Unify version handling for docker based package building

Build either snapshot or release packages based on specified git path.
Releases will only be build from tags. Provided changes will simplify
manual invocation of docker for developers, as well as making it
possible to automatically build packages in Jenkins at some point.

Closes #3
7 files changed
tree: 1b57c89228a91e11ee8cf3aea3db77a1f6213c26
  1. build-scripts/
  2. cassandra-release/
  3. dist/
  4. docker/
  5. jenkins-dsl/
  6. .gitignore
  7. ASF-slaves.txt
  9. README.md

Apache Cassandra Build Tools

  • Jenkins Job DSL scripts to create CI jobs:
    • jenkins-dsl/
  • Jenkins Job build/test runtime scripts:
    • build-scripts/
  • Apache Cassandra packaging utilities:
    • cassandra-release/
    • docker/

Building packages

  1. Create build images containing the build tool-chain, Java and an Apache Cassandra git working directory
    • Debian: docker build -f docker/jessie-image.docker docker/
    • RPM: docker build -f docker/centos7-image.docker docker/ The image will contain a clone of the Apache git repository by default. Using a different repository is possible by adding the --build-arg CASSANDRA_GIT_URL=https://github.com/myuser/cassandra.git parameter. All successive builds will be executed based on the repository cloned during docker image creation.
  2. Run build script through docker (specify branch, e.g. cassandra-3.0 and version, e.g. 3.0.11):
    • Debian: docker run --rm -v `pwd`/dist:/dist `docker images -f label=org.cassandra.buildenv=jessie -q` /home/build/build-debs.sh <branch/tag>
    • RPM: docker run --rm -v `pwd`/dist:/dist `docker images -f label=org.cassandra.buildenv=centos -q` /home/build/build-rpms.sh <branch/tag>

You should find newly created Debian and RPM packages in the dist directory.

Note about versioning

Packages for official releases can only be build from tags. In this case, the tag must match the known versioning scheme. A number of sanity checks will be run to make sure the version matches any version defined in build.xml and debian/changes. But you'll have to manually keep these values in sync for every release.

Builds based on any branch will use the version defined in either build.xml (RPM) or debian/changes (deb). Afterwards a snapshot indicator will be appended.

Publishing packages