blob: 72cf5257d94fd89dec3a34e38b3e91702aa30358 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.badrecordloger
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.apache.carbondata.common.constants.LoggerAction
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonProperties
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.BadRecordUtil
class BadRecordActionTest extends QueryTest {
val csvFilePath = s"$resourcesPath/badrecords/datasample.csv"
val badRecordFilePath = new File(currentPath + "/target/test/badRecords")
private def initCarbonProperties = {
test("test load for bad_record_action=force") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='force', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test load for bad_record_action=FORCE") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='FORCE', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test load for bad_record_action=fail") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
val exception = intercept[Exception] {
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='fail', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
"Data load failed due to bad record: The value with column name date and column data " +
"type TIMESTAMP is not a valid TIMESTAMP type.Please enable bad record logger to know" +
" the detail reason"))
test("test load for bad_record_action=FAIL") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
val exception = intercept[Exception] {
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='FAIL', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
"Data load failed due to bad record: The value with column name date and column data " +
"type TIMESTAMP is not a valid TIMESTAMP type.Please enable bad record logger to know" +
" the detail reason"))
test("test load for bad_record_action=ignore") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='ignore', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test load for bad_record_action=IGNORE") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='IGNORE', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test bad record REDIRECT but not having empty location in option should throw exception") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
val badRecordLocation = CarbonProperties.getInstance()
try {
val exMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='REDIRECT', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
.contains("Cannot redirect bad records as bad record location is not provided."))
finally {
test("test bad record is REDIRECT with location in carbon properties should pass") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='REDIRECT', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test bad record is redirect with location in option while data loading should pass") {
sql("drop table if exists sales")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='REDIRECT', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"', 'BAD_RECORD_PATH'='" + { badRecordFilePath.getCanonicalPath } +
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales"),
test("test bad record FORCE option with no_sort as sort scope ") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_no_sort")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_no_sort(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='NO_SORT')""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_no_sort OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='FORCE', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales_no_sort"),
test("test bad record REDIRECT option with location and no_sort as sort scope ") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_no_sort")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_no_sort(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='NO_SORT')""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_no_sort OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='REDIRECT', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"', 'BAD_RECORD_PATH'='" + { badRecordFilePath.getCanonicalPath } +
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales_no_sort"),
test("test bad record IGNORE option with no_sort as sort scope ") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_no_sort")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_no_sort(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='NO_SORT')""")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_no_sort OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='IGNORE', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales_no_sort"),
test("test bad record with FAIL option with location and no_sort as sort scope ") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_no_sort")
"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_no_sort(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String,
actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='NO_SORT')""")
val exception = intercept[Exception] {
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_no_sort OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='FAIL', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
"Data load failed due to bad record: The value with column name date and column data " +
"type TIMESTAMP is not a valid TIMESTAMP type.Please enable bad record logger to know" +
" the detail reason"))
test("test bad record with IGNORE option for bucketed table") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_bucket")
sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_bucket(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String," +
"actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata TBLPROPERTIES ('BUCKET_NUMBER'='2', 'BUCKET_COLUMNS'='country')")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_bucket OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='IGNORE', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd')")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales_bucket"),
test("test bad record with REDIRECT option for bucketed table") {
sql("drop table if exists sales_bucket")
sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_bucket(ID BigInt, date Timestamp, country String," +
"actual_price Double, Quantity int, sold_price Decimal(19,2)) STORED AS carbondata TBLPROPERTIES ('BUCKET_NUMBER'='2', 'BUCKET_COLUMNS'='country')")
sql("LOAD DATA local inpath '" + csvFilePath + "' INTO TABLE sales_bucket OPTIONS" +
"('bad_records_action'='REDIRECT', 'DELIMITER'=" +
" ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"', 'BAD_RECORD_PATH'='" + { badRecordFilePath.getCanonicalPath } +
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from sales_bucket"),
test("test bad record IGNORE with complex data types") {
val timeStampFormat = CarbonProperties.getInstance().getProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
CarbonProperties.getInstance().addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT_FORMAT)
sql("drop table if exists complextable")
sql("create table complextable(arrayColumn array<timestamp>, structColumn struct<s1:int,s2:timestamp>,arraystruct array<Struct<as1:int,as2:timestamp>>) stored as carbondata")
sql(s"LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/badrecords/complexdata.csv' INTO TABLE complextable OPTIONS('bad_records_action'='ignore', 'DELIMITER'=',', " +
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from complextable"), Seq(Row(5)))
sql("drop table if exists complextable")
if(null != timeStampFormat) {
CarbonProperties.getInstance().addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, timeStampFormat)
test("test bad record FAIL with invalid timestamp range") {
val csvPath = s"$resourcesPath/badrecords/invalidTimeStampRange.csv"
val rows = new ListBuffer[Array[String]]
rows += Array("ID", "date", "time")
rows += Array("1", "2016-7-24", "342016-7-24 01:02:30")
BadRecordUtil.createCSV(rows, csvPath)
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_time")
sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_time (ID Int, date Date, time Timestamp) STORED AS carbondata " +
"TBLPROPERTIES('dateformat'='yyyy-MM-dd', 'timestampformat'='yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') ")
val exception = intercept[Exception] {
sql(s" LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/badrecords/invalidTimeStampRange.csv' " +
s"into table test_time options ('bad_records_action'='fail')")
assert(exception.getMessage.contains("Data load failed due to bad record: The value with column name time and column data" +
" type TIMESTAMP is not a valid TIMESTAMP type.Please enable bad record logger to know the detail reason"))
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_time")
FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(csvPath))
private def currentPath: String = {
new File(this.getClass.getResource("/").getPath + "../../")