CMIS-936: made public API methods virtual

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/DotCMIS/client/client-objectfactory.cs b/DotCMIS/client/client-objectfactory.cs
index 3ccfa80..ce9e3a8 100644
--- a/DotCMIS/client/client-objectfactory.cs
+++ b/DotCMIS/client/client-objectfactory.cs
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@

         private ISession session;


-        public void Initialize(ISession session, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)

+        public virtual void Initialize(ISession session, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)


             this.session = session;



         // ACL and ACE

-        public IAcl ConvertAces(IList<IAce> aces)

+        public virtual IAcl ConvertAces(IList<IAce> aces)


             if (aces == null) { return null; }


@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
             return result;



-        public IAcl CreateAcl(IList<IAce> aces)

+        public virtual IAcl CreateAcl(IList<IAce> aces)


             Acl acl = new Acl();

             acl.Aces = aces;

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
             return acl;



-        public IAce CreateAce(string principal, IList<string> permissions)

+        public virtual IAce CreateAce(string principal, IList<string> permissions)


             Ace ace = new Ace();

             ace.IsDirect = true;

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@


         // policies

-        public IList<string> ConvertPolicies(IList<IPolicy> policies)

+        public virtual IList<string> ConvertPolicies(IList<IPolicy> policies)


             if (policies == null) { return null; }


@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@


         // renditions

-        public IRendition ConvertRendition(string objectId, IRenditionData rendition)

+        public virtual IRendition ConvertRendition(string objectId, IRenditionData rendition)


             if (rendition == null)


@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@


         // content stream

-        public IContentStream CreateContentStream(string filename, long length, string mimetype, Stream stream)

+        public virtual IContentStream CreateContentStream(string filename, long length, string mimetype, Stream stream)


             ContentStream result = new ContentStream();

             result.FileName = filename;

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@


         // types

-        public IObjectType ConvertTypeDefinition(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition)

+        public virtual IObjectType ConvertTypeDefinition(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition)


             switch (typeDefinition.BaseTypeId)


@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@



-        public IObjectType GetTypeFromObjectData(IObjectData objectData)

+        public virtual IObjectType GetTypeFromObjectData(IObjectData objectData)


             if (objectData == null || objectData.Properties == null)


@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@


         // properties

-        public IProperty CreateProperty<T>(IPropertyDefinition type, IList<T> values)

+        public virtual IProperty CreateProperty<T>(IPropertyDefinition type, IList<T> values)


             return new Property(type, (IList<object>)values);


@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
             return CreateProperty(definition, pd.Values);



-        public IDictionary<string, IProperty> ConvertProperties(IObjectType objectType, IProperties properties)

+        public virtual IDictionary<string, IProperty> ConvertProperties(IObjectType objectType, IProperties properties)


             if (objectType == null)


@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
             return result;



-        public IProperties ConvertProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IObjectType type, HashSet<Updatability> updatabilityFilter)

+        public virtual IProperties ConvertProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IObjectType type, HashSet<Updatability> updatabilityFilter)


             // check input

             if (properties == null)

@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
             return result;



-        public IList<IPropertyData> ConvertQueryProperties(IProperties properties)

+        public virtual IList<IPropertyData> ConvertQueryProperties(IProperties properties)


             if ((properties == null) || (properties.PropertyList == null))


@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@


         // objects

-        public ICmisObject ConvertObject(IObjectData objectData, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual ICmisObject ConvertObject(IObjectData objectData, IOperationContext context)


             if (objectData == null)


@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@



-        public IQueryResult ConvertQueryResult(IObjectData objectData)

+        public virtual IQueryResult ConvertQueryResult(IObjectData objectData)


             if (objectData == null)


@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
             return new QueryResult(session, objectData);



-        public IChangeEvent ConvertChangeEvent(IObjectData objectData)

+        public virtual IChangeEvent ConvertChangeEvent(IObjectData objectData)


             ChangeEvent result = new ChangeEvent();


@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
             return result;



-        public IChangeEvents ConvertChangeEvents(string changeLogToken, IObjectList objectList)

+        public virtual IChangeEvents ConvertChangeEvents(string changeLogToken, IObjectList objectList)


             if (objectList == null)


diff --git a/DotCMIS/client/client-objects.cs b/DotCMIS/client/client-objects.cs
index 6516f91..eccf0ac 100644
--- a/DotCMIS/client/client-objects.cs
+++ b/DotCMIS/client/client-objects.cs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         protected ICmisBinding Binding { get { return Session.Binding; } }


         private IObjectType objectType;

-        public IObjectType ObjectType

+        public virtual IObjectType ObjectType




@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@



-        protected string ObjectId

+        protected virtual string ObjectId




@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@

         protected object objectLock = new object();


-        protected void Initialize(ISession session, IObjectType objectType, IObjectData objectData, IOperationContext context)

+        protected virtual void Initialize(ISession session, IObjectType objectType, IObjectData objectData, IOperationContext context)


             if (session == null)


@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@



-        protected string GetPropertyQueryName(string propertyId)

+        protected virtual string GetPropertyQueryName(string propertyId)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@

         // --- object ---


-        public void Delete(bool allVersions)

+        public virtual void Delete(bool allVersions)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@



-        public ICmisObject UpdateProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties)

+        public virtual ICmisObject UpdateProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties)


             IObjectId objectId = UpdateProperties(properties, true);

             if (objectId == null)

@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
             return this;



-        public IObjectId UpdateProperties(IDictionary<String, object> properties, bool refresh)

+        public virtual IObjectId UpdateProperties(IDictionary<String, object> properties, bool refresh)


             if (properties == null || properties.Count == 0)


@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
             return Session.CreateObjectId(newObjectId);



-        public ICmisObject Rename(string newName)

+        public virtual ICmisObject Rename(string newName)


             if (newName == null || newName.Length == 0)


@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
             return UpdateProperties(prop);



-        public IObjectId Rename(string newName, bool refresh)

+        public virtual IObjectId Rename(string newName, bool refresh)


             IDictionary<string, object> prop = new Dictionary<string, object>();

             prop[PropertyIds.Name] = newName;

@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@

         // --- properties ---


-        public IObjectType BaseType { get { return Session.GetTypeDefinition(GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.BaseTypeId) as string); } }

+        public virtual IObjectType BaseType { get { return Session.GetTypeDefinition(GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.BaseTypeId) as string); } }


-        public BaseTypeId BaseTypeId

+        public virtual BaseTypeId BaseTypeId




@@ -289,21 +289,21 @@



-        public string Id { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ObjectId) as string; } }

+        public virtual string Id { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ObjectId) as string; } }


-        public string Name { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.Name) as string; } }

+        public virtual string Name { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.Name) as string; } }


-        public string CreatedBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CreatedBy) as string; } }

+        public virtual string CreatedBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CreatedBy) as string; } }


-        public DateTime? CreationDate { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CreationDate) as DateTime?; } }

+        public virtual DateTime? CreationDate { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CreationDate) as DateTime?; } }


-        public string LastModifiedBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.LastModifiedBy) as string; } }

+        public virtual string LastModifiedBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.LastModifiedBy) as string; } }


-        public DateTime? LastModificationDate { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.LastModificationDate) as DateTime?; } }

+        public virtual DateTime? LastModificationDate { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.LastModificationDate) as DateTime?; } }


-        public string ChangeToken { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ChangeToken) as string; } }

+        public virtual string ChangeToken { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ChangeToken) as string; } }


-        public IList<IProperty> Properties

+        public virtual IList<IProperty> Properties




@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@



-        public IProperty this[string propertyId]

+        public virtual IProperty this[string propertyId]




@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@



-        public object GetPropertyValue(string propertyId)

+        public virtual object GetPropertyValue(string propertyId)


             IProperty property = this[propertyId];

             if (property == null) { return null; }

@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@

         // --- allowable actions ---


-        public IAllowableActions AllowableActions

+        public virtual IAllowableActions AllowableActions




@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@

         // --- renditions ---


-        public IList<IRendition> Renditions

+        public virtual IList<IRendition> Renditions




@@ -371,12 +371,12 @@

         // --- ACL ---


-        public IAcl getAcl(bool onlyBasicPermissions)

+        public virtual IAcl getAcl(bool onlyBasicPermissions)


             return Binding.GetAclService().GetAcl(RepositoryId, ObjectId, onlyBasicPermissions, null);



-        public IAcl ApplyAcl(IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)

+        public virtual IAcl ApplyAcl(IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)


             IAcl result = Session.ApplyAcl(this, addAces, removeAces, aclPropagation);


@@ -385,17 +385,17 @@
             return result;



-        public IAcl AddAcl(IList<IAce> addAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)

+        public virtual IAcl AddAcl(IList<IAce> addAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)


             return ApplyAcl(addAces, null, aclPropagation);



-        public IAcl RemoveAcl(IList<IAce> removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)

+        public virtual IAcl RemoveAcl(IList<IAce> removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)


             return ApplyAcl(null, removeAces, aclPropagation);



-        public IAcl Acl

+        public virtual IAcl Acl




@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@

         // --- policies ---


-        public void ApplyPolicy(params IObjectId[] policyId)

+        public virtual void ApplyPolicy(params IObjectId[] policyId)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@



-        public void RemovePolicy(params IObjectId[] policyId)

+        public virtual void RemovePolicy(params IObjectId[] policyId)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@



-        public IList<IPolicy> Policies

+        public virtual IList<IPolicy> Policies




@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@

         // --- relationships ---


-        public IList<IRelationship> Relationships

+        public virtual IList<IRelationship> Relationships




@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@

         // --- extensions ---


-        public IList<ICmisExtensionElement> GetExtensions(ExtensionLevel level)

+        public virtual IList<ICmisExtensionElement> GetExtensions(ExtensionLevel level)


             IList<ICmisExtensionElement> ext;

             if (extensions.TryGetValue(level, out ext))

@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@

         // --- other ---


-        public DateTime RefreshTimestamp { get; private set; }

+        public virtual DateTime RefreshTimestamp { get; private set; }


         public void Refresh()


@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@



-        public void RefreshIfOld(long durationInMillis)

+        public virtual void RefreshIfOld(long durationInMillis)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
     /// </summary>

     public abstract class AbstractFileableCmisObject : AbstractCmisObject, IFileableCmisObject


-        public IFileableCmisObject Move(IObjectId sourceFolderId, IObjectId targetFolderId)

+        public virtual IFileableCmisObject Move(IObjectId sourceFolderId, IObjectId targetFolderId)


             string objectId = ObjectId;


@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@



-        public void AddToFolder(IObjectId folderId, bool allVersions)

+        public virtual void AddToFolder(IObjectId folderId, bool allVersions)


             if (folderId == null || folderId.Id == null)


@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
             Binding.GetMultiFilingService().AddObjectToFolder(RepositoryId, ObjectId, folderId.Id, allVersions, null);



-        public void RemoveFromFolder(IObjectId folderId)

+        public virtual void RemoveFromFolder(IObjectId folderId)


             Binding.GetMultiFilingService().RemoveObjectFromFolder(RepositoryId, ObjectId, folderId == null ? null : folderId.Id, null);


@@ -642,37 +642,37 @@

         // properties


-        public bool? IsImmutable { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsImmutable) as bool?; } }

+        public virtual bool? IsImmutable { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsImmutable) as bool?; } }


-        public bool? IsLatestVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsLatestVersion) as bool?; } }

+        public virtual bool? IsLatestVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsLatestVersion) as bool?; } }


-        public bool? IsMajorVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsMajorVersion) as bool?; } }

+        public virtual bool? IsMajorVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsMajorVersion) as bool?; } }


-        public bool? IsLatestMajorVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsLatestMajorVersion) as bool?; } }

+        public virtual bool? IsLatestMajorVersion { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsLatestMajorVersion) as bool?; } }


-        public string VersionLabel { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionLabel) as string; } }

+        public virtual string VersionLabel { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionLabel) as string; } }


-        public string VersionSeriesId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesId) as string; } }

+        public virtual string VersionSeriesId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesId) as string; } }


-        public bool? IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut) as bool?; } }

+        public virtual bool? IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut) as bool?; } }


-        public string VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy) as string; } }

+        public virtual string VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy) as string; } }


-        public string VersionSeriesCheckedOutId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesCheckedOutId) as string; } }

+        public virtual string VersionSeriesCheckedOutId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.VersionSeriesCheckedOutId) as string; } }


-        public string CheckinComment { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CheckinComment) as string; } }

+        public virtual string CheckinComment { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.CheckinComment) as string; } }


-        public long? ContentStreamLength { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamLength) as long?; } }

+        public virtual long? ContentStreamLength { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamLength) as long?; } }


-        public string ContentStreamMimeType { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamMimeType) as string; } }

+        public virtual string ContentStreamMimeType { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamMimeType) as string; } }


-        public string ContentStreamFileName { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamFileName) as string; } }

+        public virtual string ContentStreamFileName { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamFileName) as string; } }


-        public string ContentStreamId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamId) as string; } }

+        public virtual string ContentStreamId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ContentStreamId) as string; } }


         // operations


-        public IDocument Copy(IObjectId targetFolderId, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState,

+        public virtual IDocument Copy(IObjectId targetFolderId, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState,

                 IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)



@@ -693,19 +693,19 @@
             return newDoc;



-        public IDocument Copy(IObjectId targetFolderId)

+        public virtual IDocument Copy(IObjectId targetFolderId)


             return Copy(targetFolderId, null, null, null, null, null, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public void DeleteAllVersions()

+        public virtual void DeleteAllVersions()





         // versioning


-        public IObjectId CheckOut()

+        public virtual IObjectId CheckOut()


             string newObjectId = null;


@@ -726,12 +726,12 @@
             return Session.CreateObjectId(newObjectId);



-        public void CancelCheckOut()

+        public virtual void CancelCheckOut()


             Binding.GetVersioningService().CancelCheckOut(RepositoryId, ObjectId, null);



-        public IObjectId CheckIn(bool major, IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream,

+        public virtual IObjectId CheckIn(bool major, IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream,

                 string checkinComment, IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces)


             String newObjectId = null;

@@ -761,12 +761,12 @@



-        public IList<IDocument> GetAllVersions()

+        public virtual IList<IDocument> GetAllVersions()


             return GetAllVersions(Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IList<IDocument> GetAllVersions(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IList<IDocument> GetAllVersions(IOperationContext context)


             string objectId;

             string versionSeriesId;

@@ -801,29 +801,29 @@
             return result;



-        public IDocument GetObjectOfLatestVersion(bool major)

+        public virtual IDocument GetObjectOfLatestVersion(bool major)


             return GetObjectOfLatestVersion(major, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IDocument GetObjectOfLatestVersion(bool major, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IDocument GetObjectOfLatestVersion(bool major, IOperationContext context)


             return Session.GetLatestDocumentVersion(this, major, context);



         // content operations


-        public IContentStream GetContentStream()

+        public virtual IContentStream GetContentStream()


             return GetContentStream(null);



-        public IContentStream GetContentStream(string streamId)

+        public virtual IContentStream GetContentStream(string streamId)


             return GetContentStream(streamId, null, null);



-        public IContentStream GetContentStream(string streamId, long? offset, long? length)

+        public virtual IContentStream GetContentStream(string streamId, long? offset, long? length)


             IContentStream contentStream = Session.GetContentStream(this, streamId, offset, length);

             if (contentStream == null)

@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
             return contentStream;



-        public IDocument SetContentStream(IContentStream contentStream, bool overwrite)

+        public virtual IDocument SetContentStream(IContentStream contentStream, bool overwrite)


             IObjectId objectId = SetContentStream(contentStream, overwrite, true);

             if (objectId == null)

@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
             return this;



-        public IObjectId SetContentStream(IContentStream contentStream, bool overwrite, bool refresh)

+        public virtual IObjectId SetContentStream(IContentStream contentStream, bool overwrite, bool refresh)


             string newObjectId = null;


@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@
             return Session.CreateObjectId(newObjectId);



-        public IDocument DeleteContentStream()

+        public virtual IDocument DeleteContentStream()


             IObjectId objectId = DeleteContentStream(true);

             if (objectId == null)

@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
             return this;



-        public IObjectId DeleteContentStream(bool refresh)

+        public virtual IObjectId DeleteContentStream(bool refresh)


             string newObjectId = null;


@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@
             return Session.CreateObjectId(newObjectId);



-        public IObjectId CheckIn(bool major, IDictionary<String, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, string checkinComment)

+        public virtual IObjectId CheckIn(bool major, IDictionary<String, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, string checkinComment)


             return this.CheckIn(major, properties, contentStream, checkinComment, null, null, null);


@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@
             Initialize(session, objectType, objectData, context);



-        public IDocument CreateDocument(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, VersioningState? versioningState,

+        public virtual IDocument CreateDocument(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, VersioningState? versioningState,

             IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)


             IObjectId newId = Session.CreateDocument(properties, this, contentStream, versioningState, policies, addAces, removeAces);

@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@
             return newDoc;



-        public IDocument CreateDocumentFromSource(IObjectId source, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState,

+        public virtual IDocument CreateDocumentFromSource(IObjectId source, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState,

             IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)


             IObjectId newId = Session.CreateDocumentFromSource(source, properties, this, versioningState, policies, addAces, removeAces);

@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@
             return newDoc;



-        public IFolder CreateFolder(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IFolder CreateFolder(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)


             IObjectId newId = Session.CreateFolder(properties, this, policies, addAces, removeAces);


@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@
             return newFolder;



-        public IPolicy CreatePolicy(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IPolicy CreatePolicy(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IList<IPolicy> policies, IList<IAce> addAces, IList<IAce> removeAces, IOperationContext context)


             IObjectId newId = Session.CreatePolicy(properties, this, policies, addAces, removeAces);


@@ -1033,15 +1033,15 @@
             return newPolicy;



-        public IList<string> DeleteTree(bool allVersions, UnfileObject? unfile, bool continueOnFailure)

+        public virtual IList<string> DeleteTree(bool allVersions, UnfileObject? unfile, bool continueOnFailure)


             IFailedToDeleteData failed = Binding.GetObjectService().DeleteTree(RepositoryId, ObjectId, allVersions, unfile, continueOnFailure, null);

             return failed.Ids;



-        public string ParentId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ParentId) as string; } }

+        public virtual string ParentId { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ParentId) as string; } }


-        public IList<IObjectType> AllowedChildObjectTypes

+        public virtual IList<IObjectType> AllowedChildObjectTypes




@@ -1065,12 +1065,12 @@



-        public IItemEnumerable<IDocument> GetCheckedOutDocs()

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IDocument> GetCheckedOutDocs()


             return GetCheckedOutDocs(Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IItemEnumerable<IDocument> GetCheckedOutDocs(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IDocument> GetCheckedOutDocs(IOperationContext context)


             string objectId = ObjectId;

             INavigationService service = Binding.GetNavigationService();

@@ -1106,12 +1106,12 @@
             return new CollectionEnumerable<IDocument>(new PageFetcher<IDocument>(ctxt.MaxItemsPerPage, fetchPageDelegate));



-        public IItemEnumerable<ICmisObject> GetChildren()

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<ICmisObject> GetChildren()


             return GetChildren(Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IItemEnumerable<ICmisObject> GetChildren(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<ICmisObject> GetChildren(IOperationContext context)


             string objectId = ObjectId;

             INavigationService service = Binding.GetNavigationService();

@@ -1143,12 +1143,12 @@
             return new CollectionEnumerable<ICmisObject>(new PageFetcher<ICmisObject>(ctxt.MaxItemsPerPage, fetchPageDelegate));



-        public IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetDescendants(int depth)

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetDescendants(int depth)


             return GetDescendants(depth, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetDescendants(int depth, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetDescendants(int depth, IOperationContext context)


             IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> bindingContainerList = Binding.GetNavigationService().GetDescendants(RepositoryId, ObjectId, depth,

                 context.FilterString, context.IncludeAllowableActions, context.IncludeRelationships, context.RenditionFilterString,

@@ -1157,12 +1157,12 @@
             return ConvertProviderContainer(bindingContainerList, context);



-        public IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetFolderTree(int depth)

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetFolderTree(int depth)


             return GetFolderTree(depth, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetFolderTree(int depth, IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IFileableCmisObject>> GetFolderTree(int depth, IOperationContext context)


             IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> bindingContainerList = Binding.GetNavigationService().GetFolderTree(RepositoryId, ObjectId, depth,

                 context.FilterString, context.IncludeAllowableActions, context.IncludeRelationships, context.RenditionFilterString,

@@ -1209,9 +1209,9 @@
             return result;



-        public bool IsRootFolder { get { return ObjectId == Session.RepositoryInfo.RootFolderId; } }

+        public virtual bool IsRootFolder { get { return ObjectId == Session.RepositoryInfo.RootFolderId; } }


-        public IFolder FolderParent

+        public virtual IFolder FolderParent




@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@



-        public string Path

+        public virtual string Path




@@ -1280,22 +1280,22 @@



-        public IDocument CreateDocument(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, VersioningState? versioningState)

+        public virtual IDocument CreateDocument(IDictionary<string, object> properties, IContentStream contentStream, VersioningState? versioningState)


             return CreateDocument(properties, contentStream, versioningState, null, null, null, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IDocument CreateDocumentFromSource(IObjectId source, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState)

+        public virtual IDocument CreateDocumentFromSource(IObjectId source, IDictionary<string, object> properties, VersioningState? versioningState)


             return CreateDocumentFromSource(source, properties, versioningState, null, null, null, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IFolder CreateFolder(IDictionary<string, object> properties)

+        public virtual IFolder CreateFolder(IDictionary<string, object> properties)


             return CreateFolder(properties, null, null, null, Session.DefaultContext);



-        public IPolicy CreatePolicy(IDictionary<string, object> properties)

+        public virtual IPolicy CreatePolicy(IDictionary<string, object> properties)


             return CreatePolicy(properties, null, null, null, Session.DefaultContext);


@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@
             Initialize(session, objectType, objectData, context);



-        public string PolicyText { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.PolicyText) as string; } }

+        public virtual string PolicyText { get { return GetPropertyValue(PropertyIds.PolicyText) as string; } }



     /// <summary>

@@ -1325,12 +1325,12 @@
             Initialize(session, objectType, objectData, context);



-        public ICmisObject GetSource()

+        public virtual ICmisObject GetSource()


             return GetSource(Session.DefaultContext);



-        public ICmisObject GetSource(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual ICmisObject GetSource(IOperationContext context)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@



-        public IObjectId SourceId

+        public virtual IObjectId SourceId




@@ -1358,12 +1358,12 @@



-        public ICmisObject GetTarget()

+        public virtual ICmisObject GetTarget()


             return GetTarget(Session.DefaultContext);



-        public ICmisObject GetTarget(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual ICmisObject GetTarget(IOperationContext context)


             lock (objectLock)


@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@



-        public IObjectId TargetId

+        public virtual IObjectId TargetId




@@ -1400,21 +1400,21 @@
             Values = values;



-        public string Id { get { return PropertyDefinition.Id; } }

+        public virtual string Id { get { return PropertyDefinition.Id; } }


-        public string LocalName { get { return PropertyDefinition.LocalName; } }

+        public virtual string LocalName { get { return PropertyDefinition.LocalName; } }


-        public string DisplayName { get { return PropertyDefinition.DisplayName; } }

+        public virtual string DisplayName { get { return PropertyDefinition.DisplayName; } }


-        public string QueryName { get { return PropertyDefinition.QueryName; } }

+        public virtual string QueryName { get { return PropertyDefinition.QueryName; } }


-        public bool IsMultiValued { get { return PropertyDefinition.Cardinality == Cardinality.Multi; } }

+        public virtual bool IsMultiValued { get { return PropertyDefinition.Cardinality == Cardinality.Multi; } }


-        public PropertyType? PropertyType { get { return PropertyDefinition.PropertyType; } }

+        public virtual PropertyType? PropertyType { get { return PropertyDefinition.PropertyType; } }


-        public IPropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IPropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition { get; protected set; }


-        public object Value

+        public virtual object Value




@@ -1429,13 +1429,13 @@



-        public IList<object> Values { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IList<object> Values { get; protected set; }


-        public object FirstValue { get { return Values == null || Values.Count == 0 ? null : Values[0]; } }

+        public virtual object FirstValue { get { return Values == null || Values.Count == 0 ? null : Values[0]; } }


-        public string ValueAsString { get { return FormatValue(FirstValue); } }

+        public virtual string ValueAsString { get { return FormatValue(FirstValue); } }


-        public string ValuesAsString

+        public virtual string ValuesAsString




@@ -1495,12 +1495,12 @@
             RenditionDocumentId = renditionDocumentId;



-        public IDocument GetRenditionDocument()

+        public virtual IDocument GetRenditionDocument()


             return GetRenditionDocument(session.DefaultContext);



-        public IDocument GetRenditionDocument(IOperationContext context)

+        public virtual IDocument GetRenditionDocument(IOperationContext context)


             if (RenditionDocumentId == null)


@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@
             return session.GetObject(session.CreateObjectId(RenditionDocumentId), context) as IDocument;



-        public IContentStream GetContentStream()

+        public virtual IContentStream GetContentStream()


             if (objectId == null || StreamId == null)


@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@



-        public IPropertyData this[string queryName]

+        public virtual IPropertyData this[string queryName]




@@ -1603,9 +1603,9 @@



-        public IList<IPropertyData> Properties { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IList<IPropertyData> Properties { get; protected set; }


-        public IPropertyData GetPropertyById(string propertyId)

+        public virtual IPropertyData GetPropertyById(string propertyId)


             if (propertyId == null)


@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@
             return null;



-        public object GetPropertyValueByQueryName(string queryName)

+        public virtual object GetPropertyValueByQueryName(string queryName)


             IPropertyData property = this[queryName];

             if (property == null)

@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@
             return property.FirstValue;



-        public object GetPropertyValueById(string propertyId)

+        public virtual object GetPropertyValueById(string propertyId)


             IPropertyData property = GetPropertyById(propertyId);

             if (property == null)

@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@
             return property.FirstValue;



-        public IList<object> GetPropertyMultivalueByQueryName(string queryName)

+        public virtual IList<object> GetPropertyMultivalueByQueryName(string queryName)


             IPropertyData property = this[queryName];

             if (property == null)

@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@
             return property.Values;



-        public IList<object> GetPropertyMultivalueById(string propertyId)

+        public virtual IList<object> GetPropertyMultivalueById(string propertyId)


             IPropertyData property = GetPropertyById(propertyId);

             if (property == null)

@@ -1665,32 +1665,32 @@
             return property.Values;



-        public IAllowableActions AllowableActions { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IAllowableActions AllowableActions { get; protected set; }


-        public IList<IRelationship> Relationships { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IList<IRelationship> Relationships { get; protected set; }


-        public IList<IRendition> Renditions { get; protected set; }

+        public virtual IList<IRendition> Renditions { get; protected set; }



     public class ChangeEvent : ChangeEventInfo, IChangeEvent


-        public string ObjectId { get; set; }

+        public virtual string ObjectId { get; set; }


-        public IDictionary<string, IList<object>> Properties { get; set; }

+        public virtual IDictionary<string, IList<object>> Properties { get; set; }


-        public IList<string> PolicyIds { get; set; }

+        public virtual IList<string> PolicyIds { get; set; }


-        public IAcl Acl { get; set; }

+        public virtual IAcl Acl { get; set; }



     public class ChangeEvents : IChangeEvents


-        public string LatestChangeLogToken { get; set; }

+        public virtual string LatestChangeLogToken { get; set; }


-        public IList<IChangeEvent> ChangeEventList { get; set; }

+        public virtual IList<IChangeEvent> ChangeEventList { get; set; }


-        public bool? HasMoreItems { get; set; }

+        public virtual bool? HasMoreItems { get; set; }


-        public long? TotalNumItems { get; set; }

+        public virtual long? TotalNumItems { get; set; }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DotCMIS/client/client-types.cs b/DotCMIS/client/client-types.cs
index e45adc1..2cc9d0d 100644
--- a/DotCMIS/client/client-types.cs
+++ b/DotCMIS/client/client-types.cs
@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@
             helper = new ObjectTypeHelper(session, this);



-        public IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }


-        public IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }


-        public IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }


-        public IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }


-        public bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }

+        public virtual bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }



     /// <summary>

@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@
             helper = new ObjectTypeHelper(session, this);



-        public IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }


-        public IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }


-        public IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }


-        public IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }


-        public bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }

+        public virtual bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }



     /// <summary>

@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@
             helper = new ObjectTypeHelper(session, this);



-        public IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }


-        public IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }


-        public IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }


-        public IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }


-        public bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }

+        public virtual bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }


-        public IList<IObjectType> GetAllowedSourceTypes

+        public virtual IList<IObjectType> GetAllowedSourceTypes




@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@



-        public IList<IObjectType> GetAllowedTargetTypes

+        public virtual IList<IObjectType> GetAllowedTargetTypes




@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@
             helper = new ObjectTypeHelper(session, this);



-        public IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetBaseType() { return helper.GetBaseType(); }


-        public IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }

+        public virtual IItemEnumerable<IObjectType> GetChildren() { return helper.GetChildren(); }


-        public IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }

+        public virtual IList<ITree<IObjectType>> GetDescendants(int depth) { return helper.GetDescendants(depth); }


-        public IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }

+        public virtual IObjectType GetParentType() { return helper.GetParentType(); }


-        public bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }

+        public virtual bool IsBaseType { get { return helper.IsBaseType; } }

