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<title>2.5.&nbsp;Page Navigation</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/stylesheet.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.75.0"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Apache Click"><link rel="up" href="ch02.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Pages"><link rel="prev" href="ch02s04.html" title="2.4.&nbsp;Security"><link rel="next" href="ch02s06.html" title="2.6.&nbsp;Page Templating"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">2.5.&nbsp;Page Navigation</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ch02s04.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Pages</th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="ch02s06.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="sect1" title="2.5.&nbsp;Page Navigation"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="page-navigation"></a>2.5.&nbsp;Page Navigation</h2></div></div></div><p> Navigation between pages is achieved by using forwards, redirects
and by setting the page template path.
</p><div class="sect2" title="2.5.1.&nbsp;Forward"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="forward"></a>2.5.1.&nbsp;Forward</h3></div></div></div><p> To forward to another page using the servlet
<a xmlns:fo="" class="external" href="" target="_blank">RequestDispatcher</a>,
set the Page's forward property. For example to forward to a page with a
path <code class="varname">index.htm</code>:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="com">/**
* @see Page#onPost()
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">void</span> onPost() {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Process form post</span>
setForward(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"index.htm"</span>);
}</pre><p>This will invoke a new Page class instance mapped to the path
<code class="varname">index.htm</code>.
</p><p><span class="bold"><strong>Please note</strong></span> when a request is
forwarded to another Page, the controls on the second page will not be
processed. This prevents confusion and bugs, like a form on the second page
trying to process a POST request from the first page.
</p><div class="sect3" title=";Forward Parameter Passing"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="forward-parameter-passing"></a>;Forward Parameter Passing</h4></div></div></div><p>When you forward to another page the request parameters are
maintained. This is a handy way of passing through state information
with the request. For example you could add a customer object as a
request parameter which is displayed in the template of the forwarded
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onViewClick() {
Long id = viewLink.getValueLong();
Customer customer = CustomerDAO.findByPK(id);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Set the customer object as a request parameter</span>
getContext().setRequestAttribute(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"customer"</span>, customer);
setForward(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"view-customer.htm"</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>The snippet above forwards to the page template
<code class="varname">view-customer.htm</code>:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;html&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;head&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;title&gt;</span>Customer Details<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/title&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/head&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;body&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;h1&gt;</span>Customer Details<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/h1&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;pre&gt;</span>
Full Name: <code class="varname">$customer.fullName</code>
Email: <code class="varname">$</code>
Telephone: <code class="varname">$customer.telephone</code>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/pre&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/body&gt;</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="tag">&lt;/html&gt;</span></pre><p>Request attributes are automatically added to the Velocity Context
object so are available in the page template.
</p></div><div class="sect3" title=";Page Forwarding"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="page-forwarding"></a>;Page Forwarding</h4></div></div></div><p>Page forwarding is another way of passing information between
pages. In this case you create the page to be forwarded to using the
Context <a xmlns:fo="" class="external" href="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Context.html#createPage(java.lang.String)" target="_blank">createPage(String)</a>
method and then set properties directly on the Page. Finally set this
page as the page to forward the request to. For example:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onEditClick() {
Long id = viewLink.getValueLong();
Customer customer = CustomerDAO.findByPK(id);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Create a new EditPage instance based on the specified path</span>
EditPage editPage = (EditPage) getContext().createPage(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"/edit-customer.htm"</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>When creating a page with the <code class="methodname">createPage()</code>
method, ensure you prefix the page path with the <code class="varname">"/"</code>
</p><p>You can also specify the target page using its class as long as
the Page has a unique path. Using this technique the above code becomes:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onEditClick() {
Long id = viewLink.getValueLong();
Customer customer = CustomerDAO.findByPK(id);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Create a new EditPage instance based on its class</span>
EditPage editPage = (EditPage) getContext().createPage(EditPage.<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">class</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>This Page forwarding technique is best practice as it provides you
with compile time safety and alleviates you from having to specify page
paths in your code. Please always use the Context
<code class="methodname">createPage()</code> methods to allow Click to inject
Page dependencies.
</p><p>Although uncommon it is possible to map more than one path to the
same class. In these cases invoking Context
<code class="methodname">createPage(Class)</code> will throw an exception, because
Click will not be able to determine which path to use for the Page.
</p></div></div><div class="sect2" title="2.5.2.&nbsp;Template Path"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="template-path"></a>2.5.2.&nbsp;Template Path</h3></div></div></div><p>An alternative method of forwarding to a new page is to simply set
the current Page's path to the new page template to render. With this
approach the page template being rendered must have everything it needs
without having its associated Page object created. Our modified example
would be:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onViewClick() {
Long id = viewLink.getValueLong();
Customer customer = CustomerDAO.findByPK(id);
addModel(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"customer"</span>, customer);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Set the Page's path to a new value</span>
setPath(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"view-customer.htm"</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>Note how the <code class="varname">customer</code> object is passed through to
the template in the Page model. This approach of using the Page model is
not available when you forward to another Page, as the first Page object is
"<a xmlns:fo="" class="external" href="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#onDestroy()" target="_blank">destroyed</a>"
before the second Page object is created and any model values would be lost.
</p></div><div class="sect2" title="2.5.3.&nbsp;Redirect"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="redirect"></a>2.5.3.&nbsp;Redirect</h3></div></div></div><p>Redirects are another very useful way to navigate between pages.
See HttpServletResponse.
<a xmlns:fo="" class="external" href="" target="_blank">sendRedirect</a>
(location) for details.
</p><p>The great thing about redirects are that they provide a clean URL in
the users browser which matches the page that they are viewing. This is
important for when users want to bookmark a page. The downside of
redirects are that they involve a communications round trip with the users
browser which requests the new page. Not only does this take time, it also
means that all the page and request information is lost.
</p><p>An example of a redirect to a <code class="varname">logout.htm</code> page is
provided below:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onLogoutClick() {
setRedirect(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"/logout.htm"</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>If the redirect location begins with a <span class="symbol">"/"</span> character
the redirect location will be prefixed with the web applications context
path. For example if an application is deployed to the context
<code class="varname">"mycorp"</code> calling
<code class="methodname">setRedirect(<code class="varname">"/customer/details.htm"</code>)</code>
will redirect the request to: <code class="varname">"/mycorp/customer/details.htm"</code>.
</p><p>You can also obtain the redirect path via the target Page's class.
For example:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onLogoutClick() {
String path = getContext().getPagePath(Logout.<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">class</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><p>Note when using this redirect method, the target Page class must have
a unique path.
</p><p>A short hand way of redirecting is to simply specify the target Page
class in the redirect method. For example:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onLogoutClick() {
setRedirect(Logout.<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">class</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
}</pre><div class="sect3" title=";Redirect Parameter Passing"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="redirect-parameter-passing"></a>;Redirect Parameter Passing</h4></div></div></div><p>You can pass information between redirected pages using URL
request parameters. The ClickServlet will encode the URL for you using
HttpServletResponse.<a xmlns:fo="" class="external" href="" target="_blank">encodeRedirectURL</a>
</p><p>In the example below a user will click on an OK button to confirm
a payment. The <code class="methodname">onOkClick()</code> button handler
processes the payment, gets the payment transaction id, and then
redirects to the <code class="varname">trans-complete.htm</code> page with the
transaction id encoded in the URL.
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">class</span> Payment <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">extends</span> Page {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">boolean</span> onOkClick() {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">if</span> (form.isValid()) {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Process payment</span>
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Get transaction id</span>
Long transId = OrderDAO.purchase(order);
setRedirect(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"trans-complete.htm?transId="</span> + transId);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> false;
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">return</span> true;
}</pre><p>The Page class for the trans-complete.htm page can then get the
transaction id through the request parameter <code class="varname">"transId"</code>:
</p><pre class="programlisting"><span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">class</span> TransComplete <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">extends</span> Page {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">/**
* @see Page#onInit()
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">public</span> <span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">void</span> onInit() {
String transId = getContext().getRequest().getParameter(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"transId"</span>);
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">if</span> (transId != null) {
<span xmlns:fo="" class="com">// Get order details</span>
Order order = OrderDAO.findOrderByPK(<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">new</span> Long(transId));
<span xmlns:fo="" class="kwd">if</span> (order != null) {
addModel(<span xmlns:fo="" class="str">"order"</span>, order);
}</pre></div><div class="sect3" title=";Post Redirect"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="post-redirect"></a>;Post Redirect</h4></div></div></div><p>The parameter passing example above is also an example of a Post
Redirect. The Post Redirect technique is a very useful method of
preventing users from submitting a form twice by hitting the refresh
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