blob: 54740c6f4ea008a3249ee92081f1d284ee782a4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.carbondata.cluster.sdv.generated
import org.apache.spark.sql.common.util._
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
* Test Class for columndictTestCase to verify all scenerios
class ColumndictTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
//Load history data from CSV with/without header and specify/don't specify headers in command using external ALL_dictionary_PATH
test("Columndict-TC001", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load history data from CSV with/without header and specify/don't specify headers in command using external columndict
test("Columndict-TC002", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external All_dictionary_path for CSV having incomplete/wrong data/no data/null data
test("Columndict-TC003", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external columndict for CSV having incomplete/wrong data/no data/null data
test("Columndict-TC004", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load multiple CSV from folder into table , Multiple level of folders using external all_dictionary_path
test("Columndict-TC005", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data1' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load multiple CSV from folder into table , Multiple level of folders using external columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC006", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data1' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using CSV file with different extension (.dat, .xls, .doc,.txt) and without extension from external dictionary
ignore("Columndict-TC007", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dat' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using CSV file with different extension (.dat, .xls, .doc,.txt) and without extension from external dictionary
ignore("Columndict-TC008", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dat' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using MAXCOLUMNS during loading with external all_dictionary_path
test("Columndict-TC009", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dat' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary','maxcolumns'='8', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using MAXCOLUMNS during loading with external columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC010", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dat' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv','maxcolumns'='8', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Bad records logging after load using external all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC011", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary','BAD_RECORDS_LOGGER_ENABLE'='FALSE', 'BAD_RECORDS_ACTION'='FORCE', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Bad records logging after load using external columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC012", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'=
'country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv','BAD_RECORDS_LOGGER_ENABLE'='FALSE', 'BAD_RECORDS_ACTION'='FORCE', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Incremental Load using external dictionary
test("Columndict-TC013", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select * from t3 where ID>=5""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Incremental Load using external dictionary
ignore("Columndict-TC014", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select * from t3 where ID>=5""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external dictionary for table without table properties
ignore("Columndict-TC015", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external dictionary for table without table properties
ignore("Columndict-TC016", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external all_dictionary_path for table with table properties(DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE, DICTIONARY_INCLUDE, BLOCKSIZE)
ignore("Columndict-TC017", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'= '256 MB','DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='salary','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='phonetype')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external columndict for table with table properties(DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE, DICTIONARY_INCLUDE, BLOCKSIZE)
test("Columndict-TC018", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'= '256 MB','DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='salary','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='phonetype')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external all_dictionary_path for measure and table properties(DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE, DICTIONARY_INCLUDE, BLOCKSIZE)
ignore("Columndict-TC019", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'= '256 MB','DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='salary','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='country')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='salary:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/salary.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Load using external columndict for table with measure and tableproperties(DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE, DICTIONARY_INCLUDE, BLOCKSIZE)
test("Columndict-TC020", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'= '256 MB','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='country')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:'resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Columndict parameter name validation
ignore("Columndict-TC021", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'= '256 MB','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='country')""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='countries:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Columndict parameter value validation
test("Columndict-TC022", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='salary:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for data validation in csv(empty/null/wrong data) for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC023", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for data validation in csv(empty/null/wrong data) for columndict
test("Columndict-TC024", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:'resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for validation of external all_dictionary_path folder with incorrect path
test("Columndict-TC025", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'=''resourcesPath/Data/*.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for validation of external all_dictionary_path folder with correct path
test("Columndict-TC026", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/*.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for validation of external columndict folder with correct path
test("Columndict-TC027", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:'resourcesPath/Data/columndict/*.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for validation of external all_dictionary_path file( missing /wrong path / wrong name)
test("Columndict-TC028", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'=''resourcesPath/Data/columndict/wrongName.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for validation of external columndict file( missing /wrong path / wrong name)
test("Columndict-TC029", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:'resourcesPath/Data/columndict/wrongName.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for different dictionary file extensions for all_dictionary_path
test("Columndict-TC030", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.txt', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//Check for different dictionary file extensions for columndict
test("Columndict-TC031", Include) {
intercept[Exception] {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/inValidData.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/country.txt', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check limit for all_dictionary_path
test("Columndict-TC032", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 limit 100""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check count for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC033", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select count(*) from t3""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check sum for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC034", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select sum(salary) from t3""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check >= for all_dictionary_path
test("Columndict-TC035", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where ID >=5""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check != for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC036", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where ID != 9""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check between for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC037", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id between 2 and 9""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check like for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC038", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id Like '9%'""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check group by for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC039", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id > 3 group by id,name having id = 2""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check sort by for all_dictionary_path
ignore("Columndict-TC040", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH'='$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.dictionary', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id > 4 sort by name desc""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check limit for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC041", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 limit 100""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check count for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC042", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select count(*) from t3""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check sum for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC043", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select sum(salary) from t3""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check >= for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC044", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where ID >=5""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check != for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC045", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where ID != 9""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check between for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC046", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id between 2 and 9""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check like for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC047", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id Like '9%'""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check group by for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC048", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id > 3 group by id,name having id = 2""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect
//To check sort by for columndict
ignore("Columndict-TC049", Include) {
sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t3 (ID Int, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int,floatField float) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/Data/columndict/data.csv' into table t3 options('COLUMNDICT'='country:$resourcesPath/Data//columndict/country.csv', 'SINGLE_PASS'='true')""").collect
sql(s"""select ID,name from t3 where id > 4 sort by name desc""").collect
sql(s"""drop table if exists t3""").collect