blob: 024c54b311c3847e4a14dc099e9e98ec9cdc0a3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{ UnaryNode, _ }
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.optimizer.CarbonDecoderRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.CarbonAliasDecoderRelation
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.CommonUtil
* Top command
case class Top(count: Int, topOrBottom: Int, dim: NamedExpression, msr: NamedExpression,
child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode {
def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
override def references: AttributeSet = {
val list = List(dim, msr)
object getDB {
def getDatabaseName(dbName: Option[String], sqlContext: SQLContext): String = {
* Shows Loads in a table
case class ShowLoadsCommand(databaseNameOp: Option[String], table: String, limit: Option[String])
extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = {
Seq(AttributeReference("SegmentSequenceId", StringType, nullable = false)(),
AttributeReference("Status", StringType, nullable = false)(),
AttributeReference("Load Start Time", TimestampType, nullable = false)(),
AttributeReference("Load End Time", TimestampType, nullable = false)())
* Describe formatted for hive table
case class DescribeFormattedCommand(sql: String, tblIdentifier: TableIdentifier)
extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] =
Seq(AttributeReference("result", StringType, nullable = false)())
case class CarbonDictionaryCatalystDecoder(
relations: Seq[CarbonDecoderRelation],
profile: CarbonProfile,
aliasMap: CarbonAliasDecoderRelation,
isOuter: Boolean,
child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
abstract class CarbonProfile(attributes: Seq[Attribute]) extends Serializable {
def isEmpty: Boolean = attributes.isEmpty
case class IncludeProfile(attributes: Seq[Attribute]) extends CarbonProfile(attributes)
case class ExcludeProfile(attributes: Seq[Attribute]) extends CarbonProfile(attributes)
case class CreateDatabase(dbName: String, sql: String) extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
case class DropDatabase(dbName: String, isCascade: Boolean, sql: String)
extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
case class UseDatabase(sql: String) extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
case class ProjectForUpdate(
table: UnresolvedRelation,
columns: List[String],
children: Seq[LogicalPlan] ) extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = Seq.empty
case class UpdateTable(
table: UnresolvedRelation,
columns: List[String],
selectStmt: String,
filer: String) extends LogicalPlan {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = Seq.empty
case class DeleteRecords(
statement: String,
table: UnresolvedRelation) extends LogicalPlan {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[AttributeReference] = Seq.empty
case class ShowPartitions(
table: TableIdentifier) extends LogicalPlan {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = CommonUtil.partitionInfoOutput
* A logical plan representing insertion into Hive table.
* This plan ignores nullability of ArrayType, MapType, StructType unlike InsertIntoTable
* because Hive table doesn't have nullability for ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT types.
case class InsertIntoCarbonTable(
table: CarbonDatasourceRelation,
partition: Map[String, Option[String]],
child: LogicalPlan,
overwrite: Boolean,
ifNotExists: Boolean)
extends LogicalPlan with Command {
override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = child :: Nil
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = Seq.empty
// This is the expected schema of the table prepared to be inserted into,
// including dynamic partition columns.
val tableOutput = table.carbonRelation.output