CarbonData Streaming Ingestion

Quick example

Download and unzip spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz, and export $SPARK_HOME

Package carbon jar, and copy assembly/target/scala-2.11/carbondata_2.11-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-shade-hadoop2.7.2.jar to $SPARK_HOME/jars

mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pspark-2.2

Start a socket data server in a terminal

 nc -lk 9099

type some CSV rows as following


Start spark-shell in new terminal, type :paste, then copy and run the following code.

 import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, SparkSession}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.CarbonSession._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{ProcessingTime, StreamingQuery}
 import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.path.CarbonStorePath
 val warehouse = new File("./warehouse").getCanonicalPath
 val metastore = new File("./metastore").getCanonicalPath
 val spark = SparkSession
   .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", warehouse)
   .getOrCreateCarbonSession(warehouse, metastore)


 // drop table if exists previously
 spark.sql(s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table")
 // Create target carbon table and populate with initial data
      | CREATE TABLE carbon_table (
      | col1 INT,
      | col2 STRING
      | )
      | STORED BY 'carbondata'
      | TBLPROPERTIES('streaming'='true')""".stripMargin)

 val carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("default"), "carbon_table")(spark)
 val tablePath = CarbonStorePath.getCarbonTablePath(carbonTable.getAbsoluteTableIdentifier)
 // batch load
 var qry: StreamingQuery = null
 val readSocketDF = spark.readStream
   .option("host", "localhost")
   .option("port", 9099)

 // Write data from socket stream to carbondata file
 qry = readSocketDF.writeStream
   .trigger(ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))
   .option("checkpointLocation", tablePath.getStreamingCheckpointDir)
   .option("dbName", "default")
   .option("tableName", "carbon_table")

 // start new thread to show data
 new Thread() {
   override def run(): Unit = {
     do {
       spark.sql("select * from carbon_table").show(false)
     } while (true)


Continue to type some rows into data server, and spark-shell will show the new data of the table.

Create table with streaming property

Streaming table is just a normal carbon table with “streaming” table property, user can create streaming table using following DDL.

 CREATE TABLE streaming_table (
  col1 INT,
  col2 STRING
 STORED BY 'carbondata'
property namedefaultdescription
streamingfalseWhether to enable streaming ingest feature for this table
Value range: true, false

“DESC FORMATTED” command will show streaming property.

DESC FORMATTED streaming_table

Alter streaming property

For an old table, use ALTER TABLE command to set the streaming property.

ALTER TABLE streaming_table SET TBLPROPERTIES('streaming'='true')

Acquire streaming lock

At the begin of streaming ingestion, the system will try to acquire the table level lock of streaming.lock file. If the system isn't able to acquire the lock of this table, it will throw an InterruptedException.

Create streaming segment

The input data of streaming will be ingested into a segment of the CarbonData table, the status of this segment is streaming. CarbonData call it a streaming segment. The “tablestatus” file will record the segment status and data size. The user can use “SHOW SEGMENTS FOR TABLE tableName” to check segment status.

After the streaming segment reaches the max size, CarbonData will change the segment status to “streaming finish” from “streaming”, and create new “streaming” segment to continue to ingest streaming data.

carbon.streaming.segment.max.size1024000000Unit: byte
max size of streaming segment
segment statusdescription
streamingThe segment is running streaming ingestion
streaming finishThe segment already finished streaming ingestion,
it will be handed off to a segment in the columnar format

Change segment status

Use below command to change the status of “streaming” segment to “streaming finish” segment.


Handoff “streaming finish” segment to columnar segment

Use below command to handoff “streaming finish” segment to columnar format segment manually.

ALTER TABLE streaming_table COMPACT 'streaming'

Auto handoff streaming segment

Config the property “” to auto handoff streaming segment. If the value of this property is true, after the streaming segment reaches the max size, CarbonData will change this segment to “streaming finish” status and trigger to auto handoff this segment to columnar format segment in a new thread.

property namedefaultdescription to auto trigger handoff operation

Close streaming table

Use below command to handoff all streaming segments to columnar format segments and modify the streaming property to false, this table becomes a normal table.

ALTER TABLE streaming_table COMPACT 'close_streaming'


  1. reject set streaming property from true to false.
  2. reject UPDATE/DELETE command on the streaming table.
  3. reject create pre-aggregation DataMap on the streaming table.
  4. reject add the streaming property on the table with pre-aggregation DataMap.
  5. if the table has dictionary columns, it will not support concurrent data loading.
  6. block delete “streaming” segment while the streaming ingestion is running.
  7. block drop the streaming table while the streaming ingestion is running.