Be sure to do all of the following to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily:

  • [ ] Make sure the PR title is formatted like: [CARBONDATA-<Jira issue #>] Description of pull request

  • [ ] Make sure tests pass via mvn clean verify. (Even better, enable Travis-CI on your fork and ensure the whole test matrix passes).

  • [ ] Replace <Jira issue #> in the title with the actual Jira issue number, if there is one.

  • [ ] If this contribution is large, please file an Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement.

  • [ ] Testing done

     Please provide details on 
     - Whether new unit test cases have been added or why no new tests are required?
     - What manual testing you have done?
     - Any additional information to help reviewers in testing this change.
  • [ ] For large changes, please consider breaking it into sub-tasks under an umbrella JIRA.