blob: 2b79643984f9ce2a5909bab9b23e0e6e369b7003 [file] [log] [blame]
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In order to run the integration tests you need a Salesforce Developer
# account. You can get a Salesforce Developer account by visiting
# and sign up for one.
# The connected application can be created for you by running the
# migrations from Maven, run:
# $ mvn -Pintegration antrun:run@setup-salesforce-instance
# from camel-salesforce-component directory, or you can setup your own
# connected application by going to your Salesforce Developer account
# and under Apps in Build and Create sections click New in Connected
# Apps section. Fill in the required fields and in the API (Enable OAuth
# Settings) section thick Enable OAuth Settings and move all scopes from
# Available OAuth Scopes to Selected OAuth Scopes.
# For Callback URL you can use:
# it's not needed by the REST API used by the Camel Salesforce
# component but it makes it easier to obtain the refresh token.
# From there make note of the parameters and fill in below:
# You can leave the authentication type undefined the component
# auto-determines the type by the specified properties, or you can force
# the authentication type to be of certain type if you have specified
# properties that conform to multiple authenticationt types and the
# aut-determination does not make sense
# salesforce.auth.type = USERNAME_PASSWORD
# This is the Consumer Key of the connected application
# This `` is setup by the migration run at the start of
# integration tests (when run from Maven):
# = 3MVG9HxRZv05HarQ5D2to.ylPaUg7uaFqGqE2wN6_RRaHM9PTa3SWT8UwKJzXAyCujHrfObkUy7oZqiBUyfGl
# = <Your Consumer Key>
# This is Consumer Secret of the connected application
# If you use the above clientId (3MV...Gl) get the Consumer Secret from
# your Salesforce instance after migration run, access your Salesforce
# instance and get the Consumer Secret from there for
# CamelSalesforceIntegrationTests connected application
salesforce.client.secret = <Your Consumer Secret>
# This is the username for the Salesforce account, you can use your own
# developer account, or add another user to your Salesforce instance,
# but make sure that it has administrative rights
salesforce.username = <Your Salesforce username>
# You can use refresh token instead of username and password parameters
salesforce.refreshToken = <Your Refresh token>
# Password of the user above, if you're using security tokens, generate
# one and append it to the end of the password
salesforce.password = <Your Salesforce password>[Your security token, if used]
# For JWT OAuth flow don't specify password and refreshToken and specify
# the following properties:
# path to the keystore
# type of the keystore
# password of the keystore
# JCE provider of the keystore
# This should be, change if appropriate
salesforce.login.url =