| Check for an updated copy of this README at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Chukwa_Startup_and_Shutdown_Scripts |
| |
| start-all.sh - runs start-collectors.sh, start-agents.sh, start-probes.sh, start-data-processors.sh |
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| start-collectors.sh - start the chukwa collector daemon (jettyCollector.sh) on hosts listed in conf/collectors |
| stop-collectors.sh - stop the chukwa collector daemon (jettyCollector.sh) on hosts listed in conf/collectors |
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| jettyCollector.sh - start the chukwa collector daemon on the current host |
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| start-agents.sh - start chukwa agent daemon (agent.sh) on all hosts listed in conf/agents |
| stop-agents.sh - stop chukwa agent daemon (agent.sh) on all hosts listed in conf/agents |
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| agent.sh - start the chukwa agent on the current host |
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| start-probes.sh - runs, in this order, systemDataLoader.sh, torqueDataLoader.sh, nodeActivityDataLoader.sh |
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| systemDataLoader.sh - every 60 seconds run: sar, iostat, top, top, df, netstat. //TODO: figure out where these guys send their output |
| torqueDataLoader.sh - //TODO: FILL THIS IN! |
| nodeActivityDataLoader.sh - //TODO: FILL THIS IN! |
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| slaves.sh <command command_args ...> - run arbitrary commands on all hosts in conf/slaves |
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| jettycollector.sh - start a jetty based version of the Chukwa collector |
| agent.sh - start the chukwa agent on the local machine |