DevCloud used to verify changes. Once the schedule is agreed with the mentor the deliverables will be broken into small user stories with expected delivery dates set. The development cycle will focus on BDD, enforcing all unit and acceptance tests are written first.
A build pipe line for continious delivery environment around cloudstack will be implemented, the following stages will be adopted:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Run unit tests</entry>
<entry>Runs code quality metrics</entry>
<entry>Deploys the devcloud and runs all acceptance tests</entry>
<entry>Deploy a new management server using Chef</entry>
<section id="about-me">
<title>About me</title>
I am a Computer Science Student at Dublin City University in Ireland. I have interests in virtualization,
automation, information systems, networking and web development
I was involved with a project in a K-12(educational) environment of moving their server systems over
to a virtualized environment on ESXi. I have good knowledge of programming in Java, PHP and
Scripting langages. During the configuration of an automation system for OS deployment I experienced
some exposure to scripting in powershell, batch, vbs and bash and configuration of PXE images based
of WinPE and Debian.
Additionally I am also a mentor in an opensource teaching movement called CoderDojo, we teach kids
from the age of 8 everything from web page, HTML 5 game and raspberry pi development. It's really
I’m excited at the opportunity and learning experience that cloudstack are offering with this project.