log4j.rootLogger=debug,CONSOLE,NAGIOS | |
log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender | |
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout | |
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n | |
log4j.logger.org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.MySQLWriter=ERROR, CONSOLE | |
# our custom handler for nagios | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS=org.apache.log4j.nagios.NagiosAppender | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Host=@TODO-NAGIOS-SERVER@ | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Port=5667 | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Nagios Message Structure | |
# | |
# This appender will send a structured message via the Nagios native protocol to the | |
# nagios server. A nagios message is made up of the following components. | |
# | |
# HOST | |
# | |
# The majority of what you need to think about when using this appender is ... | |
# | |
# 1. How to assign the value for HOST (options allow hardcoding or programmatic lookup) | |
# 2. How to assign the value for SERVICE (options similar to 1.) | |
# 3. The mapping between log4j levels and Nagios levels that matches your needs. | |
# 4. The layout for the raw MESSAGE | |
# | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# | |
# Nagios Enryption | |
# | |
# The config file tells us how to encrypt the data. As of version 0.0.3, the | |
# NagiosAppender supports XOR encryption (thanks to Bob Ingraham!!) If you | |
# are sending messages in the clear, simply leave the following setting commented | |
# out, and the appender will assume the default (no encryption). | |
# | |
# Future versions are expected to support more of the available choices | |
# (anyone with encryption experience willing to help out here?) | |
# | |
# NOTE: the config file will be read only once ... if you need to change the encryption | |
# method, you will need to restart your application for the change to take affect. | |
# | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# If send_nsca was installed on this system, maybe we just want to point to it .... | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.ConfigFile=/usr/local/nagios/nsca-2.4/send_nsca.cfg | |
# or, we can just include our own version with our application | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.ConfigFile=@TODO_CHUKWA_CONF_DIR@/nsca_send_clear.cfg | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Nagios SERVICE_NAME | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# You can either hardcode the nagios service name in this file .... | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.ServiceNameDefault=MDL | |
# ... or you can override the above and set it programatically, using something like the following ... | |
# org.apache.log4j.MDC.put("instance", "APPLICATION_FOOBAR"); | |
# ... or .... | |
# org.apache.log4j.MDC.put("instance", System.getProperty("APP_NAME","UNKNOWN")); | |
# ... in which case, all you need to do in this file is specify the key you used | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.useMDCServiceName=true | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.MDCServiceNameKey=instance | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Nagios HOST | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Dynamic Assignment | |
# | |
# You can control whether your hostname shows up as a fully qualified domain name, | |
# or just the first portion of the fqdn: | |
# For example .... if the fully qualified domain name is 'www1.amazon.com' ..... | |
# www1 | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.useShortHostName=true | |
# www1.amazon.com | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.useShortHostName=false | |
# Static Assignment | |
# | |
# You can take all the guess work out of the interface name | |
# that will be sent upstream vi nsca, and just tell us what key in MDC has the appropriate | |
# name | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.useMDCHostName=true | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.MDCHostNameKey=nagios_host_name | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.InitializeMDCHostNameValue=www1 | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Nagios RETURN CODES | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# | |
# This section is where you control the mappings between the log4j logging levels, | |
# versus the Nagios alert levels. To make things clear, I've designed the appender to | |
# NOT assume any default mappings. This way, you have total control over which messages | |
# get passed on up to nagios. For example, most users will want to avoid sending | |
# debug and info messages to nagios, but they probably will want to send on warnings, | |
# errors, and fatals. The following mappings reflect this convention. | |
# | |
# NOTE: if you don't declare the mapping, the appender WILL NOT SEND THE MESSAGE TO NAGIOS | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Log4j_Level_DEBUG=NAGIOS_UNKNOWN | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Log4j_Level_INFO=NAGIOS_OK | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Log4j_Level_WARN=NAGIOS_WARN | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Log4j_Level_ERROR=NAGIOS_CRITICAL | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.Log4j_Level_FATAL=NAGIOS_CRITICAL | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Option: Filtering | |
# | |
# Filters are very useful when introducing Nagios into a backroom with legacy applications. | |
# | |
# Rather than sending on ALL error messages to your nagios server, you might want to consider | |
# turning on IncludeFilters, and speficically identifying the handfull of problem messages you | |
# need to keep an eye on. Unless a message passes one of your include filters, it won't get | |
# sent. | |
# | |
# The same applies if you are interested in MOST of the messages, but want to suppress the ones | |
# that duplicate information you already know. But turning on ExcludeFilters, you can suppress | |
# these annoying messages ... | |
# | |
# Filters are defined by Java regex patterns (see http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/regex) | |
# | |
# See the file NagiosIncludeExcludeFilters.properties for example entries | |
# | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# | |
# Filtering | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.IncludeFilterEnabled=true | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.ExcludeFilterEnabled=true | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.PatternFilterFile=conf/NagiosIncludeExcludeFilters.properties | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Option: Custom Message at Startup | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# | |
# This is an optional message that will get sent as soon as the appender gets | |
# instantiated. This can be helpful in identifying problems where the application dies quietly, and | |
# gets restarted by someone (or some automated process). | |
# | |
# Simply choose the level that fits your use case, and assign the appropriate message. | |
# | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.SendStartupMessageOK=Application Starting | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.SendStartupMessageUNKNOWN=Application restarted for some reason | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.SendStartupMessageWARN=Application Errors Cleared | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.SendStartupMessageCRITICAL=Application Restarted ... Sound the Alarm!!! | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Option: Layout | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Here is the key the appender will use to populate with the value of the | |
# system's canonical hostname .... look at the layout usage at the end of this file | |
# to see how you might want to use it | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.MDCCanonicalHostNameKey=nagios_canonical_hostname | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Option: Layout | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# | |
# The Nagios appender supports standard layouts | |
# | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout | |
# Here is a rather typical definition .... | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n | |
# Here is a layout that embeds the server name into the message delivered to Nagios ... not really | |
# necessary if we're already using the HOST parameter for this information, but if we're using the | |
# HOST parameter for a virtual name .... like 'APP_SERVER', then we can add a little context by | |
# including the physical hostname in the message. The resulting message sent to nagios would | |
# then contain the physical hostname pre-pended to the raw message. | |
#log4j.appender.NAGIOS.layout.ConversionPattern=%X{nagios_canonical_hostname}: %m%n | |
log4j.appender.NAGIOS.SendStartupMessageOK=Application Starting | |