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  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Widget and Gadget Example - Apache ActiveMQ Artemis


This example shows the Widget and Gadget use-case from the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. It is similar to the other Widget and Gadget example, but uses Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, the next generation message broker from ActiveMQ.

The example provides a simple order system, where incoming orders, is routed to either a widget or gadget inventory system, for further processing. The example uses the most famous pattern from the EIP book, which is the Content Based Router.

The example is implemented in plain Java without using any kind of application server but just a plain old Java Main.

Camel component used in this example

  • camel-core
  • camel-jms


You will need to build this example first:

mvn install

Install ActiveMQ Artemis

To automate downloading, unpacking and configuration of Apache ActiveMQ Artemis with latest defined version a special profile is added. It's necessary to run following Maven command for do this during example install:

mvn install -P artemis

Run ActiveMQ Artemis

To start configured ActiveMQ Artemis instance in a shell use:

$ target/artemis-instance/bin/artemis run

Which startup ActiveMQ Artemis in the foreground and keeps it running until you hit ctrl+c to shutdown ActiveMQ Artemis.

Run Camel

The Camel application connects to the message broker on url: tcp://localhost:61616. The url can be changed in the source code.

When the ActiveMQ Artemis broker is running, then you can run this example using:

mvn compile exec:java

When the Camel application runs, you should see 2 orders being processed and logged to the console, with an output similar to:

2019-04-26 11:04:27,154 [sumer[newOrder]] INFO  gadget                         - Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: ...<order>  <customerId>456</customerId>  <product>gadget</product>  <amount>3</amount></order>]
2019-04-26 11:04:27,162 [sumer[newOrder]] INFO  widget                         - Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: ...<order>  <customerId>123</customerId>  <product>widget</product>  <amount>2</amount></order>]

You can access the ActiveMQ Artemis web console using http://localhost:8161/console and then browse the queues. The user name and password for accessing the console are setup when creating the broker instance and are, in this example, set to admin and admin respectively.

You should see the three queues:

  • newOrder
  • widget
  • gadget

The Camel application can be stopped pressing ctrl+c in the shell.


The Camel application is configured in the src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/ file.

Forum, Help, etc

If you hit an problems please let us know on the Camel Forums

Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy!

The Camel riders!