tree: 9f635720d44ad97cdd0b73554bd2a3506e26bf39 [path history] [tgz]
  1. client/
  2. images/
  3. service1/
  4. service2/
  5. pom.xml

Zipkin Example


This example shows how to use Camel with Zipkin to trace/timing all incoming and outgoing Camel messages.

The example requires a running Zipkin Server.

The example includes three sub maven modules that implement

  • client
  • service1
  • service2

Where client -> service1 -> service2 using HTTP.


Service1 is configured in the src/main/java/sample/camel/ source code. Service2 is configured in the src/main/resources/ properties file.

Here you need to configure the hostname and port number for the Zipkin Server.


You will need to compile this example first:

$ mvn compile

Run the example

Then using three different shells and run service1 and service2 before the client.

$ cd service1
$ mvn compile spring-boot:run

When service1 is ready then start service2

$ cd service2
$ mvn compile camel:run

And then start the client that calls service1 every 30th seconds.

$ cd client
$ mvn compile camel:run

Zipkin web console

You should be able to visualize the traces and timings from this example using the Zipkin Web Console. The services are named service1 and service2.

In the screen shot below we are showing a trace of a client calling service1 and service2.

Zipkin Web Console Trace Details

You can then click on each span and get annotated data from the Camel exchange and about the requests as shown:

Zipkin Web Console Span Details

Installing Zipkin Server

The quickest way to get Zipkin started is to fetch the latest released server as a self-contained executable jar.

wget -O zipkin.jar ''

.. and then run it

java -jar zipkin.jar

Finally, browse to http://localhost:9411 to find traces!

Installing Zipkin Server using Docker

If you want to try Zipkin locally then you quickly try that using Docker.

There is a quickstart guide at zipkin that has further instructions. Remember to configure the IP address and port number in the file.

You can find the IP using docker-machine ls

Forum, Help, etc

If you hit an problems please let us know on the Camel Forums

Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy!

The Camel riders!