Big Trie-Indexed (BTI) SSTable format

This document describes the BTI SSTable format, which is introduced to Cassandra with CEP-25.

The format is called BTI, which stands for “Big Trie-Indexed”, because it shares the data format of the existing BIG format and only changes the primary indexes inside SSTables. The format relies on byte order and tries, and uses a combination of features to make the indexing structures compact and efficient. The paragraphs below describe the format's features and mechanisms together with the motivation behind them, and conclude with detailed description of the on-disk format.


Byte-comparable types

The property of being byte-comparable (also called byte-ordered) for a key denotes that there is a serialisation of that key to a sequence of bytes where the lexicographic comparison of the unsigned bytes produces the same result as performing a typed comparison of the key.

For Cassandra, such a representation is given by CASSANDRA-6936. Detailed description of the mechanics of the translation are provided in the included documentation.


A trie is a data structure that describes a mapping between sequences and associated values. It is very similar to a deterministic finite state automaton, with the main difference that an automaton is allowed to have cycles, while a trie is not.

Because the theory and main usage of the structure is for encoding words of a language, the trie terminology talks about “characters”, “words” and “alphabet”, which in our case map to bytes of the byte-ordered representation, the sequence that encodes it, and the possible values of a byte[^1].

[^1]: For simplicity this description assumes we directly map a byte to a character. Other options are also possible (e.g. using hex digits as the alphabet and two transitions per byte).

A trie can be defined as a tree graph in which vertices are states, some of which can be final and contain associated information, and where edges are labelled with characters. A valid word in the trie is encoded by a path starting from the root of the trie where each edge is labelled with the next character of the word, and ending in a final state which contains the ‘payload’ associated with the word.

graph TD
  Node_(( ))
  style Node_ fill:darkgrey
  Node_ --"a"--> Node_a(((a)))
    Node_a --"l"--> Node_al(( ))
      Node_al --"l"--> Node_all(( ))
        Node_all --"o"--> Node_allo(( ))
          Node_allo --"w"--> Node_allow(((allow)))
    Node_a --"n"--> Node_an(((an)))
      Node_an --"d"--> Node_and(((and)))
      Node_an --"y"--> Node_any(((any)))
    Node_a --"r"--> Node_ar(( ))
      Node_ar --"e"--> Node_are(((are)))
    Node_a --"s"--> Node_as(((as)))
  Node_ --"n"--> Node_n(( ))
    Node_n --"o"--> Node_no(( ))
      Node_no --"d"--> Node_nod(( ))
        Node_nod --"e"--> Node_node(((node)))
  Node_ --"o"--> Node_o(( ))
    Node_o --"f"--> Node_of(((of)))
    Node_o --"n"--> Node_on(((on)))
  Node_ --"t"--> Node_t(( ))
    Node_t --"h"--> Node_th(( ))
      Node_th --"e"--> Node_the(((the)))
      Node_th --"i"--> Node_thi(( ))
        Node_thi --"s"--> Node_this(((this)))
    Node_t --"o"--> Node_to(((to)))
    Node_t --"r"--> Node_tr(( ))
      Node_tr --"i"--> Node_tri(( ))
        Node_tri --"e"--> Node_trie(((trie)))
    Node_t --"y"--> Node_ty(( ))
      Node_ty --"p"--> Node_typ(( ))
        Node_typ --"e"--> Node_type(( ))
          Node_type --"s"--> Node_types(((types)))
  Node_ --"w"--> Node_w(( ))
    Node_w --"i"--> Node_wi(( ))
      Node_wi --"t"--> Node_wit(( ))
        Node_wit --"h"--> Node_with(((with)))
          Node_with --"o"--> Node_witho(( ))
            Node_witho --"u"--> Node_withou(( ))
              Node_withou --"t"--> Node_without(((without)))

This means that in a constructed trie finding the payload associated with a word is a matter of following the edges (also called “transitions”) from the initial state labelled with the consecutive characters of the word, and retrieving the payload associated with the state at which we end up. If that's not a final state, or if at any point in this we did not find a transition in the trie matching the character, the trie does not have an association for the word. The complexity of lookup is thus O(len(word)) transitions, where the cost of taking a transition is usually constant, thus this complexity is theoretically optimal.

From a storage space perspective, one of the main benefits of a trie as a data structure for storing a map is the fact that it completely avoids storing redundant prefixes. All words that start with the same sequence store a representation of that sequence only once. If prefixes are commonly shared, this can save a great deal of space.

When the items stored in a trie are lexicographically (=byte) ordered, a trie is also an ordered structure. A trie can be walked in order and it is also possible to efficiently list the items between two given keys.

In fact, one can efficiently (and lazily) apply set algebra over tries, and slicing can be seen as a simple application of intersection, where the intersecting trie is generated on the fly. The set operations benefit from the same prefix-sharing effect — we apply union / intersection / difference to a state, which has the effect of applying the operation to all words that share the prefix denoted by that state.

graph TD
  Node_(( ))
  style Node_ fill:darkgrey
  Node_ --"a"--> Node_a(((a)))
  style Node_a stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
  linkStyle 0 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_a --"l"--> Node_al(( ))
    style Node_al stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    linkStyle 1 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_al --"l"--> Node_all(( ))
      style Node_all stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      linkStyle 2 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
        Node_all --"o"--> Node_allo(( ))
        style Node_allo stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
        linkStyle 3 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          Node_allo --"w"--> Node_allow(((allow)))
          style Node_allow stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 4 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_a --"n"--> Node_an(((an)))
          style Node_an stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 5 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_an --"d"--> Node_and(((and)))
          style Node_and stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 6 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_an --"y"--> Node_any(((any)))
          style Node_any stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 7 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_a --"r"--> Node_ar(( ))
          style Node_ar stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 8 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_ar --"e"--> Node_are(((are)))
          style Node_are stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 9 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_a --"s"--> Node_as(((as)))
          style Node_as stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 10 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
  Node_ --"n"--> Node_n(( ))
    Node_n --"o"--> Node_no(( ))
      Node_no --"d"--> Node_nod(( ))
        Node_nod --"e"--> Node_node(((node)))
  Node_ --"o"--> Node_o(( ))
    Node_o --"f"--> Node_of(((of)))
    Node_o --"n"--> Node_on(((on)))
  Node_ --"t"--> Node_t(( ))
    Node_t --"h"--> Node_th(( ))
      Node_th --"e"--> Node_the(((the)))
      Node_th --"i"--> Node_thi(( ))
        Node_thi --"s"--> Node_this(((this)))
          style Node_this stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 22 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_t --"o"--> Node_to(((to)))
          style Node_to stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 23 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_t --"r"--> Node_tr(( ))
          style Node_tr stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 24 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_tr --"i"--> Node_tri(( ))
          style Node_tri stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 25 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
        Node_tri --"e"--> Node_trie(((trie)))
          style Node_trie stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 26 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_t --"y"--> Node_ty(( ))
          style Node_ty stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 27 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_ty --"p"--> Node_typ(( ))
          style Node_typ stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 28 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
        Node_typ --"e"--> Node_type(( ))
          style Node_type stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 29 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          Node_type --"s"--> Node_types(((types)))
          style Node_types stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 30 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
  Node_ --"w"--> Node_w(( ))
          style Node_w stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 31 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
    Node_w --"i"--> Node_wi(( ))
          style Node_wi stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 32 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
      Node_wi --"t"--> Node_wit(( ))
          style Node_wit stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 33 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
        Node_wit --"h"--> Node_with(((with)))
          style Node_with stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 34 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          Node_with --"o"--> Node_witho(( ))
          style Node_witho stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 35 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
            Node_witho --"u"--> Node_withou(( ))
          style Node_withou stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 36 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
              Node_withou --"t"--> Node_without(((without)))
          style Node_without stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey
          linkStyle 37 stroke:lightgrey,color:lightgrey

(An example of slicing the trie above with the range “bit”-“thing”. Processing only applies on boundary nodes (root, “t”, “th”, “thi”), where we throw away the transitions outside the range. Subtries like the ones for “n” and “o” fall completely between “b” and “t” thus are fully inside the range and can be processed without any further restrictions.)

A trie can be used as a modifiable in-memory data structure where one can add and remove individual elements. It can also be constructed from sorted input, incrementally storing the data directly to disk and building an efficient read-only on-disk data structure.

For more formal information about the concept and applications of tries and finite state automata, try Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. There are many variations of the concept, and of the implementation of states and transitions that can be put to use to achieve even further efficiency gains; some of these will be detailed below.

Indexing with tries

Since a trie is generally an ordered byte source to payload map, we can apply the concept directly to the components of Cassandra that are most affected by the inefficiency of using comparison-based structures: the indices.

This can be done in the following way:

  • When we write the index, we map each key into its byte-ordered representation and create an on-disk trie of byte-ordered representations of keys mapping into positions in the data file.

  • When we need an exact match for a key, we create a (lazily generated) byte-ordered representation of the key and look for it in the trie.

    • If we find a match, we know the data file position.

    • If there is no match, there is no data associated with the key.

  • When we need a greater-than/greater-or-equal match, we use the byte-ordered representation to create a path that leads to the first matching data position in the sstable.

    • We can then use this path to iterate the greater keys in the sstable.

This works, but isn't very efficient. Lookup in it is O(len(key)), which can even mean that many seeks on disk, and we have to store a transition (which defines the size of the structure) for every non-prefix character in the dataset.

We can do much better.

Trimming the fat

The primary purpose of the index is to find a position in the data file for the given key. It needs to be able to find the correct position for any existing key, but there is no need for it to be exact on keys that are not present in the file — since our data files contain a copy of the key at the start of each partition, we can simply check if the key we are searching for matches the key at the position returned by the index.

This allows us to use a simple optimization: instead of storing the full key in the index trie, we can store only a prefix of the key that is unique among all partitions in the table. This means that we have intermediate nodes in the trie only if a prefix is shared by multiple keys, which normally reduces the number of nodes and transitions in the trie to about 2n.

graph TD
  Node_(( ))
  style Node_ fill:darkgrey
  Node_  --"a"--> Node_a((( )))
    Node_a --"l"--> Node_al((( )))
    Node_a --"n"--> Node_an((( )))
      Node_an --"d"--> Node_and((( )))
      Node_an --"y"--> Node_any((( )))
    Node_a --"r"--> Node_ar((( )))
    Node_a --"s"--> Node_as((( )))
  Node_  --"n"--> Node_n((( )))
  Node_  --"o"--> Node_o(( ))
    Node_o --"f"--> Node_of((( )))
    Node_o --"n"--> Node_on((( )))
  Node_  --"t"--> Node_t(( ))
    Node_t --"h"--> Node_th(( ))
      Node_th --"e"--> Node_the((( )))
      Node_th --"i"--> Node_thi((( )))
    Node_t --"o"--> Node_to((( )))
    Node_t --"r"--> Node_tr((( )))
    Node_t --"y"--> Node_ty((( )))
  Node_  --"w"--> Node_w(( ))
    Node_w --"ith"--> Node_with((( )))
          Node_with --"o"--> Node_without((( )))

This also reduces the number of steps we need to take in the trie. In a well-balanced key set (such as the one where the byte-ordered key starts with a hash as in Murmur or Random-partitioned primary keys) the lookup complexity becomes O(log n) transitions[^2].

[^2]: For comparison, the complexity of binary search in a sorted primary index is also O(log n), but in key comparisons whose complexity on average in a well-balanced key set is another O(log n) for a total O(log2 n).

Taking hardware into account

The point above improves the number of transitions significantly, but the out-of-cache efficiency is still pretty bad if we have to read a new disk page every time we examine a node. Fortunately we can take some extra care during construction to make sure we make the most of every disk page brought up during lookup.

The idea of this is to pack wide sections of the trie in pages, so that every time we open a page we can be certain to be able to follow several transitions before leaving that page.

graph TD
  subgraph p1 [ ]
  Node_(( ))
  style Node_ fill:darkgrey
    Node_  --"a"--> Node_a((( )))
    Node_  --"t"--> Node_t(( ))
  subgraph p2 [ ]
    Node_a --"l"--> Node_al((( )))
    Node_a --"n"--> Node_an((( )))
      Node_an --"d"--> Node_and((( )))
      Node_an --"y"--> Node_any((( )))
  subgraph p3 [ ]
    Node_a --"r"--> Node_ar((( )))
    Node_a --"s"--> Node_as((( )))
  Node_  --"n"--> Node_n((( )))

  subgraph p4 [ ]
  Node_  --"o"--> Node_o(( ))
    Node_o --"f"--> Node_of((( )))
    Node_o --"n"--> Node_on((( )))
    Node_t --"o"--> Node_to((( )))
  subgraph p5 [ ]
    Node_t --"h"--> Node_th(( ))
      Node_th --"e"--> Node_the((( )))
      Node_th --"i"--> Node_thi((( )))
    Node_t --"r"--> Node_tr((( )))
  subgraph p6 [ ]
    Node_t --"y"--> Node_ty((( )))
  Node_  --"w"--> Node_w(( ))
    Node_w --"ith"--> Node_with((( )))
          Node_with --"o"--> Node_without((( )))
  p2 ~~~ p3 ~~~ p4 ~~~ p5 ~~~ p6

One way to generate something like this is to start from the root and do a breadth-first walk, placing the encountered nodes on disk until a page is filled and their target transitions in a queue for which the process is repeated to fill other pages.

Another approach, more suitable to our application because it can be done as part of the incremental construction process, is to do the packing from the bottom up — when the incremental construction algorithm completes a node we do not immediately write it, but wait until we have formed a branch that is bigger than a page. When this happens we lay out the node's children (each smaller than a page but root of a biggest branch that would fit) and let the parent node be treated like a leaf from there on. In turn it will become part of a branch that is bigger than a page and will be laid packaged together with its related nodes, resulting in a picture similar to the above.

In fact the bottom-up process has a little performance benefit over the top-down: with the top-down construction the root page is full and leaf pages take combinations of unrelated smaller branches; with the bottom-up the leaf pages take as much information as possible about a branch, while the root often remains unfilled. For the best possible out-of-cache efficiency we would prefer the set of non-leaf pages to be as small as possible. Having larger leaf page branches means more of the trie data is in the leaf branches and thus the size of that intermediate node set is smaller.

See IncrementalTrieWriterPageAware for details on how the page-aware trie construction is implemented.

Storing the trie

Another interesting question about the format of the trie is how one stores the information about the transitions in a node. If we want to maintain that the size of the structure is proportional to the number of overall transitions, we need to be able to store node transitions sparsely. Typically this is done using a list of transition characters and binary searching among them to make a transition.

This binary search can theoretically be taken to use constant time (since the alphabet size is small and predefined), but isn't the most efficient operation in practice due to the unpredictable branch instructions necessary for its implementation. It is preferable to avoid it as much as possible.

To do this, and to shave a few additional bytes in common cases, our implementation of on-disk tries uses typed nodes. A node can be:

  • Final with no transitions (PAYLOAD_ONLY).

  • Having one transition (SINGLE), which has to store only the character and target for that transition.

  • Having a binary-searched list of transitions (SPARSE), where the number of characters, each character and the targets are stored.

  • Having a consecutive range of transitions (DENSE), where the first and last character and targets are stored, possibly including some null transitions.

We use one byte per node to store four bits of node type as well as four bits of payload information.

In a well-balanced and populated trie the nodes where lookup spends most time (the nodes closest to the root) are DENSE nodes, where finding the target for the transition is a direct calculation from the code of the character. On the other hand, most of the nodes (the ones closest to the leaves) are PAYLOAD_ONLY, SINGLE or SPARSE to avoid taking any more space than necessary.

The main objective for the trie storage format is to achieve the smallest possible packing (and thus smallest cache usage and fewest disk reads), thus we choose the type that results in the smallest representation of the node. DENSE type gets chosen naturally when its encoding (which avoids storing the character list but may include null targets) is smaller than SPARSE.

Pointer Sizes

The next optimization we make in the storage format is based on the fact that most nodes in the trie are in the lower levels of the tree and thus close to leaves. As such, the distance between the node and its target transitions when laid out during the construction process is small and thus it is a huge win to store pointers as distances with variable size.

This is even more true for the page-aware layout we use — all internal transitions within the page (i.e. >99% of all transitions in the trie!) can be stored using just an offset within the page, using just 12 bits.

This is heavily used via further specialization of the node types: e.g. we have DENSE_12, DENSE_16 to DENSE_40 as well as DENSE_LONG subtypes which differ in the size of pointer they use.

Primary indexing in the BTI format

The purpose of the primary index of an sstable is to be able to map a key containing partition and clustering components to a position in the sstable data file which holds the relevant row or the closest row with a greater key and enables iteration of rows from that point on.

Partition keys are normally fully specified, while clustering keys are often given partially or via a comparison relation. They are also treated differently by all the infrastructure and have historically had different index structures; we chose to retain this distinction for the time being and implement similar replacement structures using tries.

Partition index implementation details

The primary purpose of the partition index is to map a specified partition key to a row index for the partition. It also needs to support iteration from a (possibly partially specified) partition position. The description below details mapping only; iteration is a trivial application of the trie machinery to the described structure.

In addition to wide partitions where a row index is mandatory, Cassandra is often used for tables where the partitions have only a couple of rows, including also ones where the partition key is the only component of the primary key, i.e. where row and partition are the same thing. For these situations it makes no sense to actually have a row index and the partition index should point directly to the data.

The application of tries to Cassandra's partition index uses the trie infrastructure described above to create a trie mapping unique byte-ordered partition key prefixes to either:

  • A position in the row index file which contains the index of the rows within that partition, or

  • A position in the data file containing the relevant partition (if a row index for it is not necessary).

A single table can have both indexed and non-indexed rows. For efficiency the partition index stores the position as a single long, using its sign bit to differentiate between the two options[^3]. This value is stored with variable length — more precisely, we use the four bits provided in the node type byte to store the length of the pointer.

[^3]: It needs to differentiate between 0 with index and 0 without index, however, so we use ~pos instead of -pos to encode direct-to-data mappings. This still allows sign expansion instructions to be used to convert e.g. int to long.

Lookup in this index is accomplished by converting the decorated partition key to its byte-ordered representation and following the transitions for its bytes while the trie has any. If at any point the trie does not offer a transition for the next byte but is not a leaf node, the sstable does not contain a mapping for the given key.

If a leaf of the trie is reached, then the prefix of the partition key matches some content in the file, but we are not yet sure if it is a full match for the partition key. The leaf node points to a place in the row index or data file. In either case the first bytes at the specified position contain a serialization of the partition key, which we can compare to the key being mapped. If it matches, we have found the partition. If not, since the stored prefixes are unique, no data for this partition exists in this sstable.


If everything is in cache this lookup is extremely efficient: it follows a few transitions in DENSE nodes plus one or two binary searches in SPARSE or SINGLE, and finishes with a direct comparison of a byte buffer with contents of a file. No object allocation or deserialization is necessary.

If not all data is in cache, the performance of this lookup most heavily depends on the number of pages that must be fetched from persistent storage. The expectation on which this implementation is based, is that if an sstable is in use all non-leaf pages of the index will tend to remain cached. If that expectation is met, lookup will only require fetching one leaf index page and one data/row index page for the full key comparison. On a match the latter fetch will be required anyway, since we would want to read the data at that position.

An important consideration in the design of this feature was to make sure there is no situation in which the trie indices perform worse than the earlier code, thus we should aim to do at most as many reads. The number of random accesses for the earlier index implementation where an index summary is forced in memory is one seek required to start reading from the partition index (though usually multiple consecutive pages need to be read), and one seek needed to start reading the actual data. Since the index summary ends up being of similar size to the non-leaf pages of the trie index, the memory usage and number of seeks for the trie index on match ends up being the same but we read less data and do much less processing.

On mismatch, though, we may be making one additional seek. However, we can drastically reduce the chance of mismatch, which we currently do in two ways:

  • By using a bloom filter before lookup. The chance of getting a bloom filter hit as well as a prefix match for the wrong key is pretty low and gets lower with increasing sstable size.

  • By storing some of the key hash bits that are not part of the token at the payload node and comparing them with the mapped key's hash bits.

Currently we use a combination of both by default as the best performing option. The user can disable or choose to have a smaller bloom filter, and the code also supports indices that do not contain hash bits (though to reduce configuration complexity we do not have plans to expose that option).

For fully cold sstables we have to perform more random fetches from disk than the earlier implementation, but we read less. Testing showed that having a bloom filter is enough to make the trie index faster; if a bloom filter is not present, we try going through the byte contents of the index file on boot to prefetch it which ends up taking not too long (since it is read sequentially rather than randomly) and boosting cold performance dramatically.

Building and early open

The partition index is built using the page-aware incremental construction described earlier, where we also delay writing each key until we have seen the next so that we can find the shortest prefix that is enough to differentiate it from the previous and next keys (this also differentiates it from all others in the sstable because the contents are sorted). Only that prefix is written to the trie.

One last complication is the support for early opening of sstables which allows newly-compacted tables to gradually occupy the page cache. Though the index building is incremental, the partially-written trie is not usable directly because the root of the trie as well as the path from it to the last written nodes is not yet present in the file.

This problem can be easily overcome, though, by dumping these intermediate nodes to an in-memory buffer (without the need for page-aware packing) and forming an index by attaching this buffer at the end of the partially written file using TailOverridingRebufferer.

Row index implementation details

Unlike the partition index, the main use of the row index is to iterate from a given clustering key in forward or reverse direction (where exact key lookup is just a special case).

Rows are often very small (they could contain a single int or no columns at all) and thus there is a real possibility for the row indices to become bigger than the data they represent. This is not a desirable outcome, which is part of the reason why Cassandra's row index has historically operated on blocks of rows rather than indexing every row in the partition. This is a concern we also have with the trie-based index, thus we also index blocks of rows (by default, a block of rows that is at least 16kb in size — this will be called the index granularity below, specified by the column_index_size cassandra.yaml parameter).

Our row index implementation thus creates a map from clustering keys or prefixes to the data position at the start of the index block which is the earliest that could contain a key equal or greater than the given one. Additionally, if there is an active deletion at the beginning of the block, the index must specify it so that it can be taken into account when merging data from multiple sstables.

Each index block will contain at least one key, but generally it will have different first and last keys. We don't store these keys, but instead we index the positions between blocks by storing a “separator”, some key that is greater than the last key of the previous block and smaller than or equal to the first key of the next[^4]. Then, when we look up a given clustering, we follow its bytes as long as we can in the trie and we can be certain that all blocks before the closest less-than-or-equal entry in the trie cannot contain any data that is greater than or equal to the given key.

[^4]: Another way to interpret this is that we index the start of each block only, but for efficiency we don't use the first key of the block as its beginning, but instead something closer to the last key of the previous block (but still greater than it).

It may happen that the identified block actually doesn't contain any matching data (e.g. because the looked-up key ends up between the last key in the block and the separator), but this only affects efficiency as the iteration mechanism does not expect the data position returned by the index to be guaranteed to start with elements that fit the criteria; it would only have to walk a whole block forward to find the matching key.

It is important to keep the number of these false positives low, and at the same time we aim for the smallest possible size of the index for a given granularity. The choice of separator affects this balance[^5]; the option we use, as a good tradeoff in the vein of the unique prefix approach used in the partition index, is to use the shortest prefix of the next block‘s beginning key that separates it from the previous block’s end key, adjusted so that the last byte of it is 1 greater than that end key.

[^5]: For example, the best separator for false positives is the next possible byte sequence after the previous block‘s final key, which is obtained by adding a 00 byte to its end. This, however, means all the bytes of the byte-ordered representation of this key must be present in the index, which inflates the index’s size and lookup complexity.

For example, if block 2 covers “something” to “somewhere” and block 3 — “sorry” to “tease”, then the sequence “son” is used as the separator between blocks 2 and 3. This leaves things like “sommelier” in the area that triggers false positives, but stores and has to walk just three bytes to find the starting point for iteration.


Finding the candidate block in the trie involves walking the byte ordered representation of the clustering key in the trie and finding the closest less-than-or-equal value. The number of steps is proportional to the length of the separators — the lower their number the shorter that sequence is, though we can't expect O(log n) complexity since there may be many items sharing the same long prefixes (e.g. if there are long strings in the components of the clustering keys before the last). Even so, such repeating prefixes are addressed very well by the page-packing and SINGLE_NOPAYLOAD_4 node type, resulting in very efficient walks.

After this step we also perform a linear walk within the data file to find the actual start of the matching data. This is usually costlier and may involve object allocation and deserialization.

The tradeoff between the size of the index and the time it takes to find the relevant rows is controlled by the index granularity. The lower it is, the more efficient lookup (especially exact match lookup) becomes at the expense of bigger index size. The 16kb default is chosen pretty conservatively[^6]; if users don't mind bigger indices something like 4, 2 or 1kb granularity should be quite a bit more efficient. It is also possible to index every row by choosing a granularity of 0kb; at these settings in-cache trie-indexed sstables tend to outperform ConcurrentSkipListMap memtables for reads.

[^6]: This was chosen with the aim to match the size of the trie index compared to the earlier version of the row index at its default granularity of 64kb.

Reverse lookup

To perform a reverse lookup, we can use the same mechanism as above (with greater-than-or-equal) to find the initial block for the iteration. However, in the forward direction we could simply walk the data file to find the next rows, but this isn't possible going backwards.

To solve this problem the index helps the iteration machinery by providing an iterator of index blocks in reverse order. For each index block the iteration walks it forward and creates a stack of all its row positions, then starts issuing rows by popping and examining rows from that stack. When the stack is exhausted it requests the previous block from the index and applies the same procedure there.

Code structure

The implementation is mostly in two packages, contains the generic code to construct and read on-disk tries, and, which implements the specifics of the format and the two indexes.

Building tries

Tries are built from sorted keys using an IncrementalTrieWriter. The code contains three implementations with increasing complexity:

Only the latter is used, but we provide (and test) the other two as a form of documentation.

The builders take a TrieSerializer as parameter, which determines how the nodes are written. The indexes implement this using TrieNode, writing any payload they need immediately after the node serialization.

Reading tries

The BTI format tries are used directly in their on-disk format. To achieve this, all node types are implemented as static objects in TrieNode. Reading nodes in a file is encapsulated in Walker, which provides a method to go to a specific node and use it, i.e. get any associated data, search in the children list and follow transitions to children. It also provides functionality to find the mapping for a given key, floors and ceilings as well as some combinations. Iterating the payloads between two key bounds is implemented by ValueIterator, and ReverseValueIterator.

Special care is given to prefixes to make sure the semantics of searches matches what the format needs.

SSTable format implementation

The two indexes are implemented, respectively, by PartitionIndex /PartitionIndexBuilder and RowIndexReader/RowIndexWriter. The format implementation extends the filtered base class and follows the structure of the BIG implementation, where all references to the primary index are replaced with calls to these two classes.

Index file format in BTI

Trie nodes

Implemented in

Nodes start with four bits of node type, followed by 4 payload bits (pb), which are 0 if the node has no associated payload; otherwise the node type gives an option to compute the starting position for the payload (ppos) from the starting position of the node (npos). The layout of the node depends on its type.


  • 4 type bits, 0

  • 4 payload bits

  • payload if pb ≠ 0, ppos is npos + 1


  • 4 type bits

  • 4 pointer bits

  • 8 pointer bits (for SINGLE_NOPAYLOAD_12)

  • 8 bits transition byte

  • pb is assumed 0


  • 4 type bits

  • 4 payload bits

  • 8 bits transition byte

  • 8/16 pointer bits

  • payload if pb ≠ 0, ppos is npos + 3/4


  • 4 type bits

  • 4 payload bits

  • 8 bit child count

  • 8 bits per child, the transition bytes

  • 8/12/16/24/40 bits per child, the pointers

  • payload if pb ≠ 0, ppos is npos + 2 + (2/2.5/3/4/6)*(child count) (rounded up)


  • 4 type bits

  • 4 payload bits

  • 8 bit start byte value

  • 8 bit length-1

  • length * 12/16/24/32/40/64 bits per child, the pointers

  • payload if pb ≠ 0, ppos is npos + 3 + (1.5/2/3/4/5/8)*(length) (rounded up)

This is the space taken by each node type (CS stands for child span, i.e. largest - smallest + 1, CC is child count):

TypeSize in bytes excl. payloadSize for 1 childSize for 9 dense children (01-08, 10)Size for 10 sparse children (01 + i*10)Why the type is needed
PAYLOAD_ONLY1---Leaves dominate the trie
SINGLE_NOPAYLOAD_422--Single-transition chains
SINGLE_833--Payload within chain
SPARSE_82 + CC * 242022Most common type after leaves
SINGLE_NOPAYLOAD_1233--12 bits cover all in-page transitions
SPARSE_122 + CC * 2.552527Size of sparse is proportional to number of children
DENSE_123 + CS * 1.5518140Lookup in dense is faster, size smaller if few holes
SPARSE_162 + CC * 352932
DENSE_163 + CS * 2523185
SPARSE_242 + CC * 463842
DENSE_243 + CS * 3633276
DENSE_323 + CS * 4743367Nodes with big subtrees are usually dense
SPARSE_402 + CC * 685662
DENSE_403 + CS * 5853458
DENSE_LONG3 + CS * 81183731Catch-all

All pointers are stored as distances, and since all tries are written from the bottom up (and hence a child is always before the parent in the file), the distance is subtracted from the position of the current node to obtain the position of the child node.

Note: All nodes are placed in such a way that they do not cross a page boundary. I.e. if a reader (e.g. Walker) is positioned at a node, it is guaranteed that all reads of the node's data can complete without requiring a different page to be fetched from disk.

Partition index

Implemented in


[nodes page, 4096 bytes]
[nodes page, 4096 bytes]
[nodes page including root node, ≤4096 bytes]
[smallest key, with short length]
[largest key, with short length]
[smallest key pos, long]
[key count, long]
[root pos, long]

The SSTable's partition index is stored in the -Partitions.db file. The file itself is written from the bottom up, and its “header” is at the end of the file.

More precisely, the last 3 longs in the file contain:

  • A file position where the smallest and greatest key are written.

  • The exact number of keys in the file.

  • A file position for the root node of the index.

These three longs are preceded by the serialization of the first and last key, and before that are the trie contents.

To find a match for the key, start at the root position, decode the node (see the “Trie nodes” section above) and follow the transitions according to the bytes of the byte-ordered representation of the key while the node has children and there are bytes left in the key.

If a leaf node is reached, that node contains the following payload:

  • If pb < 8, let

    • idxpos be the sign-extended integer value of length pb at ppos
  • If pb ≥ 8 (always the case in Cassandra 5 files), let

    • hash be the byte at ppos

    • idxpos be the sign-extended integer value of length pb-7 at ppos+1

If at any step there is no transition corresponding to the byte of the key, or if hash is present and the lowest-order byte of the key's hash value does not match it, the index and sstable have no mapping for the given key.

Otherwise idxpos specifies:

  • if idxpos ≥ 0, the row index file contains an index for the given key (see row index section below) at position idxpos

  • otherwise, the data associated with the key starts at position ~idxpos in the data file

In either case the content in the respective file starts with the serialization of the partition key, which must be compared with the key requested to ensure they match.

Row index

Implemented in


[row index, padded to page boundary]
[row index, padded to page boundary]

Where each row index contains:

[nodes page, 4096 bytes]
[nodes page, 4096 bytes]
[nodes page including root node, ≤4096 bytes]
[partition key, with short length]
[position of the partition in the data file, unsigned vint]
[position of the root node, vint encoding the difference between the
start of the data file position and the position of the root node]
[number of rows in the partition, unsigned vint]
[partition deletion time, 12 bytes]

The entries in the partition index point to the position at the start of the partition key.

The payload reachable at the end of a traversal contains:

  • Integer of pb&7 bytes specifying the offset within the partition where the relevant row is contained

  • If pb ≥ 8, 12 bytes of deletion time active at the start of the row index block