blob: c00c8817c9e5dc46211404b171f37fdddc84bc94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Integrate with the latest sidecar client (CASSANDRA-19616)
* Support bulk write via S3 (CASSANDRA-19563)
* Support UDTs in the Bulk Writer (CASSANDRA-19340)
* Fix bulk reads of multiple tables that potentially have the same data file name (CASSANDRA-19507)
* Fix XXHash32Digest calculated digest value (CASSANDRA-19500)
* Report additional bulk analytics job stats for instrumentation (CASSANDRA-19418)
* Add certificate expiry check to start up validations done in Cassandra Analytics library (CASSANDRA-19424)
* Use constant reference time during bulk read process (CASSANDRA-19452)
* Update access of ClearSnapshotStrategy (CASSANDRA-19442)
* Bulk reader fails to produce a row when regular column values are null (CASSANDRA-19411)
* Use XXHash32 for digest calculation of SSTables (CASSANDRA-19369)
* Startup Validation Failures when Checking Sidecar Connectivity (CASSANDRA-19377)
* No longer need to synchronize on Schema.instance after Cassandra 4.0.12 (CASSANDRA-19351)
* Upgrade to Cassandra 4.0.12 and remove RowBufferMode and BatchSize options (CASSANDRA-19334)
* Improve logging for bulk writes and on task failures (CASSANDRA-19331)
* Allow setting TTL for snapshots created by Analytics bulk reader (CASSANDRA-19273)
* Fix range split and use open-closed range notation consistently (CASSANDRA-19325)
* Add integration tests using in-jvm-dtest to cover blocklisted instances (CASSANDRA-19272)
* Fix bulk writer consistency level validations for blocked instances (CASSANDRA-19257)
* Column type mapping error for timestamp type during bulk writes (CASSANDRA-19223)
* Speed up integration tests (CASSANDRA-19251)
* Make bulk writer resilient to cluster resize events (CASSANDRA-18852)
* Remove write option VALIDATE_SSTABLES to enforce validation (CASSANDRA-19199)
* Fix bulk writing when using identifiers that need quotes (CASSANDRA-19031)
* Fix bulk reading when using identifiers that need quotes (CASSANDRA-19024)
* Remove unused dead code (CASSANDRA-19148)
* Get Sidecar port through CassandraContext for more flexibility (CASSANDRA-19903)
* Log start-up validation result to a single report (CASSANDRA-18916)
* Use in-jvm dtest framework from Sidecar for testing (CASSANDRA-18759)
* Cassandra Analytics Start-Up Validation (CASSANDRA-18810)
* Expose per partition on-disk usage through new DataFrame that utilizes the Index.db SSTable file components (CASSANDRA-18683)
* Fix bulk writes with Buffered RowBufferMode (CASSANDRA-18692)
* Minor Refactoring to Improve Code Reusability (CASSANDRA-18684)
* Fix cassandra-analytics-core-example (CASSANDRA-18662)
* Added caching of Node Settings to improve efficiency (CASSANDRA-18633)
* Upgrade to JUnit 5 (CASSANDRA-18599)
* Add support for TTL & Timestamps for bulk writes (CASSANDRA-18605)
* Add circleci configuration yaml for Cassandra Analytics (CASSANDRA-18578)
* Provide a SecretsProvider interface to abstract the secret provisioning (CASSANDRA-18545)
* Add the .asf.yaml file (CASSANDRA-18548)