Cassandra Analytics

Cassandra Analytics supports Spark 2 (Scala 2.11 and 2.12) and Spark 3 (Scala 2.12).

This project uses Gradle as the dependency management and build framework.


Cassandra Analytics will build for Spark 2 and Scala 2.11 by default.

Navigate to the top-level directory for this project:

./gradlew clean package

Spark 2 and Scala 2.12

To build for Scala 2.12, set the profile by exporting SCALA_VERSION=2.12:

export SCALA_VERSION=2.12
./gradlew clean package

Spark 3 and Scala 2.12

To build for Spark 3 and Scala 2.12, export both SCALA_VERSION=2.12 and SPARK_VERSION=3:

export SCALA_VERSION=2.12
./gradlew clean package

Git hooks (optional)

To enable git hooks, run the following command at project root.

git config core.hooksPath githooks


The project is well-supported in IntelliJ.

Run the following profile to copy code style used for this project:

./gradlew copyCodeStyle

The project has different sources for Spark 2 and Spark 3.

Spark 2 uses the org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2 APIs that have been deprecated in Spark 3.

Spark 3 uses new APIs that live in the namespace.

By default, the project will load Spark 2 sources, but you can switch between sources by modifying the file.

For Spark 3, use the following in


And then load Gradle changes (on Mac, the shortcut to load Gradle changes is Command + Shift + I).

This will make the IDE pick up the Spark 3 sources, and you should now be able to develop against Spark 3 as well.