Heterogeneous format segments in carbondata


In the industry, many users already adopted to data with different formats like ORC, Parquet, JSON, CSV etc.,
If users want to migrate to Carbondata for better performance or for better features then there is no direct way. All the existing data needs to be converted to Carbondata to migrate.
This solution works out if the existing data is less, what if the existing data is more?
Heterogeneous format segments aims to solve this problem by avoiding data conversion.

Add segment with path and format

Users can add the existing data as a segment to the carbon table provided the schema of the data and the carbon table should be the same.


ALTER TABLE [db_name.]table_name ADD SEGMENT OPTIONS(property_name=property_value, ...)

Supported properties:

PATHUser external old table path
FORMATUser external old table file format
PARTITIONPartition info for partition table , should be form of “a:int, b:string”
  • You can use the following options to add segment:

    • PATH:

      User old table path.

    • FORMAT:

    User old table file format. eg : parquet, orc


      Partition info for partition table , should be form of “a:int, b:string”

      OPTIONS('PARTITION'='a:int, b:string')

In the above command user can add the existing data to the carbon table as a new segment and also can provide the data format.

During add segment, it will infer the schema from data and validates the schema against the carbon table. If the schema doesn’t match it throws an exception.


Exist old hive partition table , stored as orc or parquet file format:

CREATE TABLE default.log_parquet_par (
	event_time BIGINT,
)PARTITIONED BY (                              
	day INT,                                    
	hour INT,                                   
	type INT                                    
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 'hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par';

Parquet File Location :

CREATE TABLE default.log_orc_par (
	event_time BIGINT,
)PARTITIONED BY (                              
	day INT,                                    
	hour INT,                                   
	type INT                                    
LOCATION 'hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_orc_par';

Orc File Location :



step1: Create carbondata format table with the same schema.

CREATE TABLE default.log_carbon_par (
	event_time BIGINT,
)PARTITIONED BY (                              
	day INT,                                    
	hour INT,                                   
	type INT                                    
STORED AS carbondata
LOCATION 'hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_carbon_par';

step2: Execute add segment sql.

SQLIs SuccessError Message
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/’,‘format’=‘parquet’,‘partition’=‘day:int,hour:int,type:int’);Yes/
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_orc_par/’,‘format’=‘orc’,‘partition’=‘day:int,hour:int,type:int’);Yes/
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0’,‘format’=‘parquet’,‘partition’=‘day=20211123 and hour=12 and type=0’);NoError in query: invalid partition option: Map(path -> hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0, format -> parquet, partition -> day=20211123 and hour=12 and type=0)
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0’,‘format’=‘parquet’,‘partition’=‘day=20211123,hour=12,type=0’);NoError in query: invalid partition option: Map(path -> hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0, format -> parquet, partition -> day=20211123,hour=12,type=0)
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0’,‘format’=‘parquet’);NoError in query: partition option is required when adding segment to partition table
alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0’,‘format’=‘parquet’,‘partition’=‘day:int,hour:int,type:int’);NoERROR SparkSQLDriver: Failed in [alter table default.log_carbon_par add segment options (‘path’= ‘hdfs://bieremayi/user/hive/warehouse/log_parquet_par/day=20211123/hour=12/type=0’,‘format’=‘parquet’,‘partition’=‘day:int,hour:int,type:int’)]

step3: Result check.

SHOW SEGMENTS FOR TABLE default.log_carbon_par;
IDStatusLoad Start TimeLoad Time TakenPartitionData SizeIndex SizeFile Format
4Success2021-11-29 17:59:40.8197.026S{day=20211123,hour=12,type=1}, ...xxxxxxcolumnar_v3
3Success2021-11-29 16:34:28.1060.418S{day=20211123,hour=12,type=0}xxxNAorc
2Success2021-11-29 16:34:27.7330.222S{day=20211123,hour=12,type=1}xxxNAorc
1Success2021-11-29 16:30:17.2070.275S{day=20211123,hour=12,type=0}xxxNAparquet
0Success2021-11-29 16:30:16.480.452S{day=20211123,hour=12,type=1}xxxNAparquet

Changes to tablestatus file

Carbon adds the new segment by adding segment information to tablestatus file. In order to add the path and format information to tablestatus, we are going to add segmentPath and format to the tablestatus file. And any extra options will be added to the segment file.

Changes to Spark Integration

During select query carbon reads data through RDD which is created by CarbonDatasourceHadoopRelation.buildScan, This RDD reads data from physical carbondata files and provides data to spark query plan. To support multiple formats per segment basis we can create multiple RDD using the existing Spark file format scan class FileSourceScanExec . This class can generate scan RDD for all spark supported formats. We can union all these multi-format RDD and create a single RDD and provide it to spark query plan.

Note: This integration will be clean as we use the sparks optimized reading, pruning and it involves whole codegen and vector processing with unsafe support.

Changes to Presto Integration

CarbondataSplitManager can create the splits for carbon and as well as for other formats and choose the page source as per the split.

Impact on existed feature

Count(*) query: In case if the segments are mixed with different formats then driver side optimization for count(*) query will not work so it will be executed on executor side.

Index DataMaps: Datamaps like block/blocklet datamap will only work for carbondata format segments so there would not be any driver side pruning for other formats.

Update/Delete: Update & Delete operations cannot be allowed on the table which has mixed formats But it can be allowed if the external segments are added with carbondata format.

Compaction: The other format segments cannot be compacted but carbondata segments inside that table will be compacted.

Show Segments: Now it shows the format and path of the segment along with current information.

Delete Segments & Clean Files: If the segment to be deleted is external then it will not be deleted physically. If the segment is present internally only will be deleted physically.

MV DataMap: These datamaps can be created on the mixed format table without any impact.