layout: default title: Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists

A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. Mailing lists are the primary means of communication for people working on Apache projects.


A message sent to a public mailing list cannot be unpublished. Although we might be able to modify our own mail archives, the message is mirrored to a lot of other archiving systems which we do not have under control. Therefore almost 100% of all delete requests are denied. Please make sure you do not send any potential sensitive information to the mailing list, including passwords, server names, ips and so on. {:.alert .alert-block .alert-error}



You can read the ASF Mail or the Pony Mail archives if you are looking for older discussions. There are many other archives out there as well.