blob: 9987ed9fc2e7dff6eb421e2928a732937de68022 [file] [log] [blame]
Developer Guide
This page is for people who wish to contribute code to this project.
Developer Setup
Check out the source from head, switch to the source code's root directory, then run:
python develop
That will set up this project's src directory in the easy-install.pth file in site-packages.
Release Process
#. All newly-added code has a unit test
#. All tests pass cleanly (or have good reasons for not passing)
#. Change setup.cfg to have the appropriate tag ('dev', for example, or '' for a stable release)
#. Change to have the appropriate version number
#. All changes checked in
#. pep8 runs without much complaint
* pep8 --ignore=E501,W601 --repeat
#. pylint runs without much complaint
* pylint --disable-msg=C0103,R0904,R0913,C0301,W0511
#. Inline comments updated with changes
#. Sphinx doc updated with changes
#. Docs built cleanly
* cd src/doc/src/
* make html
#. Setuptools build
* python bdist sdist
#. Upload egg and tar to Google Code downloads
#. Make new downloads featured, old downloads deprecated
#. Pypi update
* python upload
#. Tag the release in Subversion
#. Check the `cheesecake <>`_ score
* python cheesecake_index --name=cmislib