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<section id="cloudmonkey">
<para>CloudMonkey is the &PRODUCT; Command Line Interface (CLI). It is written in Python. CloudMonkey can be used both as an interactive shell and as a command line tool which simplifies &PRODUCT; configuration and management. It can be used with &PRODUCT; releases since the 4.0.x branch.</para>
<para>CloudMonkey is still under development and should be considered a Work In Progress (WIP), the wiki is the most up to date documentation:</para>
<para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
<section id="gettingcloudmonkey">
<title>Installing CloudMonkey</title>
<para>CloudMonkey is dependent on <emphasis>readline, pygments, prettytable</emphasis>, when installing from source you will need to resolve those dependencies. Using the cheese shop, the dependencies will be automatically installed.</para>
<para>There are three ways to get CloudMonkey. Via the official &PRODUCT; source releases or via a community maintained distribution at <ulink url="">the cheese shop</ulink>. Developers can also get it directly from the git repository in <emphasis>tools/cli/</emphasis>.</para>
<para>Via the official Apache &PRODUCT; releases as well as the git repository.</para>
$ git clone # (optional if using a release download)
$ mvn clean install -P developer
$ cd tools/cli # cloudmonkey-x.x.x.tar.gz will be built in dist
$ python build
$ python install
<para>Via a community maintained package on Cheese Shop</para>
<para><programlisting>pip install cloudmonkey</programlisting></para>
<section id="configuringcloudmonkey">
<para>To configure CloudMonkey you can edit the ~/.cloudmonkey/config file in the user's home directory as shown below. The values can also be set interactively at the cloudmonkey prompt. Logs are kept in ~/.cloudmonkey/log, and history is stored in ~/.cloudmonkey/history. Discovered apis are listed in ~/.cloudmonkey/cache. Only the log and history files can be custom paths and can be configured by setting appropriate file paths in ~/.cloudmonkey/config</para>
$ cat ~/.cloudmonkey/config
log_file = /Users/sebastiengoasguen/.cloudmonkey/log
asyncblock = true
paramcompletion = false
history_file = /Users/sebastiengoasguen/.cloudmonkey/history
color = true
prompt = >
tabularize = false
secretkey =VDaACYb0LV9eNjTetIOElcVQkvJck_J_QljX_FcHRj87ZKiy0z0ty0ZsYBkoXkY9b7eq1EhwJaw7FF3akA3KBQ
apikey = plgWJfZK4gyS3mOMTVmjUVg-X-jlWlnfaUJ9GAbBbf9EdMkAYMmAiLqzzq1ElZLYq_u38zCm0bewzGUdP66mg
path = /client/api
host = localhost
protocol = http
port = 8080
timeout = 3600
<para>The values can also be set at the CloudMonkey prompt. The API and secret keys are obtained via the &PRODUCT; UI or via a raw api call.</para>
$ cloudmonkey
☁ Apache CloudStack cloudmonkey 4.1.0-snapshot. Type help or ? to list commands.
> set prompt myprompt>
myprompt> set host localhost
myprompt> set port 8080
myprompt> set apikey <your api key>
myprompt> set secretkey <your secret key>
<para>You can use CloudMonkey to interact with a local cloud, and even with a remote public cloud. You just need to set the host value properly and obtain the keys from the cloud administrator.</para>
<section id="cliapidiscovery">
<title>API Discovery</title>
<para>In &PRODUCT; 4.0.* releases, the list of api calls available will be pre-cached, while starting with &PRODUCT; 4.1 releases and above an API discovery service is enabled. CloudMonkey will discover automatically the api calls available on the management server. The sync command in CloudMonkey pulls a list of apis which are accessible to your user role, along with help docs etc. and stores them in ~/.cloudmonkey/cache. This allows cloudmonkey to be adaptable to changes in mgmt server, so in case the sysadmin enables a plugin such as Nicira NVP for that user role, the users can get those changes. New verbs and grammar (DSL) rules are created on the fly.</para>
<para>To discover the APIs available do:</para>
> sync
324 APIs discovered and cached
<section id="clitabularoutput">
<title>Tabular Output</title>
<para>The number of key/value pairs returned by the api calls can be large resulting in a very long output. To enable easier viewing of the output, a tabular formatting can be setup. You may enable tabular listing and even choose set of column fields, this allows you to create your own field using the filter param which takes in comma separated argument. If argument has a space, put them under double quotes. The create table will have the same sequence of field filters provided</para>
<para>To enable it, use the <emphasis>set</emphasis> function and create filters like so:</para>
> set tabularize true
> list users filter=id,domain,account
count = 1
| id | domain | account |
| 7ed6d5da-93b2-4545-a502-23d20b48ef2a | ROOT | admin |
<section id="interactivecli">
<title>Interactive Shell Usage</title>
<para>To start learning CloudMonkey, the best is to use the interactive shell. Simply type CloudMonkey at the prompt and you should get the interactive shell.</para>
<para>At the CloudMonkey prompt press the tab key twice, you will see all potential verbs available. Pick on, enter a space and then press tab twice. You will see all actions available for that verb</para>
EOF assign cancel create detach extract ldap prepare reconnect restart shell update
activate associate change delete disable generate list query register restore start upload
add attach configure deploy enable get mark quit remove revoke stop
api authorize copy destroy exit help migrate reboot reset set suspend
account diskoffering loadbalancerrule portforwardingrule snapshot tags vpc
autoscalepolicy domain network privategateway snapshotpolicy template vpcoffering
autoscalevmgroup firewallrule networkacl project sshkeypair user vpnconnection
autoscalevmprofile instancegroup networkoffering remoteaccessvpn staticroute virtualrouterelement vpncustomergateway
condition ipforwardingrule physicalnetwork securitygroup storagenetworkiprange vlaniprange vpngateway
counter lbstickinesspolicy pod serviceoffering storagepool volume zone
<para>Picking one action and entering a space plus the tab key, you will obtain the list of parameters for that specific api call.</para>
cloudmonkey>create network
account= domainid= isAsync= networkdomain= projectid= vlan=
acltype= endip= name= networkofferingid= startip= vpcid=
displaytext= gateway= netmask= physicalnetworkid= subdomainaccess= zoneid=
<para>To get additional help on that specific api call you can use the following:</para>
cloudmonkey>create network -h
Creates a network
Required args: displaytext name networkofferingid zoneid
Args: account acltype displaytext domainid endip gateway isAsync name netmask networkdomain networkofferingid physicalnetworkid projectid startip subdomainaccess vlan vpcid zoneid
cloudmonkey>create network -help
Creates a network
Required args: displaytext name networkofferingid zoneid
Args: account acltype displaytext domainid endip gateway isAsync name netmask networkdomain networkofferingid physicalnetworkid projectid startip subdomainaccess vlan vpcid zoneid
cloudmonkey>create network --help
Creates a network
Required args: displaytext name networkofferingid zoneid
Args: account acltype displaytext domainid endip gateway isAsync name netmask networkdomain networkofferingid physicalnetworkid projectid startip subdomainaccess vlan vpcid zoneid
<para>Note the required arguments necessary for the calls.</para>
<note><para>To find out the required parameters value, using a debugger console on the &PRODUCT; UI might be very useful. For instance using Firebug on Firefox, you can navigate the UI and check the parameters values for each call you are making as you navigate the UI.</para></note>
<section id="startingavmexample">
<title>Starting a Virtual Machine instance with CloudMonkey</title>
<para>To start a virtual machine instance we will use the <emphasis>deploy virtualmachine</emphasis> call.</para>
cloudmonkey>deploy virtualmachine -h
Creates and automatically starts a virtual machine based on a service offering, disk offering, and template.
Required args: serviceofferingid templateid zoneid
Args: account diskofferingid displayname domainid group hostid hypervisor ipaddress iptonetworklist isAsync keyboard keypair name networkids projectid securitygroupids securitygroupnames serviceofferingid size startvm templateid userdata zoneid
<para>The required arguments are <emphasis>serviceofferingid, templateid and zoneid</emphasis></para>
<para>In order to specify the template that we want to use, we can list all available templates with the following call:</para>
cloudmonkey>list templates templatefilter=all
count = 2
domain = ROOT
domainid = 8a111e58-e155-4482-93ce-84efff3c7c77
zoneid = e1bfdfaf-3d9b-43d4-9aea-2c9f173a1ae7
displaytext = SystemVM Template (XenServer)
ostypeid = 849d7d0a-9fbe-452a-85aa-70e0a0cbc688
passwordenabled = False
id = 6d360f79-4de9-468c-82f8-a348135d298e
size = 2101252608
isready = True
templatetype = SYSTEM
zonename = devcloud
<para>In this snippet, I used DevCloud and only showed the beginning output of the first template, the SystemVM template</para>
<para>Similarly to get the <emphasis>serviceofferingid</emphasis> you would do:</para>
cloudmonkey>list serviceofferings | grep id
id = ef2537ad-c70f-11e1-821b-0800277e749c
id = c66c2557-12a7-4b32-94f4-48837da3fa84
id = 3d8b82e5-d8e7-48d5-a554-cf853111bc50
<para>Note that we can use the linux pipe as well as standard linux commands within the interactive shell. Finally we would start an instance with the following call:</para>
cloudmonkey>deploy virtualmachine templateid=13ccff62-132b-4caf-b456-e8ef20cbff0e zoneid=e1bfdfaf-3d9b-43d4-9aea-2c9f173a1ae7 serviceofferingid=ef2537ad-c70f-11e1-821b-0800277e749c
jobprocstatus = 0
created = 2013-03-05T13:04:51-0800
cmd =
userid = 7ed6d5da-93b2-4545-a502-23d20b48ef2a
jobstatus = 1
jobid = c441d894-e116-402d-aa36-fdb45adb16b7
jobresultcode = 0
jobresulttype = object
domain = ROOT
domainid = 8a111e58-e155-4482-93ce-84efff3c7c77
haenable = False
templatename = tiny Linux
<para>The instance would be stopped with:</para>
cloudmonkey>stop virtualmachine id=7efe0377-4102-4193-bff8-c706909cc2d2
<note><para>The <emphasis>ids</emphasis> that you will use will differ from this example. Make sure you use the ones that corresponds to your &PRODUCT; cloud.</para></note>
<section id="scriptingcli">
<title>Scripting with CloudMonkey</title>
<para>All previous examples use CloudMonkey via the interactive shell, however it can be used as a straightfoward CLI, passing the commands to the <emphasis>cloudmonkey</emphasis> command like shown below.</para>
<para><programlisting>$cloudmonkey list users</programlisting></para>
<para>As such it can be used in shell scripts, it can received commands via stdin and its output can be parsed like any other unix commands as mentioned before.</para>