blob: b9b01f8d2fe3131ca14fdc0a783b9289a6856b8b [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.datetype
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedCarbonCommandException
class DateTypeTest extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll{
override def afterAll: Unit = {
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Carbon_automation_testdate")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Carbon_automation_testtimestamp")
test("must throw exception for date data type in dictionary_exclude") {
try {
"create table if not exists Carbon_automation_testdate (imei string,doj Date," +
"deviceInformationId int,MAC string,deviceColor string,device_backColor string,modelId " +
"string,marketName string,AMSize string,ROMSize string,CUPAudit string,CPIClocked string," +
"series string,productionDate timestamp,bomCode string,internalModels string, " +
"deliveryTime string, channelsId string, channelsName string , deliveryAreaId string, " +
"deliveryCountry string, deliveryProvince string, deliveryCity string,deliveryDistrict " +
"string, deliveryStreet string, oxSingleNumber string, ActiveCheckTime string, " +
"ActiveAreaId string, ActiveCountry string, ActiveProvince string, Activecity string, " +
"ActiveDistrict string, ActiveStreet string, ActiveOperatorId string, Active_releaseId " +
"string, Active_EMUIVersion string, Active_operaSysVersion string, Active_BacVerNumber " +
"string, Active_BacFlashVer string, Active_webUIVersion string, Active_webUITypeCarrVer " +
"string,Active_webTypeDataVerNumber string, Active_operatorsVersion string, " +
"Active_phonePADPartitionedVersions string, Latest_YEAR int, Latest_MONTH int, Latest_DAY" +
" int, Latest_HOUR string, Latest_areaId string, Latest_country string, Latest_province " +
"string, Latest_city string, Latest_district string, Latest_street string, " +
"Latest_releaseId string, Latest_EMUIVersion string, Latest_operaSysVersion string, " +
"Latest_BacVerNumber string, Latest_BacFlashVer string, Latest_webUIVersion string, " +
"Latest_webUITypeCarrVer string, Latest_webTypeDataVerNumber string, " +
"Latest_operatorsVersion string, Latest_phonePADPartitionedVersions string, " +
"Latest_operatorId string, gamePointDescription string, gamePointId int,contractNumber " +
"int) STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' TBLPROPERTIES('DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='doj')")
catch {
case exception: MalformedCarbonCommandException => assert(true)
test("must throw exception for timestamp data type in dictionary_exclude") {
"create table if not exists Carbon_automation_testtimestamp (imei string,doj timestamp," +
"deviceInformationId int,MAC string,deviceColor string,device_backColor string,modelId " +
"string,marketName string,AMSize string,ROMSize string,CUPAudit string,CPIClocked string," +
"series string,productionDate timestamp,bomCode string,internalModels string, " +
"deliveryTime string, channelsId string, channelsName string , deliveryAreaId string, " +
"deliveryCountry string, deliveryProvince string, deliveryCity string,deliveryDistrict " +
"string, deliveryStreet string, oxSingleNumber string, ActiveCheckTime string, " +
"ActiveAreaId string, ActiveCountry string, ActiveProvince string, Activecity string, " +
"ActiveDistrict string, ActiveStreet string, ActiveOperatorId string, Active_releaseId " +
"string, Active_EMUIVersion string, Active_operaSysVersion string, Active_BacVerNumber " +
"string, Active_BacFlashVer string, Active_webUIVersion string, Active_webUITypeCarrVer " +
"string,Active_webTypeDataVerNumber string, Active_operatorsVersion string, " +
"Active_phonePADPartitionedVersions string, Latest_YEAR int, Latest_MONTH int, Latest_DAY" +
" int, Latest_HOUR string, Latest_areaId string, Latest_country string, Latest_province " +
"string, Latest_city string, Latest_district string, Latest_street string, " +
"Latest_releaseId string, Latest_EMUIVersion string, Latest_operaSysVersion string, " +
"Latest_BacVerNumber string, Latest_BacFlashVer string, Latest_webUIVersion string, " +
"Latest_webUITypeCarrVer string, Latest_webTypeDataVerNumber string, " +
"Latest_operatorsVersion string, Latest_phonePADPartitionedVersions string, " +
"Latest_operatorId string, gamePointDescription string, gamePointId int,contractNumber " +
"int) STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' TBLPROPERTIES('DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='doj')")