Cayenne 4.2 JDBC Type.OTHER support demo.

This example shows support for DB specific types that are not part of the JDBC spec. Apache Cayenne supports Json and Geo types that are available in many modern RDBMS.

The demo uses Wkt and Json types, later additionally wrapped into custom value type ObjectNode provided by the Jackson library.


Start PostGIS DB:

docker run --name cayenne-postgis -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=cayenne -e POSTGRES_USER=cayenne -e POSTGRES_DB=cayenne-postgis -d postgis/postgis


mvn package


java -jar target/cayenne-jdbc-type-other-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -j
java -jar target/cayenne-jdbc-type-other-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -g

See Cayenne project:

mvn cayenne-modeler:run