blob: 6f31b3c58f8b5623511e24b37b39c6e0aa7b7252 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# from:
from numpy import exp
import pdb
def CtoF(tf):
return ( tc * 9. / 5. ) + 32.0
def CtoK(tc):
return tc + 273.15
def FtoK(tf):
return ( (tf - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0) + 273.15
def FtoC(tf):
return (tf - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
def KtoC(tk):
return (tk - 273.15 )
def KtoF(tk):
return ( ( tk - 273.15 ) * 9.0 / 5.0 ) + 32.0
def ComputeES(tc):
Tc: Temperature in deg Celsius
es: Saturation vapor pressure in mbar
es = 6.112 * exp( ( 17.67 * tc ) / ( tc + 243.5 ) );
return es
def ComputeE(td):
Td: dew point in deg Celcius
e: vapor pressure in mbar
e = 6.112 * exp( ( 17.67 * td) / ( td + 243.5 ) );
return e
def ComputeQ(h):
td: in celsius
p: in mbar
sp = h.getData( variable='sp' )
sp = sp/100 # from Pa to Mb
d2m = h.getData( variable='d2m' )
d2m = KtoC(d2m)
e = ComputeE(d2m)
q = ( 0.622 * e ) / ( sp - ( 0.378 * e ) );
return q
def ComputeRH( h ):
f is the netCDF file handle containing t2m and d2m in the same file
t2m = h.getData( variable='t2m' )
t2m = KtoC(t2m)
d2m = h.getData( variable='d2m' )
d2m = KtoC(d2m)
es = ComputeES(t2m)
e = ComputeE(d2m)
RH = 100 * (e /es )
return RH
def ComputeJRA25RH( h ):
f is the netCDF file handle containing and TMPprs in DEPRprs the same file
ta = h.getData( variable='tmpprs' )
ta = KtoC(ta)
da = h.getData( variable='deprprs' )
da = KtoC(da)
es = ComputeES(ta)
e = ComputeE(da)
RH = 100 * (e /es )
return RH