Trie interface

Tries in Cassandra are used to represent key-value mappings in an efficient way, currently only for the partition map in a memtable. The design we use is focussed on performing the equivalent of a read query, being able to most efficiently:

  • combine multiple sources while maintaining order,
  • restrict the combination to a range of keys,
  • efficiently walk the result and extract all covered key-value combinations.

For this the Trie interface provides the following public methods:

  • Consuming the content using forEachValue or forEachEntry.
  • Conversion to iterable and iterator using values/valuesIterator and entrySet/entryIterator.
  • Getting a view of the subtrie between a given pair of bounds using subtrie.
  • Merging two or multiple tries together using mergeWith and the static merge.
  • Constructing singleton tries representing a single key-to-value mapping.

The internal representation of a trie is given by a Cursor, which provides a method of walking the nodes of the trie in order, and to which various transformations like merges and intersections can be easily and efficiently applied. The sections below detail the motivation behind this design as well as the implementations of the basic operations.

Walking a trie

Walking a Trie is achieved using a cursor. Before we describe it in detail, let's give a quick example of what a classic trie walk looks like and how it can be optimized. Suppose we want to walk the following trie:


(Note: the node labels are InMemoryTrie node IDs which can be ignored here, with the exception of contentArray[x] ones which specify that the relevant node has some associated content.)

The classic walk descends (light blue) on every character and backtracks (pink) to the parent, resulting in the following walk:


One can see from this graph that many of the backtracking steps are only taken so that they can immediately be followed by another backtracking step. We often also know in advance that a node does not need to be examined further on the way back: if it only has one child (which is always the case for all nodes in a Chain), or if we are descending into its last child (which is easy to check for Sparse nodes). This simplifies the walk to:


In addition to making the walk simpler, shortening the backtracking paths means a smaller walk state representation, which is quite helpful in keeping the garbage collection cost down. In this example, the backtracking state of the walk at the “tractor” node is only [("tr", child 2)], changes to [("tr", child 3)] on descent to “tre”, and becomes empty (as “tr” has no further children and can be removed) on descent to “tri”.

One further optimization of the walk is to jump directly to the next child without stopping at a branching parent (note: the black arrows represent the trie structure):


This graph is what a cursor walk over this trie is. Looking closely at the graph, one can see that it stops exactly once on each node, and that the nodes are visited in lexicographic order. There is no longer a need for a separate backtrack or ascend operation, because all arrows advance in the representation of the trie. However, to be able to understand where the next transition character sits in the path, every transition now also comes with information about the descend-depth it ends in.

To see how this can be used to map the state to a path, we can imagine an array being filled at its depth-1th position on every transition, and the current path being the depth-long sequence. This, e.g. the array would hold [t, r, a, c, t, o, r] at the “tractor” node and change to [t, r, e, c, t, o, r] for the next advance, where the new current path is the first 3 characters of the array.

Cursors are stateful objects that store the backtracking state of the walk. That is, a list of all parent nodes in the path to reach the current node that have further children, together with information which child backtracking should go to. Cursors do not store paths as these are often not needed — for example, in a walk over a merged trie it makes better sense for the consumer to construct the path instead of having them duplicated in every source cursor. Multiple cursors can be constructed and operated in parallel over a trie.

Cursor walks of this type are very efficient but still carry enough information to make it very easy and efficient to merge and intersect tries. If we are walking a single trie (or a single-source branch in a union trie), we can improve the efficiency even further by taking multiple steps down in Chain nodes, provided we have a suitable mechanism of passing additional transition characters:


This is supported by Cursor.advanceMultiple.

Why cursors instead of nodes?

The most straightforward representation of a trie is done by giving users every Node visited as an object. Then the consumer can query its transitions, get its children, decide to walk over them in any order it sees fit, and retain those that it actually needs. This is a very natural and cheap represention if the nodes are actually the objects in memory that represent the trie.

The latter is not the case for us: we store tries in integer blobs or files on disk and we present transformed views of tries. Thus every such Node object to give to consumers must be constructed. Also, we only do depth-first walks and it does not make that much sense to provide the full flexibility of that kind of interface.

When doing only depth-first walks, a cursor needs far fewer objects to represent its state than a node representation. Consider the following for an approach presenting nodes:

  • In a process that requires single-step descends (i.e. in a merge or intersection) the iteration state must create an object for every intermediate node even when they are known to require no backtracking because they have only one child.
  • Childless final states require a node.
  • A transformation such as a merge must present the result as a transformed node, but it also requires a node for each input. If the transformed node is retained, so must be the sources.

Cursors can represent the first two in their internal state without additional backtracking state, and require only one transformed cursor to be constructed for the entire walk. Additionally, cursors' representation of backtracking state may be closely tied to the specific trie implementation, which also gives further improvement opportunities (e.g. the Split node treatment in InMemoryTrie).

Why not visitors?

A visitor or a push alternative is one where the trie drives the iteration and the caller provides a visitor or a consumer. This can work well if the trie to walk is single-source, but requires some form of stop/restart or pull mechanism to implement ordered merges.

Push-style walks are still a useful way to consume the final transformed/merged content, thus Trie provides the Walker interface and process method. The implementations of forEachEntry and dump are straightforward applications of this.

The Cursor interface

The cursor represents the state of a walk over the nodes of trie. It provides three main features:

  • the current depth or descend-depth in the trie;
  • the incomingTransition, i.e. the byte that was used to reach the current point;
  • the content associated with the current node,

and provides methods for advancing to the next position. This is enough information to extract all paths, and also to easily compare cursors over different tries that are advanced together. Advancing is always done in order; if one imagines the set of nodes in the trie with their associated paths, a cursor may only advance from a node with a lexicographically smaller path to one with bigger. The advance operation moves to the immediate next, it is also possible to skip over some items e.g. all children of the current node (skipChildren).

Moving to the immediate next position in the lexicographic order is accomplished by:

  • if the current node has children, moving to its first child;
  • otherwise, ascend the parent chain and return the next child of the closest parent that still has any.

As long as the trie is not exhausted, advancing always takes one step down, from the current node, or from a node on the parent chain. By comparing the new depth (which advance also returns) with the one before the advance, one can tell if the former was the case (if newDepth == oldDepth + 1) and how many steps up we had to take (oldDepth + 1 - newDepth). When following a path down, the cursor will stop on all prefixes.

In addition to the single-step advance method, the cursor also provides an advanceMultiple method for descending multiple steps down when this is known to be efficient. If it is not feasible to descend (e.g. because there are no children, or because getting to the child of the first child requires a page fetch from disk), advanceMultiple will act just like advance.

For convenience, the interface also provides an advanceToContent method for walking to the next node with non-null content. This is implemented via advanceMultiple.

When the cursor is created it is placed on the root node with depth() = 0, incomingTransition() = -1. Since tries can have mappings for empty, content() can possibly be non-null in the starting position. It is not allowed for a cursor to start in exhausted state (i.e. with depth() = -1).

Using cursors in parallel

One important feature of cursors is the fact that we can easily walk them in parallel. More precisely, when we use a procedure where we only advance the smaller, or both if they are equal, we can compare the cursors' state by:

  • the reverse order of their current depth (i.e. higher depth first),
  • if depths are equal, the order of their current incoming transition (lexicographically smaller first).

We can prove this by induction, where for two cursors a and b we maintain that:

  1. for any depth i < mindepth - 1, path(a)[i] == path(b)[i]
  2. if a.depth < b.depth, then path(a)[mindepth - 1] > path(b)[mindepth - 1]
  3. if a.depth > b.depth, then path(a)[mindepth - 1] < path(b)[mindepth - 1]

where mindepth = min(a.depth, b.depth) and path(cursor) is the path corresponding to the node the cursor is positioned at. Note that path(cursor)[cursor.depth - 1] == cursor.incomingTransition.

These conditions ensure that path(a) < path(b) if and only if a.depth > b.depth or a.depth == b.depth and a.incomingTransition < b.incomingTransition. Indeed, if the second part is true then 1 and 3 enforce the first, and if the second part is not true, i.e. a.depth <= b.depth and (a.depth != b.depth or a.incomingTransition >= b.incomingTransition), which entails a.depth < b.depth or a.depth == b.depth and a.incomingTransition >= b.incomingTransition, then by 2 and 1 we can conclude that path(a) >= path(b), i.e. the first part is not true either.

The conditions are trivially true for the initial state where both cursors are positioned at the root with depth 0. Also, when we advance a cursor, it is always the case that the path of the previous state and the path of the new state must be the same in all positions before its new depth minus one‘th. Thus, if the two cursors are equal before advancing, i.e. they are positioned on exactly the same path, the state after advancing must satisfy condition 1 above because the earliest byte in either path that can have changed is the one at position min(a.depth, b.depth) - 1. Moreover, if the depths are different, the cursor with the lower one will have advanced its character in position depth - 1 while the other cursor’s character at that position will have remained the same, thus conditions 2 and 3 are also satisfied.

If path(a) was smaller before advancing we have that a.depth >= b.depth. The parallel walk will then only advance a. If the new depth of a is higher than b's, nothing changes in conditions 1-3 (the bytes before b.depth do not change at all in either cursor). If the new depth of a is the same as b's, condition 1 is still satisfied because these bytes cannot have changed, and the premises in 2 and 3 are false. If the new depth of a is lower than b's, however, a must have advanced the byte at index depth - 1, and because (due to 1) it was previously equal to b's at this index, it must now be higher, proving 2. Condition 1 is still true because these bytes cannot have changed, and 3 is true because it has a false premise.

The same argument holds when b is the smaller cursor to be advanced.

Merging two tries

Two tries can be merged using Trie.mergeWith, which is implemented using the class MergeTrie. The implementation is a straightforward application of the parallel walking scheme above, where the merged cursor presents the depth and incoming transition of the currently smaller cursor, and advances by advancing the smaller cursor, or both if they are equal.

If the cursors are not equal, we can also apply advanceMultiple, because it can only be different from advance if it descends. When a cursor is known to be smaller it is guaranteed to remain smaller when it descends as its new depth will be larger than before and thus larger than the other cursor's. This cannot be done to advance both cursors when they are equal, because that can violate the conditions. (Simple example: one descends through “a” and the other through “bb” — condition 2. is violated, the latter will have higher depth but will not be smaller.)

Merging an arbitrary number of tries

Merging is extended to an arbitrary number of sources in CollectionMergeTrie, used through the static Trie.merge. The process is a generalization of the above, implemented using the min-heap solution from MergeIterator applied to cursors.

In this solution an extra head element is maintained before the min-heap to optimize for single-source branches where we prefer to advance using just one comparison (head to heap top) instead of two (heap top to its two descendants) at the expense of possibly adding one additional comparison in the general case.

As above, when we know that the head element is not equal to the heap top (i.e. it's necessarily smaller) we can use its advanceMultiple safely.

Slicing tries

Slicing, implemented in SlicedTrie and used via Trie.subtrie, can also be seen as a variation of the parallel walk. In this case we walk the source as well as singletons of the two bounds.

More precisely, while the source cursor is smaller than the left bound, we don't produce any output. That is, we keep advancing in a loop, but to avoid walking subtries unnecessarily, we use skipChildren instead of advance. As we saw above, a smaller cursor that descends remains smaller, thus there is no point to do so when we are ahead of the left bound. When the source matches a node from the left bound, we descend both and pass the state to the consumer. As soon as the source becomes known greater than the left bound, we can stop processing the latter and pass any state we see to the consumer.

Throughout this we also process the right bound cursor and we stop the iteration (by returning depth = -1) as soon as the source becomes larger than the right bound.

SlicedTrie does not use singleton tries and cursors over them but opts to implement them directly, using an implicit representation using a pair of depth and incomingTransition for each bound.

In slices we can also use advanceMultiple when we are certain to be strictly inside the slice, i.e. beyond the left bound and before a prefix of the right bound. As above, descending to any depth in this case is safe as the result will remain smaller than the right bound.