blob: 2b9a12f8f9fd9f2dd9841da10626b7f58c7cefb4 [file] [log] [blame]
Camel uses a Java _Domain Specific Language_ or DSL for creating
link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[Enterprise Integration
Patterns] or Routes in a variety of domain-specific
languages (DSL) as listed below.
* Java DSL - A Java based DSL using the fluent
builder style.
* Spring XML - A XML based DSL in Spring XML files
* Blueprint XML - A XML based
DSL in OSGi Blueprint XML files
* Rest DSL - A DSL to define REST services using a
REST style in either Java or XML.
* Groovy DSL - A Groovy based DSL using Groovy
programming language
* Scala DSL - A Scala based DSL using Scala
programming language
* Annotation DSL - Use annotations in Java
*[Kotlin DSL] -
*Work in progress* - Currently developed outside ASF, but will we
included later in Camel when Kotlin and the DSL is ready.
The main entry points for the DSL are
* CamelContext for creating a Camel routing
* RouteBuilder for creating a collection of
routes using the routing DSL
See Also
For more examples of the DSL in action see
* link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[Enterprise Integration
* Examples
* Routes