blob: c1376f50c8ac8f264bc7d6ca0be33773d2060fb5 [file] [log] [blame]
# URL of the CloudStack API endpoint
url = http://localhost:8080/client/api/
# Number of times to run the test. Used only for -benchmark
iterations = 1
# Page of results to start on. Used only for -benchmark
page = 0
# Max number of items to return per API call
pagesize = 500
# Zone to use for VMs. Used only for -create
zoneid = 14f5f13d-06b7-4b78-bae9-f00c8e881abc
# Template to use for VMs. Used only for -create
templateid = 583e9600-9fed-11ee-8fa0-7404f10c2178
# Service offering to use for VMs. Used only for -create
serviceofferingid = 2e7419e0-8cc8-46e8-a4f9-eac3d5852d0c
# Disk offering to use for volumes. Used only for -create
diskofferingid = 2916d458-f686-4404-8a00-3704da0ee5b5
# Shared network offering ID. Used only for -create
networkofferingid = 3e0e6640-93ca-4429-9e9a-50545db793ad
# Domain ID of the parent domain to create the subdomains under. Used only for -create
parentdomainid = e24ab778-9fec-11ee-8fa0-7404f10c2178
# Number of domains to create. Creates a shared network for each domain. Used only for -create
numdomains = 5
# Number of networks to create per domain. Used only for -create
numnetworks = 1
# Subnet to use for the networks. Used only for -network with -create
subnet =
# Subnet mask to use for the networks. Used only for -network with -create
submask = 22
# Randomly allocated a VLAN from the range specified below. Used only for -network with -create
vlanrange = 80-1000
# Number of VMs to create per domain. Used only for -create
numvms = 1
# Whether to start the VMs after creation. Used only for -create
startvm = true
# Number of volumes to create & attach per VM. Used only for -create
numvolumes = 1
# Credentials to use to run -benchmark & -create. Name should be "admin" for -create
apikey = x2glnzn09L_gCU5LFxz_2ph7RNZQ81HPrQlRiHKDv1TnjaJAoyNnhPZR65YM_mxj2YSaKLKTFPM_849EaVg2dg
secretkey = BYAJ3_K_voCLE2CBbmweZu5dUmGCokshMg9xFb9qabOogkBPS8ARk6djrQT8w-XAsiDTDMUBYBmQsYqXeuaMKA
# Specifies duration after which the signature included in the request is expired
expires = 600
# Specifies the signature version to allow the client to force a specific signature version
signatureversion = 3
# Profile name. If the name is not "admin", then the profile will be ignored for -create
apikey =
secretkey =
expires = 600
signatureversion = 3
apikey =
secretkey =
expires = 600
signatureversion = 3