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Metric - Abstract Base Class from which all metrics must inherit.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import ocw.utils as utils
import numpy
import as ma
from scipy.stats import mstats
class Metric(object):
'''Base Metric Class'''
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
class UnaryMetric(Metric):
'''Abstract Base Class from which all unary metrics inherit.'''
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def run(self, target_dataset):
'''Run the metric for a given target dataset.
:param target_dataset: The dataset on which the current metric will
be run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The result of evaluating the metric on the target_dataset.
class BinaryMetric(Metric):
'''Abstract Base Class from which all binary metrics inherit.'''
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Run the metric for the given reference and target datasets.
:param ref_dataset: The Dataset to use as the reference dataset when
running the evaluation.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The Dataset to use as the target dataset when
running the evaluation.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The result of evaluation the metric on the reference and
target dataset.
class Bias(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the bias between a reference and target dataset.'''
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the bias between a reference and target dataset.
.. note::
:param ref_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric run.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The difference between the reference and target datasets.
:rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
return calc_bias(target_dataset.values,ref_dataset.values)
class SpatialPatternTaylorDiagram(BinaryMetric):
''' Calculate the target to reference ratio of spatial standard deviation and pattern correlation'''
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate two metrics to plot a Taylor diagram to compare spatial patterns
.. note::
:param ref_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric run.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: standard deviation ratio, pattern correlation coefficient
:rtype: :float:'float','float'
return ma.array([calc_stddev_ratio(target_dataset.values, ref_dataset.values), calc_correlation(target_dataset.values, ref_dataset.values)])
class TemporalStdDev(UnaryMetric):
'''Calculate the standard deviation over the time.'''
def run(self, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the temporal std. dev. for a datasets.
.. note::
:param target_dataset: The target_dataset on which to calculate the
temporal standard deviation.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The temporal standard deviation of the target dataset
:rtype: :class:`ndarray`
return calc_stddev(target_dataset.values, axis=0)
class StdDevRatio(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the standard deviation ratio between two datasets.'''
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the standard deviation ratio.
.. note::
:param ref_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric run.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The standard deviation ratio of the reference and target
return calc_stddev_ratio(target_dataset.values, ref_dataset.values)
class PatternCorrelation(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the correlation coefficient between two datasets'''
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the correlation coefficient between two dataset.
.. note::
:param ref_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric run.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The correlation coefficient between a reference and target dataset.
# stats.pearsonr returns correlation_coefficient, 2-tailed p-value
# We only care about the correlation coefficient
# Docs at
return calc_correlation(target_dataset.values, ref_dataset.values)
class TemporalCorrelation(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the temporal correlation coefficients and associated
confidence levels between two datasets, using Pearson's correlation.'''
def run(self, reference_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the temporal correlation coefficients and associated
confidence levels between two datasets, using Pearson's correlation.
.. note::
:param reference_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric
:type reference_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: A 2D array of temporal correlation coefficients and a 2D
array of confidence levels associated with the temporal correlation
num_times, num_lats, num_lons = reference_dataset.values.shape
coefficients = ma.zeros([num_lats, num_lons])
for i in numpy.arange(num_lats):
for j in numpy.arange(num_lons):
coefficients[i, j] = calc_correlation(
target_dataset.values[:, i, j],
reference_dataset.values[:, i, j])
return coefficients
class TemporalMeanBias(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the bias averaged over time.'''
def run(self, ref_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the bias averaged over time.
.. note::
:param ref_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric run.
:type ref_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run.
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The mean bias between a reference and target dataset over time.
return calc_bias(target_dataset.values,ref_dataset.values, average_over_time=True)
class RMSError(BinaryMetric):
'''Calculate the Root Mean Square Difference (RMS Error), with the mean
calculated over time and space.'''
def run(self, reference_dataset, target_dataset):
'''Calculate the Root Mean Square Difference (RMS Error), with the mean
calculated over time and space.
.. note::
:param reference_dataset: The reference dataset to use in this metric
:type reference_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:param target_dataset: The target dataset to evaluate against the
reference dataset in this metric run
:type target_dataset: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The RMS error, with the mean calculated over time and space
return calc_rmse(target_dataset.values, reference_dataset.values)
def calc_bias(target_array, reference_array, average_over_time = False):
''' Calculate difference between two arrays
:param target_array: an array to be evaluated, as model output
:type target_array: :class:''
:param reference_array: an array of reference dataset
:type reference_array: :class:''
:param average_over_time: if True, calculated bias is averaged for the axis=0
:type average_over_time: 'bool'
:returns: Biases array of the target dataset
:rtype: :class:''
bias = target_array - reference_array
if average_over_time:
return ma.average(bias, axis=0)
return bias
def calc_stddev(array, axis=None):
''' Calculate a sample standard deviation of an array along the array
:param array: an array to calculate sample standard deviation
:type array: :class:''
:param axis: Axis along which the sample standard deviation is computed.
:type axis: 'int'
:returns: sample standard deviation of array
:rtype: :class:''
if isinstance(axis, int):
return ma.std(array, axis=axis, ddof=1)
return ma.std(array, ddof=1)
def calc_stddev_ratio(target_array, reference_array):
''' Calculate ratio of standard deivations of the two arrays
:param target_array: an array to be evaluated, as model output
:type target_array: :class:''
:param reference_array: an array of reference dataset
:type reference_array: :class:''
:param average_over_time: if True, calculated bias is averaged for the axis=0
:type average_over_time: 'bool'
:returns: (standard deviation of target_array)/(standard deviation of reference array)
:rtype: :class:'float'
return calc_stddev(target_array)/calc_stddev(reference_array)
def calc_correlation(target_array, reference_array):
'''Calculate the correlation coefficient between two arrays.
:param target_array: an array to be evaluated, as model output
:type target_array: :class:''
:param reference_array: an array of reference dataset
:type reference_array: :class:''
:returns: pearson's correlation coefficient between the two input arrays
:rtype: :class:''
return mstats.pearsonr(reference_array.flatten(), target_array.flatten())[0]
def calc_rmse(target_array, reference_array):
''' Calculate ratio of standard deivations of the two arrays
:param target_array: an array to be evaluated, as model output
:type target_array: :class:''
:param reference_array: an array of reference dataset
:type reference_array: :class:''
:param average_over_time: if True, calculated bias is averaged for the axis=0
:type average_over_time: 'bool'
:returns: root mean square error
:rtype: :class:'float'
return (ma.mean((calc_bias(target_array, reference_array))**2))**0.5