tree: b1aa66ef7ab5bfb1471b3b926b845e4c294ee0dd [path history] [tgz]
  1. support-scripts/
  3. Containerfile.gitpod
  4. Containerfile.ubuntu

Celix dev container usage

This subdirectory contains a Gitpod Containerfile for developing on Celix using Gitpod and a Ubuntu Containerfile for local development on Celix.

The below steps only need to be executed if you want to develop locally, and not via Gitpod.

Build the celix-dev image yourself

To always be able to develop on Celix with an up-to-date image, built the image yourself.


Using the image

Start locally with SSH daemon

cd <project-root>

# Start a local container with the SSH daemon running

Now connect to the container via the remote container option of your favoured IDE and start building/developing.

For example, you can now start with:

When finished with development and testing, press CTRL + \ to stop the SSH daemon and exit the container.

Start locally with only a bash shell

The start script allows passing of additional parameters, which will override the starting of the SSH daemon. Execute the following commands to open a bash shell and build Celix from the command line:

cd <project-root>

# Start a local container and open a bash shell
./container/ bash

# Build Apache Celix
mkdir -p build
cd build
make -j

# Run the unit tests for Apache Celix
ctest --output-on-failure