blob: 51e210b6189fdb875e9c39945618910809fa39eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.opencmis.client.api;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.opencmis.client.api.objecttype.ObjectType;
import org.apache.opencmis.client.api.repository.ObjectFactory;
import org.apache.opencmis.client.api.repository.RepositoryInfo;
import org.apache.opencmis.client.api.util.Container;
import org.apache.opencmis.client.api.util.PagingList;
import org.apache.opencmis.commons.enums.IncludeRelationships;
import org.apache.opencmis.commons.enums.VersioningState;
import org.apache.opencmis.commons.provider.CmisProvider;
* A session is associated with a specific connection to a CMIS repository. A session belongs to one
* authenticated user and
public interface Session {
* Clear all cached data. This implies that all data will be reloaded from the repository
* (depending on the implementation, reloading might be done immediately or be deferred).
void clear();
// session context
* Gets the underlying provider object.
CmisProvider getProvider();
* Get the current default operation parameters for filtering and paging.
OperationContext getDefaultContext();
* Set the current session parameters for filtering and paging.
* @param context
* the <code>OperationContext</code> to be used for the session; if <code>null</code>, a
* default context is used
void setDefaultContext(OperationContext context);
* Creates an operation context object.
OperationContext createOperationContext(Set<String> filter, boolean includeAcls,
boolean includeAllowableActions, boolean includePolicies,
IncludeRelationships includeRelationships, Set<String> renditionFilter,
boolean includePathSegments, String orderBy, boolean cacheEnabled);
* Creates an object id.
ObjectId createObjectId(String id);
// localization
* Get the current locale to be used for this session.
Locale getLocale();
// services
* Repository service <code>getRepositoryInfo()</code>.
RepositoryInfo getRepositoryInfo();
* Access to the object services <code>create</code><i>...</i>, plus factory methods to create
* <code>Acl</code>s, <code>Ace</code>s, and <code>ContentStream</code>.
ObjectFactory getObjectFactory();
// types
* Returns the type definition of the given type id.
ObjectType getTypeDefinition(String typeId);
* Returns the type children of the given type id.
PagingList<ObjectType> getTypeChildren(String typeId, boolean includePropertyDefinitions,
int itemsPerPage);
* Returns the type descendants of the given type id.
List<Container<ObjectType>> getTypeDescendants(String typeId, int depth,
boolean includePropertyDefinitions);
// navigation
* Gets the root folder for the repository.
Folder getRootFolder();
Folder getRootFolder(OperationContext context);
* Returns all checked out documents.
* @see Folder#getCheckedOutDocs(int)
PagingList<Document> getCheckedOutDocs(int itemsPerPage);
PagingList<Document> getCheckedOutDocs(OperationContext context, int itemsPerPage);
* Object service <code>getObject</code>.
CmisObject getObject(ObjectId objectId);
CmisObject getObject(ObjectId objectId, OperationContext context);
* Object service <code>getObjectByPath</code>.
CmisObject getObjectByPath(String path);
CmisObject getObjectByPath(String path, OperationContext context);
// discovery
* Discovery service <code>query</code>.
PagingList<QueryResult> query(String statement, boolean searchAllVersions, int itemsPerPage);
PagingList<QueryResult> query(String statement, boolean searchAllVersions,
OperationContext context, int itemsPerPage);
* Discovery service <code>getContentChanges</code>.
PagingList<ChangeEvent> getContentChanges(String changeLogToken, int itemsPerPage);
// create
ObjectId createDocument(Map<String, ?> properties, ObjectId folderId,
ContentStream contentStream, VersioningState versioningState, List<Policy> policies,
List<Ace> addAces, List<Ace> removeAces);
ObjectId createDocumentFromSource(ObjectId source, Map<String, ?> properties, ObjectId folderId,
VersioningState versioningState, List<Policy> policies, List<Ace> addAces,
List<Ace> removeAces);
ObjectId createFolder(Map<String, ?> properties, ObjectId folderId, List<Policy> policies,
List<Ace> addAces, List<Ace> removeAces);
ObjectId createPolicy(Map<String, ?> properties, ObjectId folderId, List<Policy> policies,
List<Ace> addAces, List<Ace> removeAces);
ObjectId createRelationship(Map<String, ?> properties, List<Policy> policies, List<Ace> addAces,
List<Ace> removeAces);