Update versions; correct build steps in README

A simple update of the release versions should not need the following
additional subversion commands after running `make` to restore all the
unexpected removals and additions:

svn revert --recursive publish/doc
svn revert --recursive publish/blog
rm -r publish/blog/2018/08/06
rm -r publish/blog/2018/08/20  # where did these "new" posts even come from?
rm -r src/.sass-cache

If someone wants to build new doc versions, please go ahead. I thought there
was a docker setup to build the site, but I cannot find it, and just updating
versions makes me want to pull my fingernails out.

There used to be a publish/.htaccess redirect file for the debian repository,
but evidently that was removed without reverting the unexpected change, so now
it's gone. I think the repository is still working right from some quick tests.

git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1853412 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
5 files changed
tree: 92907efc4ee3c34885b8670430fca14d5a32b199
  1. publish/
  2. src/
  3. doap.rdf