blob: e52b384c9d6140aa41cf633884e998582304575b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
require_once ('cmis_repository_wrapper.php');
// Option Contants for Array Indexing
// -- Generally optional flags that control how much information is returned
// -- Change log token is an anomoly -- but included in URL as parameter
define("OPT_MAX_ITEMS", "maxItems");
define("OPT_SKIP_COUNT", "skipCount");
define("OPT_FILTER", "filter");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS", "includePropertyDefinitions");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_RELATIONSHIPS", "includeRelationships");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_POLICY_IDS", "includePolicyIds");
define("OPT_RENDITION_FILTER", "renditionFilter");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_ACL", "includeACL");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_ALLOWABLE_ACTIONS", "includeAllowableActions");
define("OPT_DEPTH", "depth");
define("OPT_CHANGE_LOG_TOKEN", "changeLogToken");
define("OPT_CHECK_IN_COMMENT", "checkinComment");
define("OPT_CHECK_IN", "checkin");
define("OPT_MAJOR_VERSION", "major");
define("LINK_SELF", "self");
define("LINK_DESCRIBED_BY", "describedby");
define("LINK_EDIT_MEDIA", "edit-media");
define("LINK_ALTERNATE", "alternate");
define("LINK_PREVIOUS", "previous");
define("LINK_LAST", "last");
define("LINK_DOWN", "down");
define("LINK_CURRENT_VERSION", "current-version");
define("LINK_POLICIES", "");
define("MIME_ATOM_XML", 'application/atom+xml');
define("MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY", 'application/atom+xml;type=entry');
define("MIME_ATOM_XML_FEED", 'application/atom+xml;type=feed');
define("MIME_CMIS_TREE", 'application/cmistree+xml');
define("MIME_CMIS_QUERY", 'application/cmisquery+xml');
// Many Links have a pattern to them based upon objectId -- but can that be depended upon?
* CMIS Service
* @api CMIS
* @since CMIS-1.0
class CMISService extends CMISRepositoryWrapper {
* @internal
var $_link_cache;
* @internal
var $_title_cache;
* @internal
var $_objTypeId_cache;
* @internal
var $_type_cache;
* @internal
var $_changeToken_cache;
* Construct a new CMISService Connector
* @param String $url Endpoint URL
* @param String $username Username
* @param String $password Password
* @param mixed[] $options Connection Options
* @param mixed[] $addlCurlOptions Additional CURL Options
* @api CMIS-Service
* @since CMIS-1.0
/* Utility functions */
function GenURLQueryString($options)
if (count($options) > 0) {
return '&'.urldecode(http_build_query($options));
return null;
function __construct($url, $username, $password, $options = null, array $addlCurlOptions = array ()) {
parent :: __construct($url, $username, $password, $options, $addlCurlOptions);
$this->_link_cache = array ();
$this->_title_cache = array ();
$this->_objTypeId_cache = array ();
$this->_type_cache = array ();
$this->_changeToken_cache = array ();
// Utility Methods -- Added Titles
* @internal
function cacheObjectInfo($obj) {
$this->_link_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->links;
$this->_title_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->properties["cmis:name"]; // Broad Assumption Here?
$this->_objTypeId_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->properties["cmis:objectTypeId"];
if (isset($obj->properties["cmis:changeToken"])) {
$this->_changeToken_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->properties["cmis:changeToken"];
* Get an Object's property and return it as an array
* This returns an array even if it is a scalar or null
* @todo Allow the getProperty method to query the object type information and
* return multivalue properties as arrays even if empty or if only a single value
* is present.
* @param Object $obj Object
* @param String $propName Property Name
* @returns mixed[]
* @api CMIS-Helper
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getMultiValuedProp($obj,$propName) {
if (isset($obj->properties[$propName])) {
return CMISRepositoryWrapper::getAsArray($obj->properties[$propName]);
return array();
* @internal
function cacheFeedInfo($objs) {
foreach ($objs->objectList as $obj) {
* @internal
function cacheTypeFeedInfo($typs) {
foreach ($typs->objectList as $typ) {
* @internal
function cacheTypeInfo($tDef) {
// TODO: Fix Type Caching with missing properties
$this->_type_cache[$tDef->id] = $tDef;
* @internal
function getPropertyType($typeId, $propertyId) {
if (isset($this->_type_cache[$typeId])) {
if ($this->_type_cache[$typeId]->properties) {
return $this->_type_cache[$typeId]->properties[$propertyId]["cmis:propertyType"];
$obj = $this->getTypeDefinition($typeId);
return $obj->properties[$propertyId]["cmis:propertyType"];
* @internal
function getObjectType($objectId) {
if ($this->_objTypeId_cache[$objectId]) {
return $this->_objTypeId_cache[$objectId];
$obj = $this->getObject($objectId);
return $obj->properties["cmis:objectTypeId"];
* @internal
function getTitle($objectId) {
if ($this->_title_cache[$objectId]) {
return $this->_title_cache[$objectId];
$obj = $this->getObject($objectId);
return $obj->properties["cmis:name"];
* @internal
function getTypeLink($typeId, $linkName) {
if ($this->_type_cache[$typeId]->links) {
return $this->_type_cache[$typeId]->links[$linkName];
$typ = $this->getTypeDefinition($typeId);
return $typ->links[$linkName];
* @internal
function getLink($objectId, $linkName) {
if (array_key_exists($objectId, $this->_link_cache)) {
return $this->_link_cache[$objectId][$linkName];
$obj = $this->getObject($objectId);
return $obj->links[$linkName];
// Repository Services
// TODO: Need to fix this for multiple repositories
* Get an Object by Object Id
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices-NotImplemented
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getRepositories() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("getRepositories");
* Get Repository Information
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getRepositoryInfo() {
return $this->workspace;
* Get a set of object-types that are descendants of the specified type
* If typeId is null, then the repository MUST return all types and ignore the depth parameter.
* @param String $typeId The typeId of an object-type specified in the repository
* @param $depth the number of levels in the hierarchy to return (-1 == all)
* @returns Object The set of descendant object-types defined for the given typeId.
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getTypeDescendants($typeId = null, $depth, $options = array ()) {
// TODO: Refactor Type Entries Caching
$varmap = $options;
if ($typeId) {
$hash_values = $options;
$hash_values[OPT_DEPTH] = $depth;
$myURL = $this->getTypeLink($typeId, LINK_DOWN_TREE);
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $hash_values);
} else {
$myURL = $this->processTemplate($this->workspace->links[LINK_TYPE_DESCENDANTS], $varmap);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$typs = $this->extractTypeFeed($ret->body);
return $typs;
* Get a list of object-types that are children of the specified type
* If typeId is null, then the repository MUST return all base object-types.
* @param String $typeId The typeId of an object-type specified in the repository
* @returns Object The list of child object-types defined for the given typeId.
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getTypeChildren($typeId = null, $options = array ()) {
// TODO: Refactor Type Entries Caching
$varmap = $options;
if ($typeId) {
$myURL = $this->getTypeLink($typeId, "down");
$myURL.= $this->GenURLQueryString($options);
} else {
//TODO: Need right URL
$myURL = $this->processTemplate($this->workspace->collections['types'], $varmap);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$typs = $this->extractTypeFeed($ret->body);
return $typs;
* Gets the definition of the specified object-type.
* @param String $typeId Object Type Id
* @returns Object Type Definition of the Specified Object
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getTypeDefinition($typeId, $options = array ()) { // Nice to have
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["id"] = $typeId;
$myURL = $this->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['typebyid'], $varmap);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$obj = $this->extractTypeDef($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Get an Object's Property Type by Object Id
* @param String $objectId Object Id
* @returns Object Type Definition of the Specified Object
* @api CMIS-Helper
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getObjectTypeDefinition($objectId) { // Nice to have
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, "describedby");
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$obj = $this->extractTypeDef($ret->body);
return $obj;
//Repository Services -- New for 1.1
* Creates a new type definition.
* Creates a new type definition that is a subtype of an existing specified parent type.
* Only properties that are new to this type (not inherited) are passed to this service.
* @param String $objectType A type definition object with the property definitions that are to change.
* @returns Object Type Definition of the Specified Object
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices-NotImplemented
* @since CMIS-1.1
function createType($objectType) {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("createType");
* Updates a type definition
* If you add an optional property to a type in error. There is no way to remove it/correct it - without
* deleting the type.
* @param String $objectType A type definition object with the property definitions that are to change.
* @returns Object The updated object-type including all property definitions.
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices-NotImplemented
* @since CMIS-1.1
function updateType($objectType) {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("updateType");
* Deletes a type definition
* If there are object instances present of the type being deleted then this operation MUST fail.
* @param String $typeId The typeId of an object-type specified in the repository.
* @api CMIS-RepositoryServices-NotImplemented
* @since CMIS-1.1
function deleteType($typeId) {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("deleteType");
//Navigation Services
* Get the list of descendant folders contained in the specified folder.
* @param String $folderId the Object ID of the folder
* @param String $depth The number of levels of depth in the folder hierarchy from which to return results (-1 == ALL).
* @returns Object[] A tree of the child objects for the specified folder.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getFolderTree($folderId, $depth, $options = array ()) {
$hash_values = $options;
$hash_values[OPT_DEPTH] = $depth;
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, "");
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* Get the list of descendant objects contained in the specified folder.
* @param String $folderId the Object ID of the folder
* @param String $depth The number of levels of depth in the folder hierarchy from which to return results (-1 == ALL).
* @returns Object[] A tree of the child objects for the specified folder.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getDescendants($folderId, $depth, $options = array ()) { // Nice to have
$hash_values = $options;
$hash_values[OPT_DEPTH] = $depth;
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, LINK_DOWN_TREE);
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* Get the list of child objects contained in the specified folder.
* @param String $folderId the Object ID of the folder
* @returns Object[] A list of the child objects for the specified folder.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getChildren($folderId, $options = array ()) {
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, LINK_DOWN);
$myURL.= $this->GenURLQueryString($options);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* Get the parent folder of the specified folder.
* @param String $folderId the Object ID of the folder
* @returns Object the parent folder.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getFolderParent($folderId, $options = array ()) { //yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, LINK_UP);
$myURL.= $this->GenURLQueryString($options);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$obj = CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Get the parent folder(s) for the specified fileable object.
* @param String $objectId the Object ID of the Object
* @returns Object[] list of the parent folder(s) of the specified object.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getObjectParents($objectId, $options = array ()) { // yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, LINK_UP);
$myURL.= $this->GenURLQueryString($options);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* Get the list of documents that are checked out that the user has access to..
* @returns Object[] list of checked out documents.
* @api CMIS-NavigationServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getCheckedOutDocs($options = array ()) {
$obj_url = $this->workspace->collections[COLLECTION_CHECKED_OUT];
$ret = $this->doGet($obj_url);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
//Discovery Services
* @internal
static function getQueryTemplate() {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
<cmis:query xmlns:cmis=""
return ob_get_clean();
* Execute a CMIS Query
* @param String $statement Query Statement
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object[] List of object propery values from query
* @api CMIS-DiscoveryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function query($q,$options=array()) {
static $query_template;
if (!isset($query_template)) {
$query_template = CMISService::getQueryTemplate();
$default_hash_values = array(
"includeAllowableActions" => "true",
"searchAllVersions" => "false",
"maxItems" => 10,
"skipCount" => 0
$hash_values=array_merge($default_hash_values, $options);
$hash_values['q'] = $q;
$post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($query_template,$hash_values);
$ret = $this->doPost($this->workspace->collections['query'],$post_value,MIME_CMIS_QUERY);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* @internal
function checkURL($url,$functionName=null) {
if (!$url) {
throw new CmisNotSupportedException($functionName?$functionName:"UnspecifiedMethod");
* Get Content Changes
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object[] List of Change Events
* @api CMIS-DiscoveryServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getContentChanges($options = array()) {
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($this->workspace->links[LINK_CHANGES],$options);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
//Object Services
* @internal
static function getEntryTemplate() {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
<atom:entry xmlns:cmis=""
return ob_get_clean();
* @internal
static function getPropertyTemplate() {
<cmis:property{propertyType} propertyDefinitionId="{propertyId}">
return ob_get_clean();
* @internal
function processPropertyTemplates($objectType, $propMap) {
static $propTemplate;
static $propertyTypeMap;
if (!isset ($propTemplate)) {
$propTemplate = CMISService :: getPropertyTemplate();
if (!isset ($propertyTypeMap)) { // Not sure if I need to do this like this
$propertyTypeMap = array (
"integer" => "Integer",
"boolean" => "Boolean",
"datetime" => "DateTime",
"decimal" => "Decimal",
"html" => "Html",
"id" => "Id",
"string" => "String",
"url" => "Url",
"xml" => "Xml",
$propertyContent = "";
$hash_values = array ();
foreach ($propMap as $propId => $propValue) {
$hash_values['propertyType'] = $propertyTypeMap[$this->getPropertyType($objectType, $propId)];
$hash_values['propertyId'] = $propId;
if (is_array($propValue)) {
$first_one = true;
$hash_values['properties'] = "";
foreach ($propValue as $val) {
//This is a bit of a hack
if ($first_one) {
$first_one = false;
} else {
$hash_values['properties'] .= "</cmis:value>\n<cmis:value>";
$hash_values['properties'] .= $val;
} else {
$hash_values['properties'] = $propValue;
//echo "HASH:\n";
//print_r(array("template" =>$propTemplate, "Hash" => $hash_values));
$propertyContent .= CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($propTemplate, $hash_values);
return $propertyContent;
* @internal
static function getContentEntry($content, $content_type = "application/octet-stream") {
static $contentTemplate;
if (!isset ($contentTemplate)) {
$contentTemplate = CMISService :: getContentTemplate();
if ($content) {
return CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($contentTemplate, array (
"content" => base64_encode($content),
"content_type" => $content_type
} else {
return "";
* @internal
static function getSummaryTemplate() {
return ob_get_clean();
* @internal
static function getContentTemplate() {
return ob_get_clean();
* @internal
static function createAtomEntry($name, $properties) {
* Get an Object by Object Id
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getObject($objectId, $options = array ()) {
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["id"] = $objectId;
$obj_url = $this->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['objectbyid'], $varmap);
$ret = $this->doGet($obj_url);
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Get an Object by its Path
* @param String $path Path To Object
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getObjectByPath($path, $options = array ()) {
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["path"] = $path;
$obj_url = $this->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['objectbypath'], $varmap);
$ret = $this->doGet($obj_url);
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Get an Object's Properties by Object Id
* @param String $objectId Object Id
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getProperties($objectId, $options = array ()) {
// May need to set the options array default --
return $this->getObject($objectId, $options);
* Get an Object's Allowable Actions
* @param String $objectId Object Id
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns mixed[]
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getAllowableActions($objectId, $options = array ()) {
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, LINK_ALLOWABLE_ACTIONS);
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
$result = $this->extractAllowableActions($ret->body);
return $result;
* Get the list of associated renditions for the specified object
* Only rendition attributes are returned, not rendition stream.
* @param String $objectId Object Id
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object[]
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getRenditions($objectId, $options = array (
)) {
return getObject($objectId, $options);
* Get an Object's Allowable Actions
* @param String $objectId Object Id
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns String
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function getContentStream($objectId, $options = array ()) { // Yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
$ret = $this->doGet($myURL);
// doRequest stores the last request information in this object
return $ret->body;
* @internal
function legacyPostObject($folderId, $objectName, $objectType, $properties = array (), $content = null, $content_type = "application/octet-stream", $options = array ())
{ // Yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, "down");
// TODO: Need Proper Query String Handling
// Assumes that the 'down' link does not have a querystring in it
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $options);
static $entry_template;
if (!isset ($entry_template))
$entry_template = CMISService :: getEntryTemplate();
if (is_array($properties))
$hash_values = $properties;
} else
$hash_values = array ();
if (!isset ($hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"]))
$hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"] = $objectType;
$properties_xml = $this->processPropertyTemplates($hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"], $hash_values);
if (is_array($options))
$hash_values = $options;
} else
$hash_values = array ();
$hash_values["PROPERTIES"] = $properties_xml;
$hash_values["SUMMARY"] = CMISService :: getSummaryTemplate();
if ($content)
$hash_values["CONTENT"] = CMISService :: getContentEntry($content, $content_type);
if (!isset ($hash_values['title']))
$hash_values['title'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\s.&; ]/", '', htmlentities($objectName));
if (!isset ($hash_values['summary']))
$hash_values['summary'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\s.&; ]/", '', htmlentities($objectName));
$post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($entry_template, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->doPost($myURL, $post_value, MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);
// print "DO_POST\n";
// print_r($ret);
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* @internal
function postObject($folderId,$objectName,$objectType,$properties=array(),$content=null,$content_type="application/octet-stream",$options=array()) { // Yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId,"down");
// TODO: Need Proper Query String Handling
// Assumes that the 'down' link does not have a querystring in it
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getOpUrl($myURL,$options);
static $entry_template;
if (!isset($entry_template)) {
$entry_template = CMISService::getEntryTemplate();
if (is_array($properties)) {
} else {
if (!isset($hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"])) {
$properties_xml = $this->processPropertyTemplates($objectType,$hash_values);
if (is_array($options)) {
} else {
if ($content) {
if (!isset($hash_values['title'])) {
$hash_values['title'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\s.&; ]/", '', htmlentities($objectName));
if (!isset($hash_values['summary'])) {
$hash_values['summary'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\s.&; ]/", '', htmlentities($objectName));
$post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($entry_template,$hash_values);
$ret = $this->doPost($myURL,$post_value,MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);
// print "DO_POST\n";
// print_r($ret);
return $obj;
* @internal
function postEntry($url, $properties = array (), $content = null, $content_type = "application/octet-stream", $options = array ()) {
// TODO: Fix Hack HERE -- get type if it is there otherwise retrieve it --
$objectType ="";
if (isset($properties['cmis:objectTypeId'])) {
$objType = $properties['cmis:objectTypeId'];
} else if (isset($properties["cmis:objectId"])) {
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($url, $options);
print("DEBUG: postEntry: myURL = " . $myURL);
static $entry_template;
if (!isset ($entry_template)) {
$entry_template = CMISService :: getEntryTemplate();
print("DEBUG: postEntry: entry_template = " . $entry_template);
$properties_xml = $this->processPropertyTemplates($objType, $properties);
print("DEBUG: postEntry: properties_xml = " . $properties_xml);
if (is_array($options)) {
$hash_values = $options;
} else {
$hash_values = array ();
$hash_values["PROPERTIES"] = $properties_xml;
$hash_values["SUMMARY"] = CMISService :: getSummaryTemplate();
if ($content) {
$hash_values["CONTENT"] = CMISService :: getContentEntry($content, $content_type);
print("DEBUG: postEntry: hash_values = " . print_r($hash_values,true));
$post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($entry_template, $hash_values);
print("DEBUG: postEntry: post_value = " . $post_value);
$ret = $this->doPost($myURL, $post_value, MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
function createDocument($folderId, $fileName, $properties = array (), $content = null, $content_type = "application/octet-stream", $options = array ()) { // Yes
return $this->postObject($folderId, $fileName, "cmis:document", $properties, $content, $content_type, $options);
function createDocumentFromSource() { //Yes?
throw new CmisNotSupportedException("createDocumentFromSource is not supported by the AtomPub binding!");
function createFolder($folderId, $folderName, $properties = array (), $options = array ()) { // Yes
return $this->legacyPostObject($folderId, $folderName, "cmis:folder", $properties, null, null, $options);
function createRelationship() { // Not in first Release
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("createRelationship");
function createPolicy() { // Not in first Release
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("createPolicy");
function createItem() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("createItem");
function updateProperties($objectId, $properties = array (), $options = array ()) { // Yes
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["id"] = $objectId;
$objectName = $this->getTitle($objectId);
$objectType = $this->getObjectType($objectId);
$obj_url = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit");
$obj_url = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($obj_url, $options);
static $entry_template;
if (!isset ($entry_template)) {
$entry_template = CMISService :: getEntryTemplate();
if (is_array($properties)) {
$hash_values = $properties;
} else {
$hash_values = array ();
if (isset($this->_changeToken_cache[$objectId])) {
$properties['cmis:changeToken'] = $this->_changeToken_cache[$objectId];
$properties_xml = $this->processPropertyTemplates($objectType, $hash_values);
if (is_array($options)) {
$hash_values = $options;
} else {
$hash_values = array ();
$fixed_hash_values = array(
"PROPERTIES" => $properties_xml,
"SUMMARY" => CMISService::getSummaryTemplate(),
// merge the fixes hash values first so that the processing order is correct
$hash_values = array_merge($fixed_hash_values, $hash_values);
if (!isset($hash_values['title'])) {
$hash_values['title'] = $objectName;
if (!isset($hash_values['summary'])) {
$hash_values['summary'] = $objectName;
$put_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: processTemplate($entry_template, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->doPut($obj_url, $put_value, MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
// New for 1.1
function bulkUpdateProperties() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("bulkUpdateProperties");
function moveObject($objectId, $targetFolderId, $sourceFolderId, $options = array ()) { //yes
$options['sourceFolderId'] = $sourceFolderId;
return $this->postObject($targetFolderId, $this->getTitle($objectId), $this->getObjectType($objectId), array (
"cmis:objectId" => $objectId
), null, null, $options);
* Delete an Object
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function deleteObject($objectId, $options = array ()) { //Yes
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["id"] = $objectId;
$obj_url = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit");
$ret = $this->doDelete($obj_url);
* Delete an Object Tree
* @param String $folderId Folder Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @return Object[] Array of problem objects
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function deleteTree($folderId, $options = array ()) { // Nice to have
$hash_values = $options;
$myURL = $this->getLink($folderId, LINK_DOWN_TREE);
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->doDelete($myURL);
//List of problem objects
$objs = $this->extractObjectFeed($ret->body);
return $objs;
* Set an Objects Content Stream
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param String $content Content to be appended
* @param String $content_type Content Mime Type
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function setContentStream($objectId, $content, $content_type, $options = array ()) { //Yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
$ret = $this->doPut($myURL, $content, $content_type);
// New for 1.1
* Append Content to an Objects Content Stream
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param String $content Content to be appended
* @param String $content_type Content Mime Type
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @returns Object
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices-NotImplemented
* @since CMIS-1.0
function appendContentStream($objectId, $content, $content_type, $options = array ()) { //Yes
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("appendContentStream");
* Delete an Objects Content Stream
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @api CMIS-ObjectServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function deleteContentStream($objectId, $options = array ()) { //yes
$myURL = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
$ret = $this->doDelete($myURL);
//Versioning Services
function getPropertiesOfLatestVersion($objectId, $major = false, $options = array ()) {
return $this->getObjectOfLatestVersion($objectId, $major, $options);
function getObjectOfLatestVersion($objectId, $major = false, $options = array ()) {
return $this->getObject($objectId, $options); // Won't be able to handle major/minor distinction
// Need to add this -- "current-version"
* Headers: CMIS-filter, CMIS-returnVersion (enumReturnVersion)
* HTTP Arguments: filter, returnVersion
* Enum returnVersion: This, Latest, Major
function getAllVersions() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("getAllVersions");
* Checkout
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @return Object The working copy
* @api CMIS-VersionServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function checkOut($objectId,$options = array()) {
$myURL = $this->workspace->collections[COLLECTION_CHECKED_OUT];
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $options);
$ret = $this->postEntry($myURL, array ("cmis:objectId" => $objectId));
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Checkin
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @return Object The checked in object
* @api CMIS-VersionServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function checkIn($objectId,$options = array()) {
$myURL = $this->workspace->collections[COLLECTION_CHECKED_OUT];
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $options);
$ret = $this->postEntry($myURL, array ("cmis:objectId" => $objectId));
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
* Cancel Checkout
* @param String $objectId Object ID
* @param mixed[] $options Options
* @api CMIS-VersionServices
* @since CMIS-1.0
function cancelCheckOut($objectId,$options = array()) {
// TODO: Look at links "via" and "working-copy"
$varmap = $options;
$varmap["id"] = $objectId;
$via = $this->getLink($objectId,"via");
print("DEBUG: cancelCheckOut VIA="+$via);
if (!$via) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Not a WORKING COPY!");
$obj_url = $this->getLink($objectId, "edit");
$ret = $this->doDelete($obj_url);
function deleteAllVersions() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("deleteAllVersions");
//Relationship Services
function getObjectRelationships() {
// get stripped down version of object (for the links) and then get the relationships?
// Low priority -- can get all information when getting object
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("getObjectRelationships");
//Multi-Filing ServicesRelation
function addObjectToFolder($objectId, $targetFolderId, $options = array ()) { // Probably
return $this->postObject($targetFolderId, $this->getTitle($objectId), $this->getObjectType($objectId), array (
"cmis:objectId" => $objectId
), null, null, $options);
function removeObjectFromFolder($objectId, $targetFolderId, $options = array ()) { //Probably
$hash_values = $options;
$myURL = $this->workspace->collections['unfiled'];
$myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper :: getOpUrl($myURL, $hash_values);
$ret = $this->postEntry($myURL, array ("cmis:objectId" => $objectId),null,null,array("removeFrom" => $targetFolderId));
$obj = $this->extractObject($ret->body);
return $obj;
//Policy Services
function getAppliedPolicies() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("getAppliedPolicies");
function applyPolicy() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("applyPolicy");
function removePolicy() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("removePolicy");
//ACL Services
function getACL() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("getACL");
function applyACL() {
throw new CmisNotImplementedException("applyACL");