InMemoryTrie Design

The InMemoryTrie is one of the main components of the trie infrastructure, a mutable in-memory trie built for fast modification and reads executing concurrently with writes from a single mutator thread.

The main features of its implementation are:

  • full support of the Trie interface
  • using nodes of several different types for efficiency
  • support for content on any node, including intermediate (prefix)
  • support for writes from a single mutator thread concurrent with multiple readers
  • maximum trie size of 2GB

Memory layout

One of the main design drivers of the memtable trie is the desire to avoid on-heap storage and Java object management. The trie thus implements its own memory management for the structure of the trie (content is, at this time, still given as Java objects in a content array). The structure resides in one UnsafeBuffer (which can be on or off heap as desired) and is broken up in 32-byte “cells” (also called “blocks” in the code), which are the unit of allocation, update and reuse.

Like all tries, InMemoryTrie is built from nodes and has a root pointer. The nodes reside in cells, but there is no 1:1 correspondence between nodes and cells - some node types pack multiple in one cell, while other types require multiple cells.

Pointers and node types

A “pointer” is an integer that points to a node in the trie buffer. A pointer specifies the location of the node (its starting cell), but also defines the type of node in its 5 lowest-order bits (i.e. the offset within the cell). If a pointer has a negative value, it refers to a value in the content array, and implies a leaf node with the specified content. Additionally, the special pointer value NONE (0) is used to specify “no child”. We use 32-bit integers as pointers, therefore the size of the trie structure is limited to a little less than 2GB.

For example, the pointer 0x0109E specifies a node residing in the cell at bytes 0x01080-0x0109F in the buffer (specified by the pointers' 27 leading bits), where the node type is Sparse (specified by 0x1E in the last 5 bits).

The pointer 0xFFFFFFF0 specifies a leaf node (being negative), where the content's index is 0xF (obtained by negating all bits of the pointer).

To save space and reduce pointer chasing, we use several different types of nodes that address different common patterns in a trie. It is common for a trie to have one or a couple of top levels which have many children, and where it is important to make decisions with as few if-then-else branches as possible (served by the Split type), another one or two levels of nodes with a small number of children, where it is most important to save space as the number of these nodes is high (served by the Sparse type), and a lot of sequences of single-child nodes containing the trailing bytes of the key or of some common key prefix (served by the Chain type). Most of the payload/content of the trie resides at the leaves, where it makes sense to avoid taking any space for a node (the Leaf type), but we must also allow the possibility for values to be present in intermediate nodes — because this is rare, we support it with a special Prefix type instead of reserving a space for payload in all other node types.

The Split-Sparse-Chain-Leaf/Prefix pattern may repeat several times. For example, we could have these four layers for the partition key with some metadata associated with the partition, then for the first component of the clustering key, then for the second component etc.

The sections below specify the layout of each supported node type.

Leaf nodes

Leaf nodes do not have a corresponding cell in the buffer. Instead, they reference a value (i.e. a POJO in the InMemoryTrie's content type) in the content array. The index of the value is specified by ~pointer (unlike -x, ~x allows one to also encode 0 in a negative number).

Leaf nodes have no children, and return the specified value for content().

Example: -1 is a leaf cell with content contentArray[0].

Chain nodes - single path, multiple transitions in one cell

Chain nodes are one-child nodes. Multiple chain nodes, forming a chain of transitions to one target, can reside in a single cell. Chain nodes are identified by the lowest 5 bits of a pointer being between 0x00 and 0x1B. In addition to the type of node, in this case the bits also define the length of the chain — the difference between 0x1C and the pointer offset specifies the number of characters in the chain.

The simplest chain node has one transition leading to one child and is laid out like this:

00 - 1Aunused
1Bcharacter41 A
1C - 1Fchild pointerFFFFFFFF

where the pointer points to the 1B line in the cell.

Example: The cell xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx41 FFFFFFFF at bytes 0x120-0x13F and pointer 0x13B point to a node with one child with transition 0x41 A to a leaf node with content contentArray[0].

Another chain cell, which points to this one, can be added in the same cell by placing a character at offset 1A. This new node is effectively laid out as

00 - 19unused
1Acharacter48 H
1B - 1Funused

where the pointer points to line 1A. This node has one transition, and the child pointer is implicit as the node's pointer plus one.

This can continue until all the bytes in the “unused” area are filled.

Example: The cell xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx434841 FFFFFFFF at bytes 0x120-0x13F and pointer 0x139 point to a node with one child with transition 0x43 C to a node with one child with transition 0x48 H to a node with one child with transition 0x41 A to a leaf node with content contentArray[0].

00 - 18unused
19character43 C
1Acharacter48 H
1Bcharacter41 A
1C - 1Fchild pointerFFFFFFFF

In this example 0x13A and 0x13B are also valid pointers to the respective chains and could be referenced from other nodes (an example will be given below). In any case, the byte pointed directly by the node pointer contains the transition byte. The child pointer is either pointer + 1 (if the lowest 5 pointer bits are less than 0x1B), or the integer stored at pointer + 1 (if the pointer's last 5 bits are 0x1B).


Note: offset 0x00 also specifies a chain node, but the pointer 0 is a special case and care must be taken to ensure no 28-byte chain node is placed in the cell at bytes 0x00-0x1F.

Sparse nodes - between 2 and 6 children in one cell

Sparse nodes are used when a node has at least two children, and all pointers and transition characters can fit in one cell, which limits the maximum number of children to 6. Their layout is:

00 - 03child pointer 0
04 - 07child pointer 1
08 - 0Bchild pointer 2
0C - 0Fchild pointer 3
10 - 13child pointer 4
14 - 17child pointer 5
18character 0
19character 1
1Acharacter 2
1Bcharacter 3
1Ccharacter 4
1Dcharacter 5
1E - 1Forder word

where the pointer points to the line 1E (i.e. the type identifier for a sparse node is 0x1E).

It is important to note that the pointers and characters are not in order. This is done so that an update to a sparse node where a new child is inserted can be done while the previous state of the node is still valid and readable for any concurrent readers. Instead, new children are appended, and the order is maintained in the “order word”. This word is a number whose digits specify the order of the children's transition characters (where higher-order digits specify bigger characters) encoded, to be able to fit into a 16-bit word, in base 6. Its number of digits also specifies the number of children of the node.

To explain this better, we will give an example of the evolution of a sparse node. Suppose we had the 0x139 node from the previous section, and some update needs to attach a second child to that, e.g. with the character A and child 0x238.


To do this, the mutating thread will have to convert the chain node into a sparse by allocating a new cell (e.g. 0x240-0x25F) and filling in the sparse node 00000238 0000013A 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 41430000 00000006 with pointer 0x25E:

00 - 03child pointer 000000238
04 - 07child pointer 10000013A
08 - 17unused
18character 041 A
19character 143 C
1A - 1Dunused
1E - 1Forder word, always 100006 = 10 (base 6)

This is the smallest kind of sparse node, with just two children. Two-children sparse nodes always put their two children in order (we can do this as this does not happen in response to an addition of a new child to an existing sparse node, but this is constructed directly) and thus their order word is always 10 (if they were not in order, the order word would have to be 01, which would be misinterpreted as the single-digit 1).

This node has two (the number of digits in the order word) children. The first child is at the position specified by the least significant digit of the order word, 0. The second child is specified by the second least significant digit, 1.

Suppose we then need to add a new child, using character 0x35 5 and child 0x33B. The node will change to 00000238 0000013A 0000033B 00000000 00000000 00000000 41433500 00000026 and the pointer to it stays the same.

00 - 03child pointer 000000238
04 - 07child pointer 10000013A
08 - 0Bchild pointer 20000033B
0C - 17unused
18character 041 A
19character 143 C
1Acharacter 235 5
1B - 1Dunused
1E - 1Forder word0026 = 102 (base 6)

This node has three (the number of digits in the order word) children. The first child is at the position specified by the least significant digit of the order word, 2. The second child is specified by the second least significant digit, 0, and the last child is specified by the leading digit, 1.

Note that because of the ordering of the two children in the smallest sparse node, the digit 0 is always preceded by a more-significant 1 in the order word in base 6. Therefore the leading digit of the order word can never be 0 and thus we cannot miscount the number of children.

The addition of children can continue until we have 6, for example 00000238 0000013A 0000033B 0000035C 0000037A 0000041B 41433542 50338129 (pointer 0x25E) for

00 - 03child pointer 000000238
04 - 07child pointer 10000013A
08 - 0Bchild pointer 20000033B
0C - 0Fchild pointer 30000035C
10 - 13child pointer 40000037A
14 - 17child pointer 50000041B
18character 041 A
19character 143 C
1Acharacter 235 5
1Bcharacter 342 B
1Ccharacter 450 P
1Dcharacter 533 3
1E - 1Forder word8129 = 413025 (base 6)

Beyond 6 children, a node needs to be converted to split.

Split nodes - up to 256 children in multiple cells

Split nodes are used to handle the nodes with a large number of children. We can only allocate cells of 32 bytes, thus we have to distribute the child transitions among cells in some way that is efficient for reading and updating. The method we chose is to construct a “mini-trie” with 2-3-3 bit transitions.

A split node is identified by the 0x1C offset. The starting cell of a split node has this layout:

00 - 0Funused
10 - 13mid-cell for leading 00
14 - 17mid-cell for leading 01
18 - 1Bmid-cell for leading 10
1C - 1Fmid-cell for leading 11

(pointers to this node point to the 1C line) and where each mid-cell contains:

00 - 03end-cell for middle 000
04 - 07end-cell for middle 001
08 - 0Bend-cell for middle 010
0C - 0Fend-cell for middle 011
10 - 13end-cell for middle 100
14 - 17end-cell for middle 101
18 - 1Bend-cell for middle 110
1C - 1Fend-cell for middle 111

and end-cell:

00 - 03pointer to child for ending 000
04 - 07pointer to child for ending 001
08 - 0Bpointer to child for ending 010
0C - 0Fpointer to child for ending 011
10 - 13pointer to child for ending 100
14 - 17pointer to child for ending 101
18 - 1Bpointer to child for ending 110
1C - 1Fpointer to child for ending 111

In any of the cell or pointer positions we can have NONE, meaning that such a child (or block of children) does not exist. At minimum, a split node occupies 3 cells (one leading, one mid and one end), and at maximum — 1 + 4 + 4*8 = 37 cells i.e. 1184 bytes. If we could allocate contiguous arrays, a full split node would use 1024 bytes, thus this splitting can add ~15% overhead. However, real data often has additional structure that this can make use of to avoid creating some of the blocks, e.g. if the trie encodes US-ASCII or UTF-encoded strings where some character ranges are not allowed at all, and others are prevalent. Another benefit is that to change a transition while preserving the previous state of the node for concurrent readers we have to only copy three blocks and not the entire range of children (applications of this will be given later).

As an example, suppose we need to add a 0x51 Q transition to 0x455 to the 6-children sparse node from the previous section. This will generate the following structure:

Leading cell (e.g. 0x500-0x51F with pointer 0x51C)

00 - 0Funused
10 - 13mid-cell for leading 000000053C
14 - 17mid-cell for leading 010000057C
18 - 1Bmid-cell for leading 1000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fmid-cell for leading 1100000000 NONE

Mid cell 00 at 0x520-0x53F:

00 - 03end-cell for middle 00000000000 NONE
04 - 07end-cell for middle 00100000000 NONE
08 - 0Bend-cell for middle 01000000000 NONE
0C - 0Fend-cell for middle 01100000000 NONE
10 - 13end-cell for middle 10000000000 NONE
14 - 17end-cell for middle 10100000000 NONE
18 - 1Bend-cell for middle 1100000055C
1C - 1Fend-cell for middle 11100000000 NONE

End cell 00 110 at 0x540-0x55F:

00 - 03pointer to child for ending 00000000000 NONE
04 - 07pointer to child for ending 00100000000 NONE
08 - 0Bpointer to child for ending 01000000000 NONE
0C - 0Fpointer to child for ending 0110000041B
10 - 13pointer to child for ending 10000000000 NONE
14 - 17pointer to child for ending 1010000033B
18 - 1Bpointer to child for ending 11000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fpointer to child for ending 11100000000 NONE

Mid cell 01 at 0x560-0x57F:

00 - 03end-cell for middle 0000000059C
04 - 07end-cell for middle 00100000000 NONE
08 - 0Bend-cell for middle 010000005BC
0C - 0Fend-cell for middle 01100000000 NONE
10 - 13end-cell for middle 10000000000 NONE
14 - 17end-cell for middle 10100000000 NONE
18 - 1Bend-cell for middle 11000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fend-cell for middle 11100000000 NONE

End cell 01 000 at 0x580-0x59F:

00 - 03pointer to child for ending 00000000000 NONE
04 - 07pointer to child for ending 00100000238
08 - 0Bpointer to child for ending 0100000035C
0C - 0Fpointer to child for ending 0110000013A
10 - 13pointer to child for ending 10000000000 NONE
14 - 17pointer to child for ending 10100000000 NONE
18 - 1Bpointer to child for ending 11000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fpointer to child for ending 11100000000 NONE

End cell 01 010 at 0x5A0-0x5BF:

00 - 03pointer to child for ending 0000000037A
04 - 07pointer to child for ending 00100000455
08 - 0Bpointer to child for ending 01000000000 NONE
0C - 0Fpointer to child for ending 01100000000 NONE
10 - 13pointer to child for ending 10000000000 NONE
14 - 17pointer to child for ending 10100000000 NONE
18 - 1Bpointer to child for ending 11000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fpointer to child for ending 11100000000 NONE

To find a child in this structure, we follow the transitions along the bits of the mini-trie. For example, for 0x42 B = 0b01000010 we start at 0x51C, take the 01 pointer to 0x57C, then the 000 pointer to 0x59C and finally the 010 index to retrieve the node pointer 0x35C. Note that the intermediate cells (dashed in the diagram) are not reachable with pointers, they only make sense as substructure of the split node.


Content Prefix

Prefix nodes are not nodes in themselves, but they add information to the node they lead to. Specifically, they encode an index in the content array, and a pointer to the node to which this content is attached. In anything other than the content, they are equivalent to the linked node — i.e. a prefix node pointer has the same children as the node it links to (another way to see this is as a content-carrying node is one that has an ε transition to the linked node and no other features except added content). We do not allow more than one prefix to a node (i.e. prefix can't point to another prefix), and the child of a prefix node cannot be a leaf.

There are two types of prefixes:

  • standalone, which has a full 32-bit pointer to the linked node
  • embedded, which occupies unused space in Chain or Split nodes and specifies the 5-bit offset within the same cell of the linked node

Standalone prefixes have this layout:

00 - 03content index00000001
04standalone flag, 0xFFFF
05 - 1Bunused
1C - 1Flinked node pointer0000025E

and pointer offset 0x1F. The sample values above will be the ones used to link a prefix node to our Sparse example, where a prefix cannot be embedded as all the bytes of the cell are in use.

If we want to attach the same prefix to the Split example, we will place this

00 - 03content index00000001
04embedded offset within cell1C
05 - 1Funused

inside the leading split cell, with pointer 0x1F. Since this is an embedded node, the augmented one resides within the same cell, and thus we need only 5 bits to encode the pointer (the other 27 are the same as the prefix's). The combined content of the cell at 0x500-0x51F will then be 00000001 1C000000 00000000 00000000 00000520 00000560 00000000 00000000:

00 - 03content index00000001
04embedded offset within cell1C
05 - 0Funused
10 - 13mid-cell for leading 0000000520
14 - 17mid-cell for leading 0100000560
18 - 1Bmid-cell for leading 1000000000 NONE
1C - 1Fmid-cell for leading 1100000000 NONE

Both 0x51C and 0x51F are valid pointers in this cell. The former refers to the plain split node, the latter to its content-augmented version. The only difference between the two is the result of a call to content().


Reading a trie

InMemoryTrie is mainly meant to be used as an implementation of Trie. As such, the main method of retrieval of information is via some selection (i.e. intersection) of a subtrie followed by a walk over the content in this subtrie. Straightforward methods for direct retrieval of data by key are also provided, but they are mainly for testing.

The methods for iterating over and transforming tries are provided by the Trie interface and are built on the cursor interface implemented by InMemoryTrie (see for a description of cursors).


(Edges in black show the trie's structure, and the ones in light blue the path the cursor walk takes.)

Cursors over InMemoryTrie

InMemoryTrie implements cursors using arrays of integers to store the backtracking state (as the simplest possible structure that can be easily walked and garbage collected). No backtracking state is added for Chain or Leaf nodes and any prefix. For Sparse we store the node address, depth and the remainder of the sparse order word. That is, we read the sparse order word on entry, peel off the next index to descend and store the remainder. When we backtrack to the node we peel off another index -- if the remainder becomes 0, there are no further children and the backtracking entry can be removed.

For Split nodes we store one entry per split node cell. This means:

  • one entry for the head cell with address, depth and next child bits 0bHH000000 where HH is between 1 and 3
  • one entry for the mid cell with address, depth and next child bits 0bHHMMM000 where MMM is between 1 and 7
  • one entry for the tail cell with address, depth and next child bits 0bHHMMMTTT where TTT is between 1 and 7

On backtracking we recognize the sublevel by the position of the lowest non-zero bit triple. For example, if the last three are not 0b000, this is a tail cell, we can advance in it and use the HHMMM bits to form the transition byte.

This substructure is a little more efficient than storing only one entry for the split node (the head-to-mid and mid-to-tail links do not need to be followed for every new child) and also allows us to easily get the precise next child and remove the backtracking entry when a cell has no further children.

InMemoryTrie cursors also implement advanceMultiple, which jumps over intermediate nodes in Chain blocks:



Mutation of InMemoryTrie must be done by one thread only (for performance reasons we don‘t enforce it, the user must make sure that’s the case), but writes may be concurrent with multiple reads over the data that is being mutated. The trie is built to support this by making sure that any modification of a node is safe for any reader that is operating concurrently.

The main method for mutating a InMemoryTrie is apply, which merges the structure of another Trie in. InMemoryTrie also provides simpler recursive method of modification, putRecursive, which creates a single key -> value mapping in the trie. We will describe the mutation process starting with a putRecursive example.

Adding a new key -> value mapping using putRecursive

Suppose we want to insert the value traverse into the trie described in the previous paragraph. The recursive insertion process walks the trie to find corresponding existing nodes for the ones in the path to be inserted. When it has to leave the existing trie, because it has no entries for the path, the process continues using NONE as the trie node.


When it reaches the end of the path, it needs to attach the value. Unless this is a prefix of an existing entry, the matching trie node will either be NONE or a leaf node. Here it's NONE, so we create a item in the content array, contentArray[3], put the value in it, and thus form the leaf node ~3 (0xFFFFFFFC). The recursive process returns this to the previous step.

The previous step must attach a child with the transition e to the node NONE. Since this is a new node, we do this by creating a new Chain node at address 0x0BB mapping e to ~3 and return that. For the node above, we again need to attach a child to NONE, but this time the child is a Chain node, so we can do this by expanding it, i.e. writing the new character at the address just before the child pointer, and returning that address (note that the child chain node is newly created, so we can't be overwriting any existing data there). We can do this several more times.


(Light blue specifies the descent path, pink the values returned, blue stands for newly-created nodes and links, and light gray for obsoleted nodes and links.)

In the next step we must attach the child 0x0B8 with transition v to the existing Chain node 0x018. This is a different transition from the one that node already has, so the change cannot be accommodated by a node of type Chain, thus we need to copy this into a new Sparse node 0x0DE with two children, the existing c -> 0x019 and the new v -> 0x0B8 and return 0x0DE to the parent step.

The parent step must then change its existing pointer for the character a from 0x018 to 0x0DE which it can do in place by writing the new value in its pointer cell for a. This is the attachment point for the newly created substructure, i.e. before this, the new nodes were not reachable, and now become reachable; before this, the node 0x018 was reachable, and now becomes unreachable. The attachment is done by a volatile write, to enforce a happens-before relationship that makes sure that all the new substructure (all written by this thread) is fully readable by all readers who pass through the new pointer (which is the only way they can reach it). The same happens-before also ensures that any new readers cannot reach the obsoleted nodes (there may be existing reader threads that are already in them).

It can then return its address 0x07E unchanged up, and no changes need to be done in any of the remaining steps. The process finishes in a new value for root, which in this case remains unchanged.


The process created a few new nodes (in blue), and made one obsolete (in grey). What concurrent readers can see depends on where they are at the time the attachment point write is done. Forward traversals, if they are in the path below 0x07E, will continue working with the obsoleted data and will not see any of the new changes. If they are above 0x07E, they will see the updated content. If they are at the 0x07E node, they may see either, depending on the time they read the pointer for a. Reverse traversals that happen to be in the region to the right of the new nodes will see the updated content, as they will read the pointer after it has been updated.

In any case, the obsolete paths remain correct and usable for any thread that has already reached them, and the new paths are correct and usable from the moment they become reachable.

Note that if we perform multiple mutations in sequence, and a reader happens to be stalled between them (in iteration order), such reader may see only the mutation that is ahead of it in iteration order, which is not necessarily the mutation that happened first. For the example above, if we also inserted trespass, a reader thread that was paused at 0x018 in a forward traversal and wakes up after both insertions have completed will see trespass, but will not see traverse even though it was inserted earlier.

In-place modifications

When the backtracking process returns with a new mapping, there are several cases when we can apply a change in place (creating an attachment point for the new path). We will explain these in detail, as it is important to understand what exactly happens from concurrent readers' point of view in all of them.

Note that if a modification cannot be done in place, we copy the content to a new node. The copied node is always unreachable and there will always be an attachment point that makes it reachable somewhere in the parent chain.

Changing the child pointer of the last Chain node in a chain

This happens when the existing transition matches the transition of the new character, but the pointer is different, and only applies to Chain nodes whose offset is 0x1B. In this case the child pointer is written at offset 0x1C, and we can put in the new value by performing a volatile write.

For example, updating N -> 0x39C is accomplished by making the volatile write:


(Here and below normal writes are in bold and volatile writes in bold italic.)

Readers have to read the pointer to reach the child (old or new), so this achieves the happens-before guarantees we seek. Readers either see the old value (where none of the branch's data has been modified in any way), or the new value (where the happens-before guarantees all writes creating the attached substructure are fully visible).

Note that if the node is not the last in the chain, the pointer is implicit and we cannot change it. Thus we have to copy, i.e. create a new node, which in this case will also be a Chain node, because there is nothing else in the original node that needs to be preserved (the only existing transition is replaced by the update).

Changing the child pointer of a Sparse or Split node

Similarly to above, in this case the transition matches an existing one, and thus we already have a 4-byte location where the pointer to the old child is written, and we can update it by doing a volatile write.

For example, updating C -> 0x51E in a sparse node can be:

00 - 03child pointer 00000023800000238
04 - 07child pointer 10000013A0000051E
08 - 0Bchild pointer 20000033B0000033B
0C - 17unused
18character 041 A41 A
19character 143 C43 C
1Acharacter 235 535 5
1B - 1Dunused
1E - 1Forder word0026 = 102 (base 6)

Adding a new child to Split

If we already have the substructure that leads to the pointer for the new transition (i.e. a mid- and end-cell for the transition's first 2-3 bits already exists), the situation is as above, where the existing pointer is NONE, and we can simply perform a volatile write.

If an end-cell mapping does not exist, we allocate a new cleared cell (so that all pointers are NONE), write the new pointer at its position using a non-volatile write, and then create a mapping to this end-cell in the mid cell by volatile writing its pointer over the NONE in the correct offset. Similarly, if there's no mid-cell either, we create empty end-cell and mid-cell, write pointer in end-cell and mapping in mid-cell non-volatile, and write the mapping in the leading cell volatile.

In any of these cases, readers have to pass through the volatile update to reach any of the new content.

For example, to add x -> 0x71A (x is 0x78 or 0b01111000) to the split node example needs a new end cell for 01 111 (for example at 0x720-0x73F) (these writes can be non-volatile):

00 - 03pointer to child for ending 000n/a0000071A
04 - 07pointer to child for ending 001n/a00000000 NONE
08 - 0Bpointer to child for ending 010n/a00000000 NONE
0C - 0Fpointer to child for ending 011n/a00000000 NONE
10 - 13pointer to child for ending 100n/a00000000 NONE
14 - 17pointer to child for ending 101n/a00000000 NONE
18 - 1Bpointer to child for ending 110n/a00000000 NONE
1C - 1Fpointer to child for ending 111n/a00000000 NONE

and this volatile write to the mid cell 0x520:

00 - 03end-cell for middle 00000000000 NONE00000000 NONE
04 - 07end-cell for middle 00100000000 NONE00000000 NONE
08 - 0Bend-cell for middle 01000000000 NONE00000000 NONE
0C - 0Fend-cell for middle 01100000000 NONE00000000 NONE
10 - 13end-cell for middle 10000000000 NONE00000000 NONE
14 - 17end-cell for middle 10100000000 NONE00000000 NONE
18 - 1Bend-cell for middle 1100000055C0000055C
1C - 1Fend-cell for middle 11100000000 NONE0000073C

The start cell, and the other mid and end cells remain unchanged.

Adding a new child to Sparse with 5 or fewer existing children

The need to maintain a correct view for concurrent readers without blocking is the reason why we cannot keep the children in a Sparse cell ordered (if we insert ordered, we open ourselves to readers possibly seeing the same pointer or child twice, or even going back in the iteration order). Instead we always add new characters and pointers at the next free position and then update the order word to include it. More precisely:

  • we find the smallest index i < 6 for which the pointer is NONE
  • we write the transition character at position i
  • we write the pointer at position i over NONE volatile
  • we compile a new order word by inserting i after all indexes with greater transition and before all indexes with smaller in the base-6 representation (e.g. to insert j in sparse node that has a@4 f@0 g@2 k@1 q@3 we change the order word 31204 to 315204) and write it volatile

This ensures that any reader that iterates over children (i.e. one that needs the order word) will have to pass through the volatile order word update and will see the correct character and pointer values. Readers who have read the order word at some earlier time will not include the new pointer or character in the iteration.

Readers that directly select the child for a given transition must read the pointer for each index before reading the character to ensure they can see the properly updated value (otherwise they could match e.g. a 00 transition to the new branch because the real character was not written when they read the byte, but the pointer was when they got to it) and stop searching when they find a NONE pointer.

For example, adding x -> 0x71A to the sparse example above is done by:

00 - 03child pointer 00000023800000238
04 - 07child pointer 10000051E0000051E
08 - 0Bchild pointer 20000033B0000033B
0C - 0Fchild pointer 3any0000071A
10 - 17unusedNONENONE
18character 041 A41 A
19character 143 C43 C
1Acharacter 235 535 5
1Bcharacter 3any78 x
1C - 1Dunused00 0000 00
1E - 1Forder word0026 = 102 (base 6)02AE = 3102 (base 6)

where we first write the character, then volatile write the pointer, and finally the order word.

Changing the root pointer

If an update propagates with copying modifications all the way to the root, we must update the root pointer. The latter is a volatile variable, so this also enforces the happens-before relationship we need.

Merging a branch using apply

This is a generalization of the mutation procedure above, which applies to more complex branches, where each node may potentially need multiple updates to attach more than one child. The process proceeds following the nodes that a cursor of the mutation trie produces and we maintain full (i.e. for all nodes in the parent chain) backtracking information in an array of integers that contains

  • existingNode, the corresponding pointer in the memtable trie,
  • updatedNode, the current corresponding pointer in the memtable trie, which may be different from the above if the mutation node is branching and one or more of its children have been already added,
  • transition, the incoming edge we took to reach the node.

When we descend, we follow the transitions in the memtable trie corresponding to the ones from an iteration over the structure of the mutation trie to obtain the existingNode pointers, and initialize updatedNode to the same. When the iteration processes a child, we apply the update to the node, which may happen in place, or may require copying — in the latter case updatedNode will change to the new value. Note that if updatedNode was different from the original existingNode, it was pointing to an unreachable copied node which will remain unreachable as we will only attach the newer version.

After all modifications coming as the result of application of child branches have been applied, we have an updatedNode that reflects all. As we ascend we apply that new value to the parent's updatedNode.

For example (adding a trie containing “traverse, truck” to the “tractor, tree, trie” one):


In this diagram existingNodes are the ones reached through the light blue arrows during the descent phase (e.g. 0x018 for the ApplyState at tra, or NONE for tru), and updatedNodes are the ones ascent (pink arrows) returns with (e.g . 0x0DE and 0x0FA for the respective states).

During this process, readers can see any modifications made in place (each in-place modification is an attachment point which makes part of the new nodes reachable). The update mechanism above makes sure both that the state before the update is preserved, and that the state after the update is fully visible for readers that can reach it, but it does not guarantee that the mutation is seen atomically by the readers if it contains multiple separate branches. It is possible for a reader to see only a part of the update, for example:

  • a reading thread racing with the mutator can iterate over traverse but finish iterating before the mutator manages to attach truck;
  • a reading thread that iterated to tree (while traverse was not yet attached) and paused, will see truck if the mutating thread applies the update during the pause.

Handling prefix nodes

The descriptions above were given without prefix nodes. Handling prefixes is just a little complication over the update process where we must augment updatedNode with any applicable content before applying the change to the parent. To do this we expand the state tracked to:

  • existingPreContentNode which points to the existing node including any prefix,
  • existingPostContentNode which is obtained by skipping over the prefix (for simplicity we also treat leaf nodes like a prefix with no child) and is the base for all child updates (i.e. it takes the role of existingNode in the descriptions above),
  • updatedPostContentNode which is the node as changed/copied after children modifications are applied,
  • contentIndex which is the index in the content array for the result of merging existing and newly introduced content, (Note: The mutation content is only readable when the cursor enters the node, and we can only attach it when we ascend from it.)
  • transition remains as before.

and we then attach contentIndex to compile an updatedPreContentNode which the parent is made to link to. This will be equal to updatedPostContentNode if no content applies, i.e. contentIndex == -1.

(“Pre-” and “post-” refer to descent/iteration order, not to construction order; e.g. updatedPreContentNode is constructed after updatedPostContentNode but links above it in the trie.)

As an example, consider the process of adding trees to our sample trie:


When descending at tree we set existingPreContentNode = ~1, existingPostContentNode = NONE and contentIndex = 1. Ascending back to add the child ~3, we add a child to NONE and get updatedPostContentNode = 0x0BB. To then apply the existing content, we create the embedded prefix node updatedPreContentNode = 0x0BF with contentIndex = 1 and pass that on to the recursion.