blob: 99210924743932b3bce5d987df9c562f9c2bd1f9 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _cassandra-rackdc: file
Several :term:`snitch` options use the ```` configuration file to determine which :term:`datacenters` and racks cluster nodes belong to. Information about the
network topology allows requests to be routed efficiently and to distribute replicas evenly. The following snitches can be configured here:
- GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- AWS EC2 single-region snitch
- AWS EC2 multi-region snitch
The GossipingPropertyFileSnitch is recommended for production. This snitch uses the datacenter and rack information configured in a local node's ````
file and propagates the information to other nodes using :term:`gossip`. It is the default snitch and the settings in this properties file are enabled.
The AWS EC2 snitches are configured for clusters in AWS. This snitch uses the ```` options to designate one of two AWS EC2 datacenter and rack naming conventions:
- legacy: Datacenter name is the part of the availability zone name preceding the last "-" when the zone ends in -1 and includes the number if not -1. Rack name is the portion of the availability zone name following the last "-".
Examples: us-west-1a => dc: us-west, rack: 1a; us-west-2b => dc: us-west-2, rack: 2b;
- standard: Datacenter name is the standard AWS region name, including the number. Rack name is the region plus the availability zone letter.
Examples: us-west-1a => dc: us-west-1, rack: us-west-1a; us-west-2b => dc: us-west-2, rack: us-west-2b;
Either snitch can set to use the local or internal IP address when multiple datacenters are not communicating.
Name of the datacenter. The value is case-sensitive.
**Default value:** DC1
Rack designation. The value is case-sensitive.
**Default value:** RAC1
AWS EC2 snitch
Datacenter and rack naming convention. Options are ``legacy`` or ``standard`` (default). **This option is commented out by default.**
**Default value:** standard
.. NOTE::
Either snitch
Option to use the local or internal IP address when communication is not across different datacenters. **This option is commented out by default.**
**Default value:** true