blob: 203a4c7bb9389df14db90bc9a2d9d3ba89d78e06 [file] [log] [blame]
(function (callback) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['core/Core'], callback);
else {
}(function () {
* Baseclass for all widgets.
* Provides abstract hooks for child classes.
* @param properties A map of fields to set. May be new or public fields.
* @class AbstractWidget
AjaxSolr.AbstractWidget = AjaxSolr.Class.extend(
/** @lends AjaxSolr.AbstractWidget.prototype */
* @param {Object} attributes
* @param {String} A unique identifier of this widget.
* @param {String} [] The CSS selector for this widget's
* target HTML element, e.g. a specific <tt>div</tt> or <tt>ul</tt>. A
* Widget is usually implemented to perform all its UI changes relative to
* its target HTML element.
* @param {Number} [attributes.start] The offset parameter. Set this field to
* make the widget reset the offset parameter to the given value on each
* request.
* @param {String} [attributes.servlet] The Solr servlet for this widget. You
* may prepend the servlet with a core if using multiple cores. If none is
* set, it will default to the manager's servlet.
constructor: function (attributes) {
AjaxSolr.extend(this, {
id: null,
target: null,
start: undefined,
servlet: undefined,
// A reference to the widget's manager.
manager: null
}, attributes);
* An abstract hook for child implementations.
* <p>This method should do any necessary one-time initializations.</p>
init: function () {},
* An abstract hook for child implementations.
* <p>This method is executed before the Solr request is sent.</p>
beforeRequest: function () {},
* An abstract hook for child implementations.
* <p>This method is executed after the Solr response is received.</p>
afterRequest: function () {},
* A proxy to the manager's doRequest method.
* @param {Boolean} [start] The Solr start offset parameter.
* @param {String} [servlet] The Solr servlet to send the request to.
doRequest: function (start, servlet) {
this.manager.doRequest(start || this.start, servlet || this.servlet);