added support for 'custom level definitions' in LogFilePatternReceiver, which allows the user to map strings in the log file to Log4j levels
if there are extra spaces that would prevent a pattern from matching, strip them out
exclude empty lines (if appendNonMatches was false, would add an empty line to the log)

With these changes, redirection of Android logging via 'logcat -v time' will now render fine in Chainsaw, using:
<param name="logFormat" value="TIMESTAMP LEVEL/LOGGER(PROP(PID)):MESSAGE"/> 
<param name="customLevelDefinitions" value="V=TRACE,D=DEBUG,I=INFO,W=WARN,E=ERROR,F=FATAL,S=OFF"/>

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 file changed