blob: 4c4ef0f5ce02dd9b00acae2bbbce6479b11b65a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ICluster;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.Feature.NETWORK;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.*;
public class SimpleReadWriteTest extends TestBaseImpl
public void coordinatorReadTest() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
cluster.get(1).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 1, 1)");
cluster.get(2).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 2, 2)");
cluster.get(3).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 3, 3)");
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = ?",
row(1, 1, 1),
row(1, 2, 2),
row(1, 3, 3));
public void coordinatorWriteTest() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 1, 1)",
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
assertRows(cluster.get(1).executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1"),
row(1, 1, 1));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1",
row(1, 1, 1));
public void readRepairTest() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
cluster.get(1).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 1, 1)");
cluster.get(2).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, 1, 1)");
assertRows(cluster.get(3).executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1"));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1",
ConsistencyLevel.ALL), // ensure node3 in preflist
row(1, 1, 1));
// Verify that data got repaired to the third node
assertRows(cluster.get(3).executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1"),
row(1, 1, 1));
public void simplePagedReadsTest() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
int size = 100;
Object[][] results = new Object[size][];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, ?, ?)",
i, i);
results[i] = new Object[] { 1, i, i};
// Make sure paged read returns same results with different page sizes
for (int pageSize : new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50})
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithPaging("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl",
public void pagingWithRepairTest() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
int size = 100;
Object[][] results = new Object[size][];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
// Make sure that data lands on different nodes and not coordinator
cluster.get(i % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3).executeInternal("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, ?, ?)",
i, i);
results[i] = new Object[] { 1, i, i};
// Make sure paged read returns same results with different page sizes
for (int pageSize : new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50})
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithPaging("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl",
assertRows(cluster.get(1).executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl"),
public void pagingTests() throws Throwable
try (ICluster cluster = init(builder().withNodes(3).start());
ICluster singleNode = init(builder().withNodes(1).withSubnet(1).start()))
cluster.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
singleNode.schemaChange("CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk int, ck int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck))");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, ?, ?)",
i, j, i + i);
singleNode.coordinator(1).execute("INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl (pk, ck, v) VALUES (1, ?, ?)",
i, j, i + i);
int[] pageSizes = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50};
String[] statements = new String [] {"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck >= 5",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 AND ck <= 10",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 LIMIT 3",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck >= 5 LIMIT 2",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 AND ck <= 10 LIMIT 2",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 ORDER BY ck DESC",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck >= 5 ORDER BY ck DESC",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 AND ck <= 10 ORDER BY ck DESC",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 ORDER BY ck DESC LIMIT 3",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck >= 5 ORDER BY ck DESC LIMIT 2",
"SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk = 1 AND ck > 5 AND ck <= 10 ORDER BY ck DESC LIMIT 2",
"SELECT DISTINCT pk FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk IN (3,5,8,10)",
"SELECT DISTINCT pk FROM " + KEYSPACE + ".tbl WHERE pk IN (3,5,8,10) LIMIT 2"
for (String statement : statements)
for (int pageSize : pageSizes)
ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, pageSize),
ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, Integer.MAX_VALUE));